A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, you lose weight and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing and continued wellness. 

While taking a multi-vitamin/ multi-mineral supplement, fish oil supplement, probiotics and supplemental calcium (for women) is a good idea, your daily vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients should be mostly obtained by eating a nutritious diet.  Moreover, include as much fresh food as possible. And avoid processed or fast food as much as possible.  You may prevent cancer and help your body fight toxins by doing all of this. 

Your diet for general wellness and reducing inflammation in your body could start by following the modified basic four food guide.  Meiri Chiropractic offers chiropractic care as well as tips for healthy living, including a diet plan. We can help you make good eating choices so that you stay fit.


What is the Modified Basic Four Food Guide?

Firstly, food group guides have been used to help classify foods eaten into groups.  These groups represent elements of a balanced adequate diet.  However, the following doesn’t apply to pregnant or lactating women.

Secondly, serving size may be adjusted to match your calorie needs (e.g. athletes).  U.S. Adult Intake for calories are the following:

men: 1200 to 5000 kcal/day range, 2500 average

women: 700 to 3000 kcal/day range, 1500 average

Thirdly, when establishing your regular diet consider the basic food groups. Moreover, you may find it easier to eat a well-rounded diet by noting this reference.  Each group can provide you with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body requires to stay healthy.

Summary of Modified Basic Four Food Guide


Dairy Products- 2-3 servings per day

Dairy products are excellent sources of protein, vitamin B12, calcium and zinc.  You should seek low fat sources. Additionally, yogurt and kefir contain beneficial probiotics, which help keep your digestive system healthy. If you are lactose intolerant or just don’t tolerate dairy you should of course avoid it.

Animal Proteins, 2 servings per day

Animal proteins are excellent sources of protein, vitamin B6, B12, iron, zinc, chromium, and selenium. You should seek low-fat sources. Lean meats include all beef, poultry, and fish.  Eggs are also in this group. And if you are vegetarian, you can get protein from plants (increase plant protein servings).  

Plant Proteins, 2 servings per day

Plant proteins (legumes, nuts, seeds) are excellent sources of vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, iron, copper manganese, chromium, and dietary fiber.  Also, tofu (calcium sulfate set) is a great source of calcium.  A half-cup of firm tofu delivers 860 milligrams of calcium, or 66% of the recommended daily intake.

Whole Grain Products, 4 or more servings per day

Whole grain products (not white flour, white rice, etc.) are excellent sources of vitamin B6, manganese, chromium, selenium and dietary fiber. And refined grain products are missing the above nutrients.  Therefore, a  majority of grain foods you eat should be whole grain, cutting out processed and packaged products as much as possible. Grains make up a wide range of foods such as wheat and corn.  Lastly, if you are gluten sensitive try oats, rice, and quinoa. And you can eat grains whole or ground into flour to make bread, pasta, noodles, and cereals. 


Total Fruits and Vegetables, 4 or more servings per day.

The following special subcategories apply:


Dark Green Vegetables,  1 or more servings per day

Includes broccoli, brussels sprouts, dark lettuces and cabbages, spinach, dark leafy greens (collards, turnip greens, etc). These are excellent sources of vitamins A, E, and C, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, chromium and dietary fiber.

Vitamin C Foods, 1 or more servings per day

Includes citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, melons, strawberries, dark green leafy vegetables.  These are excellent sources of vitamin E, folic acid and dietary fiber.

Polyunsaturated Oils, 1 Serving per day

Includes most non-tropical plant and fish oils.  This is an excellent source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids.  You should avoid rancid oils that have been heated or stored too long (beyond shelf life).


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Chiropractic and Your Diet: Modified Basic Four Food Guide

According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ (Nabco’s) Practice Analysis of Chiropractic 2015 “Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is able to achieve and maintain health through its own natural recuperative powers, provided it has a properly functioning nervous system and receives the necessary health maintenance components. These components include adequate nutrition, water, rest exercise and clean air”.

Your chiropractor in West Palm Beach will adjust your spine to improve the relationship between the spine and nervous system, which affects the function of all the organs and systems in your body. She will educate you on how to prevent future suffering by learning and implementing a lifestyle for health self enhancement.  In this regard, we may give take home exercises, recommend ergonomic changes and nutritional changes.  Call Dr. Natalie Meiri, your chiropractor in West Palm Beach at 561-253-8984 to find out more about Chiropractic and Your Diet: Modified Basic Four Food Guide or to schedule an appointment.



From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

This was a 34 year old male patient with a chief complaint of pain which he described as “stiffness” and dull in his neck and back. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call him Ted instead of his real name. Ted was an active duty military/law enforcement officer who was currently working on a boat for a few weeks.  He stated the rocking and constant motion of the boat made his gait unnatural.  Recently, he started experiencing “stiffness” and decreased range of motion.

In the past, Ted had also injured his left glenohumeral (shoulder) joint.  So this had happened 5 years ago and he had physical therapy for it.  Furthermore, he stated from time to time it seemed to “act up”.  Ted was an avid long distance runner and had to exercise/train regularly for his military career. He stated he came to see me before “things got really bad”.

Ted’s Examination

Upon examination Ted had decreased range of motion in his cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), lumbar (low back) and left glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. Although there were no positive orthopedic or neurological tests, Ted definitely had areas of chiropractic subluxations (joint restrictions).  These subluxations were found by inspection/observation and palpation (static and motion) which revealed tender intersegmental dysfunction.  Additionally, soft tissues/muscles needing manipulation were located via deep digital palpation. Indeed, Ted’s condition was diagnosed as the Joint Subluxation/Dysfunction Syndrome (JSDS).


Ted’s Treatment

Firstly, Ted received chiropractic adjustments/ manipulation to his neck, spine and left shoulder along with soft tissue work (myofascial release, pressure point and various post-isometirc relaxation procedures).  Secondly, recommendations were made on nutrition and posture. Thirdly, therapeutic exercises for stretching and strengthening were given.

Ted responded to his chiropractic treatment.  Moreover, he had increased range of motion and less stiffness immediately following his first visit.  He was to return in 2 weeks for a follow up.


What is the Chiropractic Subluxation/ Joint Subluxation/Dysfunction Syndrome (JSDS)?

A Joint Subluxation/Dysfunction Syndrome (JSDS) diagnosis is defined by a combination of signs and symptoms for dysfunction of spinal, pelvic, or peripheral (limb) joints. It is a functional (biomechanical) diagnosis, not a structural (pathoanatomic) diagnosis. If you have JSDS, your spinal and peripheral motion segments and associated soft tissues are the source of your symptoms.

The chiropractic subluxation is the alteration of the normal dynamic, anatomic, or physiologic relationships of contiguous (neighboring) articular (joint) structures. It is a motion segment in which alignment, movement integrity, or physiologic function is altered.  However, the contact between the joint surfaces remains intact.  So the ORTHOPEDIC SUBLUXATION term which means a partial or incomplete dislocation, is different from the chiropractic subluxation.

And this aberrant relationship between two adjacent articular structures may have functional or pathologic sequelae (consequence of disease). The chiropractic subluxation can ultimately cause an alteration in the biomechanical or neurophysiologic changes to occur not only to your articular structures, but also your entire body systems.


Meiri Chiropractic in
West Palm Beach, FL

Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens and North Palm Beach offers chiropractic treatment for  various ailments and maintenance/wellness care. Your chiropractor will examine, diagnose and determine your best course of chiropractic treatment for your condition and goals. Call us in West Palm Beach at 561-253-8984 to schedule an appointment or to find out more about The Chiropractic Subluxation and Adjustments for Athletes and Active People. Start getting the relief you need and the wellness you deserve!





A common source of pain and disability is soft tissue injury with its resultant fibrosis and loss of elasticity and strength. Soft tissue injury and fibrosis may result from acute or repetitive trauma to muscular, tendinous, myofascial, or ligamentous tissue.  Therefore,  adjustments of the joint without attention to the supporting and controlling effects of the soft tissues (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia) will likely result in recurrence of joint dysfunction (misalignment of joint).  The reason being, abnormal soft tissue patterns and presentations may persist after joint function has been restored.  Accordingly, any soft tissue problems need to be treated along with the joint dysfunction. 

Soft Tissue Manipulation (STM) techniques are defined as those physical methods applied to muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and other connective tissues with the goal of therapeutically affecting the body. This post is about Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) which is a form of soft tissue manipulation technique.

What is Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)?

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a specialized manual therapy technique that involves the use of handheld instruments to diagnose and treat soft tissue dysfunctions. For instance it helps chronic postural related problems, neck/back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, sciatica, foot pain/ plantar fasciitis, hip/knee problems, tennis elbow, hand pain and many other soft tissue injuries.  It is a non-invasive procedure that aims to improve musculoskeletal function, mobilize adhesions/scar tissue, reduce pain, and enhance the body’s natural healing processes.

IASTM may have come from gua sha, an ancient Chinese medicine therapy. This therapy used common items, such as spoons, coins, or pieces of bamboo to scrape across the affected soft tissue. Additionally, this was meant to create sha (chi energy and/or petechiae), which helped overcome blood stagnation by improving circulation.

IASTM- Benefits and Goals


  1. Stimulates tissue healing and regeneration– By increasing blood flow IASTM promotes the body’s natural healing processes. IASTM brings oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to the tissues, accelerating the healing process and reducing inflammation.
  2. Improves tissue extensibility and flexibilityBy breaking up collagen cross-links, scar tissue, and decreasing adhesions IASTM restores proper tissue extensibility and flexibility. Furthermore, this improves range of motion and enhances joint function.  Ultimately, it alleviates pain associated with restricted movement.
  3. Modulates pain perceptionBy stimulating sensory nerve receptors in the skin and underlying tissues it helps modulate pain signals. So IASTM provides pain relief and provides a sense of relaxation.
  4. Breaking down scar tissue and adhesionsChronic overuse, injury and surgery can cause Scar tissue and adhesions. Next these can restrict mobility, reduce circulation and cause pain. Similarly, IASTM breaks down and remodels scar tissue. Finally, improved tissue mobility and function occur.

What to Expect?

Firstly, contemporary IASTM utilizes ergonomically designed stainless steel instruments that have various curves.  These instruments have smooth edges and come in different shapes and sizes to accommodate different areas of the body.

Secondly, the intention is to find areas of scar tissue and break them up. 

Thirdly, gentle pressure to the affected area is applied while gliding the instrument over the skin. The unique design of the instrument allows for precise targeting of specific tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. The outcome is a smoother muscle contraction, decreased tension, pain relief and healing.


Soft Tissue Manipulation Procedures and Chiropractic Adjustments at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, Florida

Probably the most well known soft tissue technique is massage (methodical, friction and kneading of the body upon bare skin). Subsequently, some chiropractors do not use manual therapy (non thrust techniques) and refer their patients for massage (i.e. Swedish, deep tissue) because of their exclusiveness  to adjustments (thrust techniques). And in the chiropractic practice, one of the functions of massage is to relax your muscles.  This prepares the irritated region for adjustments. However, they are NOT the same procedure. It fact, massage and manual therapy are a different code in insurance billing ( e.g. medicare)

What’s the Restrictive Barrier Difference?

First, massage is great for pain reduction, relaxation, improved circulation and even softens superficial fascia. However, massage is not soft tissue manipulation therapy which crosses the restrictive barrier. Many conditions require the restrictive barrier to be found and accurately engaged to provide  functional improvement.  Moreover, the barrier concept provides an important distinction between massage procedures and other Soft tissue manipulation techniques.

Second, you cannot get whichever therapy (massage) you prefer and expect the same  outcome.  Some soft tissue injuries/conditions may require a soft tissue manipulation technique beyond massage for restoration of full functional and/or structural improvement.  Also, when considering the use of treatment of certain soft tissue conditions a working knowledge of the fundamental principles behind them is necessary and helpful.  

Third, indeed, at Meiri chiropractic, we are specialists rendering our own services (adjustments along with manual therapy) after examining and diagnosing you. And Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Along with Chiropractic Adjustments are utilized at Meiri Chiropractic!


Call your West Palm Beach Chiropractor at 561-253-8984 to find out more about Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Along with Chiropractic Adjustments or to make an appointment.





From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories: Chiropractic Helps You Overcome Addiction


Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.           Posted: 8/9/23


This was a 25 year old male patient with a chief complaint of acute right sided cervical (neck)/thoracolumbar (mid/lowback) spine and right shoulder pain. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call him Kenny instead of his real name. Currently, Kenny was in an alcohol and drug rehab facility. He stated there had been a “chiropractor at the facility yesterday who gave him a 15 second crack which did nothing for him”.


Kenny had a history of multiple car accidents and falls over the years. He even had an injury last year where he had to have stitches to his right shoulder when he fell off a roof.  Kenny had been to a chiropractor in the past who combined the adjustment with soft tissue techniques and physiotherapy which gave him some relief.  Furthermore, being a recovering alcoholic, he couldn’t take any drugs for the pain. This was why he presented to my office.


Kenny’s Examination and Imaging

Upon examination he had painful spasmed muscles and tenderness all around the right shoulder, thoracolumbar (mid/lowback) spine, and cervical (neck) spine. Also, Kenny’s range of motion was limited. He wasn’t able to raise his arm past his head and could not bend forward at the waist due to pain.

His sensory examination showed a pattern of numbness and pain down his arms and legs in multiple dermatomes (areas of skin on your body that rely on specific nerve connections in your spine). Kenny had positive tests to indicate he had sprained and strained his neck, back and right shoulder.  Then he remembered during the exam he had recently been in yet another car accident. Additionally, he had chronic neuropathy in his neck and back.

His cervical (neck) x-rays showed loss of cervical lordosis (straightening) consistent with cervical myospasm for a sprain.  His thoracic x-ray showed a curvature with a  right convexity (abnormal curve) consistent with thoracic myospasm. If he wasn’t responding to care in a month, I would order a M.R. I. (magnetic resonance image).


Substance abuse, addiction and Chiropractic

Firstly, substance abuse and addiction are universally recognized as diseases that disrupt and damage neurotransmitters in the brain, causing a disturbance to production levels of chemicals.  Misalignments (chiropractic subluxation/fixation) in the spine interfere with normal functioning of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine. Chiropractic adjustments correct and normalize functioning in the nervous system.  Moreover, chiropractic care eases stress, and anxiety. Ultimately, chiropractic affects an addict’s thoughts and emotions to improve positively.  Without improvement, the feelings of anxiety, depression, and mood swings results in an uncontrollable compulsion to consume the substance of addiction.


Secondly, Chiropractic can help addicts work through pain holistically and learn healthy alternatives for pain management.  Indeed, pain is especially common in those suffering from prescription drug addiction, and often leads people to abuse medications in an attempt to control discomfort.  In fact, for many individuals suffering from addiction, physical pain is one of the primary causes of substance abuse. Developing a rehabilitation plan that treats the physical and mental dependence on drugs or alcohol is important.


Thirdly, many addicts report that, in an attempt to manage pain, they began misusing prescription pain medication.  A tolerance often builds in people who suffer from long-term pain. Therefore, they start taking more of the medication to manage discomfort. So identifying and relieving pain without the use of prescription medications is key.  Alternative therapy programs have shown to support and enhance the outcome of treatment for substance abuse and chemical dependence. In conclusion,  detox, counseling, and physical rehabilitation (chiropractic care) are all necessary elements of addiction recovery programs. 

Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts the neck of a patient


Kenny’s Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic

It is common to have pain and neuropathy in your shoulder and spine after a car accident. 

Chiropractic manipulative treatment techniques rendered to Kenny’s right shoulder and spine treated the sprain/strain.

Our other therapies, such as soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercise, electric muscle stimulation, ice/ heat therapies and homeopathic consultations provided additional relief. It took a few months of care, but Kenny was pain free and got his range of motion back.  Kenny is continuing his chiropractic care in his hometown following his discharge/graduation from the addiction facility.


 Chiropractic Helps You Overcome Addiction

At Meiri Chiropractic we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have.  Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition.  We have been offering effective chiropractic care in Palm Beach county since 2006.  Many of our patient reviews note our excellence.  Call us today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic Helps You Overcome Addiction.



Chiropractic physicians are “primary contact providers” which means you can go directly to your chiropractor for an examination, diagnosis and treatment. In Florida, there is a large scope of practice besides from spinal and extremity (limb) adjustments (chiropractic joint manipulation): various manual therapies, physiologic therapeutics, exercise, nutritional/dietary counseling, and natural medicine (e.g. homeopathy).  Although there is a great difference in each chiropractor’s practice, nearly all utilize manual therapy with an emphasis on adjusting techniques.


What is Manual Therapy?

Manual therapy includes all procedures that use the hands to mobilize, adjust, manipulate, create traction, or massage the somatic (joint or soft tissue) or visceral structures of the body.

The aim is to get joint motion through either nonthrust techniques (mobilization) or thrust techniques (chiropractic adjustment/ thrust manipulation). Furthermore, these procedures improve range of motion as well as the quality of motion.  So by normalizing function, the pain goes away. Indeed, manual therapy is a treatment for Neuromusculoskeletal disorders with joint pain and dysfunction. 


Dr, Meiri adjusts a patient


The Chiropractic ADJUSTMENT


Central to the practice of chiropractic, it is the chiropractor’s specialty. Moreover, adjusting procedures are a key distinguishing feature of chiropractic practice. Chiropractors commonly use such procedures to influence joint and neurophysiologic function.

However, most chiropractors do not limit their practices to solely adjustments. Many conditions require additional therapy (e.g. electric muscle stimulation, soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercise, ice/heat therapy, lifestyle/nutritional/ergonomic counseling, homeopathy).


Chiropractic Technique


More than 100 different named chiropractic technique systems have been developed within the chiropractic profession. These systems are a wide variety of diverse procedures: thrust and nonthrust joint manipulation/adjustment, soft tissue manipulation, manual or motorized traction, etc. And they all involve force, leverage, direction, amplitude, and velocity.

Many chiropractors do not equate an adjustment with a thrust. In fact, some chiropractic technique systems do not incorporate thrust procedures at all.  However, it is the thrust attribute that is a central distinguishing feature of the chiropractic adjustment. What’s more, the amplitude and velocity of the adjustive thrust vary depending on the patient’s need and condition (e.g high velocity–low amplitude (HVLA) force of controlled velocity, depth, and direction).

Certainly, the adjustment is a specific form of direct articular manipulation, using either long-or short-leverage techniques with specific contacts characterized by a dynamic thrust of controlled velocity, amplitude, and direction.


Some Techniques


Flexion Distraction (COX) Technique/Motorized Lumbar Distraction/ Manual or Motorized Cervical Traction


First, Flexion-distraction is a mechanically assisted form of joint mobilization or distraction. It has been advanced in chiropractic by the work of chiropractor James Cox.

Second, Motorized Lumbar (low back) Distraction can be used to assist in the production of lumbar traction. Traction to the lumbar spine is applied in the prone (face down) position while the pelvic section of the table produces continuous passive motion in the long axis of the spine.

Third, Manual Cervical (neck) traction can be applied manually or with mechanical assistance. Manual cervical traction is generally accomplished with the patient in the supine (face up) position.

Fourth, Traction and Distraction techniques restore normal physiological range of motion to the cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back) and lumbar (low back) spinal joints. The manipulation is a gentle, non-force adjusting procedure that works with the body’s natural design to aid in healing.

Finally, these techniques transfer metabolites into the spinal disc, decrease intradiscal pressure and decompress inflamed or compressed spinal nerve roots.


Diversified Chiropractic Technique

This is one of the most commonly used techniques in chiropractic. It involves application of “a short (low-amplitude), quick (high-velocity) thrust over restricted joints (one at a time). Of course the goal is to restore normal range of motion in the spine and extremity joints.

Musculoskeletal disorders, Migraine headaches, Pregnancy-related issues, ​inward curvature of the neck are all conditions which respond to this technique. 


Thompson Technique

Thompson Technique uses an adjusting table with a pneumatically driven, segmented drop system.  Next using minimal force, the doctor thrusts at high speed, allowing the fast drop to carry the joint through its range of motion. It is a gentle and effective technique.


Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

It was developed by Bertrand DeJarnette, DC. SOT believes adjusting one segment of the spine can cause change in another.

Dr. DeJarnette theorized that structural changes of the cranial bones could affect the movement of cerebrospinal fluid. Thus, SOT addresses the positioning of the cranial bones using a method called craniopathy.

SOT addresses pelvic subluxations by blocking. This involves blocks placed beneath the pelvis with the patient lying face-up. Above all, SOT integrates with other chiropractic systems, allowing for use of a variety of techniques within the SOT system.


Instrument Adjusting

A small handheld spring-loaded adjusting instrument is used.  It delivers a controlled and reproducible impulse to the spine and extremities.  This is an alternative to manual manipulation of the spine or extremity joints. Surely, Instrument Adjusting has grown to become one of the most commonly used in today’s practice (National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Survey, 2000). Similarly, this technique offers the flexibility to perform a chiropractic adjustment on a variety of patients, regardless of age or condition.



Chiropractic in West Palm Beach: Various Adjustments and Techniques


Dr. Natalie Meiri is a graduate of New York Chiropractic College (NYCC).  And all the techniques above are part of the NYCC curriculum.   In addition to joint manipulation and adjustment to the spine and peripheral joints, at Meiri Chiropractic, we use soft tissue procedures, hot and cold modalities, stretching exercises, rehabilitation exercises, and homeopathic consultations.

At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have. Through regular chiropractic visits, you can get pain relief and improve function. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition.  Meiri Chiropractic has been offering effective chiropractic care in Palm Beach county since 2006.  Many of our patient reviews note our excellence.  Call us today at 561-253-8984 in West Palm Beach to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic in West Palm Beach: Various Adjustments and Techniques.





A common reason why you have joint fixation/ chiropractic subluxation and dysfunction is due to the soft tissue surrounding your joints.  Injury to this soft tissue can result in fibrosis and loss of elasticity and strength.  Acute (sudden and intense) and repetitive trauma to muscular, tendinous, fascia or ligamentous tissue results in fibrosis (thickening or scarring of the tissue). Read on to find out Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury.


Inflammatory Response

Whatever injury you experience, an inflammatory response happens which accumulates extracellular exudates (pus) and blood. Exudate is fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into nearby tissues. This fluid is made of cells, proteins, and solid materials.  Platelets (clotting cells) then release thrombin (enzyme in blood plasma which causes the clotting of blood) converting fibrinogen into fibrin.  Then this organizes into collagenous scar tissue.  In conclusion, a variety of soft tissue and articular (joint) adhesions result.

The adhesions can be often excessive in the case of traumatic neuromusculoskeletal injuries.  Therefore, early chiropractic treatment will limit the extent of the inflammatory response leading to the articular adhesions. So the goal in this phase of treatment would be to reduce pain, muscle spasm and to promote early pain free repair. 

Connective Tissue Repair

Firstly, the exudates that form from injury and inflammation set the stage for the next step in the process of connective tissue repair. Exudates provide the basis for the development of granulation tissue (new healing tissue) and scar formation.  Secondly, the formation of granulation tissue is predominantly carried out by the proliferation of fibroblasts (connective tissue producing cells).  And collagen tissue is produced and placed in the repair area. Thirdly, at first, the collagen is not well placed and additional collagen cross linkages along lines of stress are deposited to improve strength in the area.  Fourthly, the repair and remodeling process may take months.  However, without treatment, it may result in less than optimal healing of the involved tissue.  This will mean less range of motion and strength in the injured area.


Myofascial Cycle

Painful conditions triggering persistent muscle hypotoncity (decreased muscle tone) are additional sources of restricted joint motion.  Muscle spasm/contraction  may be a source of pain and muscle hypotoncity.  Moreover, the joint’s surrounding muscles may splint and block (passive) joint movement.  The muscle splinting may be a protective reaction to the injured area. Continued persistent contractions after awhile may develop into muscle contractures.  And this is due to adaptational shortening and loss of elasticity from disuse.

Furthermore, muscle strain may lead to pain which leads to muscle splinting and vasoconstriction.  And this leads to retained metabolites and edema (inflammation). Vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) ischemia (inadequate blood supply) leads to joint dysfunction and myofascial syndromes.  Additionally, sustained contraction of muscles leads to fibrous reactions and finally soft tissue contractions, persistent join and somatic (body) dysfunction.


Muscle Strain

Muscle strain leads to pain, which leads to muscle splinting, which leads to retained metabolites and edema (inflammation). 

Ailments capable of producing acute muscle contraction or muscle strain are:  physical trauma, structural inadequacies, visceral (organ) disease, emotional distress/tension, uncoordinated movements, exposure to cold, Repetitive use, chronic postural stress, exposure to cold.



Inappropriate immobilization (preventing movement) slows the process of recovery.  It leads to a loss of strength, flexibility and potential intra-articular (joint) adhesions.  Immobilization also leads to dehydration of the joint causing further problems. Chiropractic adjustments will increase flexibility and restore motion after an injury. Then your pain and inflammation will go away. Indeed, immediate and appropriate chiropractic care provides the best chance for optimal healing and an early return to your sport or life activities. 


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury: Chiropractic Restores Motion

Spinal and extremity (limbs) adjustments along with recommendations from your chiropractor regarding stretching and strengthening exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle changes can successfully treat a number of common, chronic and acute injuries. Besides from becoming a peak performance athlete, regular chiropractic care will help with digestion, improve sleep, and increase energy. Regular chiropractic adjustments help avoid many of the disorders that take shape as illness.

Are you looking to get out of pain fast, perform better and reduce injuries? Dr. Natalie Meiri, a chiropractor in West Palm Beach can definitely help you! Call 561-253-8984 today to make an appointment or to find out more about Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury .



A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing, continued wellness and peak performance.

In this post we will look at Sports Nutrition: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.

  1. Calories


Firstly, athletes training for a competition need more calories than the average person. Early fatigue, muscle tissue loss and amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods for 3 months or more) in women may occur with inadequate calorie intake. Some athletes will decrease calorie intake to compete in lower weight categories or to attain certain body shapes.  This can impair performance and have other side effects.


Secondly, programs for weight gain or weight loss should be gradual with a 2 lb/wk change. And the change should improve lean to fat ratio (lean tissue to body fat) of body composition.


Thirdly, you can use a formula for finding the ideal energy/calorie requirements: body weight  x  C (30 for kids and 24 for adults) + type of exercise:

golf 3.6-4.8, baseball 4.1-5.3, basketball 6.0-8.5, dancing 3.6-4.8, running 9.7-17.2, swimming 3.4-9.7, tennis 6.0-8.5, wrestling 11.1 and walking 2.9-5.8, rowing 12.0, volleyball 4.8-8.5, soccer 7.8, cycling 4.8-9.7, football 7.3, mountain climbing 8.7, skating 4.8-8.7, skiing downhill 8.5, skiing cross country 9.7, handball 8.5

  1. Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates (fiber, starches and sugars) are important for athletes in intense, strenuous training.  You will need glucose to give you the energy to finish your training or competition.  It should make up a majority of your diet to sustain the activities (60-70% of total calories in the diet).  Avoid processed, refined (e.g. white flour) and high carb foods (e.g. potato chips, sugary deserts).  Choose healthier fruits, vegetables, sweet potatoes and whole grains (e.g. organic brown rice, quinoa).


  1. Protein

Typically, protein intake should be increased for most competitive athletes.  Intense training especially for muscle growth and increased strength requires more.  Furthermore, it’s best if protein increase is achieved through the normal (15%-30%) protein diet with adequate calorie intake.  Try high quality protein such as lean poultry and eggs. Opt for fish (e.g. salmon), high quality natural yogurt (probiotic source), and vegetable protein (e.g. beans).  Of course, protein supplements (e.g. whey protein)  can assist. 


  1. Fats

Due to the increased amount of carbohydrates and protein needed by the athlete, fat intake has to be limited.  Therefore, fats should represent less than 30% of the diet.  But you do need fats for many important processes such as muscle movement and reducing inflammation. So saturated fat (e.g. butter, fatty meats) should be kept below 10% due to the many health risks.

Eat good fats such as monounsaturated (e.g. extra virgin olive oil, avocados) and polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 and 6). Consume salmon and chia seeds for Omega 3 fats.  And examples of plant based omega 6 fats include flaxseeds and walnuts.


  1. Fluid

Dehydration can decrease athletic performance.  Intense exercise causes significant loss of water mostly through perspiration.  And exercising in very hot weather and/or humidity makes you sweat more.  High exercise intensity, high air temperature and high relative humidity conditions can lead to hyperthermia.  Hyperthermia  also called heatstroke, is a condition in which a body gets so hot that it can no longer cool itself.  Hyperthermia affects sports performance by reducing muscular endurance/ contractions.  It changes the way the body generates energy.  Indeed, staying hydrated is detrimental to peak performance and avoiding hyperthermia.


Dehydration occurs when athletes don’t drink enough before competition and training or can’t drink enough during it to replace the water lost through sweating.  Athletes should drink one to two cups of water 2 hours before exercise and again 15 minutes before to hydrate the tissues.  During exercise, 4- 8 oz of water every 15 minutes should be taken depending on intensity and climate conditions. Bottom line, athletes should drink at least 10 ounces or 10 cups of water throughout the day. 


  1. Electrolytes


With exercise lasting many hours, electrolyte loss may be significant.  Especially with ultra endurance sports having over 4 hours of activity, electrolyte replacement becomes necessary.  Many sports drinks supply the necessary electrolyte amount. The following is a home made remedy:  1 quart of water + ½ cup of orange juice + 1/8 tsp of salt.


Water intoxication can occur in ultra-endurance athletes drinking low-sodium fluids such as soft drinks during exercise.  Also called water poisoning, this can occur when sodium levels in the blood are dangerously low.  This can be life threatening for athletes who participate in marathons or triathlons.  Sports drinks utilized in training and competition should contain at least 230 mg of sodium, 195 mg of potassium and 355 mg of chloride per quart. And Coconut water is a great alternative to sugary sports drinks, which often pack in extra chemicals and added ingredients.


  1. Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

First, vitamins are essential in many body functions during exercise.  Exercise also increases metabolism which increases the body’s vitamin requirements.  Deficiencies of certain vitamins may impact performance.  But if your diet is well-balanced and contains the necessary calories, most vitamins maybe obtained in sufficient quantity from your diet alone.  Similarly, increased food consumption associated with heavy training/competition minimizes deficiency risks of minerals (e.g. magnesium, iron, zinc and chromium).


Second, some studies show vitamin C and  pantothenic acid (B vitamin) may enhance exercise performance.  Vitamin E may help in repairing exercise-induced muscle tissue damage.


Third, calcium consumption is important in minimizing athletic amenorrhea (abnormal absence of menstruation), bone loss and stress fractures.


Fourth, some athletes report increased endurance with caffeine, 5 mg/kg of body weight prior to exercise.  In one research study, Chinese ginseng, 1000 mg/d enhanced sports endurance, fitness and muscular strength.  Add spinach to your  protein shake which is is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, iron, manganese and folate.  Lastly, berries (e.g. blue berries) are rich in antioxidants, which can aid in cellular regeneration, help heal muscle tissues and speed up recovery time post-workout.


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Sports Nutrition: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care


As is the case with all diets, the athlete’s diet should be compatible with long term nutritional health goals. Also, deficiency prevention or harmful excesses have to be avoided.  And depending on the particular Sport activity, special dietary changes should be made.  Finally, some athletes may have preexisting health problems or other current problems that must be addressed.

West Palm Beach Chiropractor, Dr. Natalie Meiri of Meiri Chiropractic

Dr. Natalie Meiri has treated patients for over 20 years with sports injuries.  She has been helping athletes stay active and injury free.  In addition to joint manipulation and adjustments to the spine and peripheral (limb) joints, at Meiri Chiropractic, we use soft tissue procedures, hot cold modalities, rehabilitative exercises, recommend ergonomic and nutritional changes. 

Get fast pain relief and function better from the best chiropractic clinic in West Palm Beach.  Be at your peak performance! Contact Dr. Natalie Meiri today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Sports Nutrition: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.


References: Jame Gerber, Hand book of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition, 1993

References: Handbook of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition by James M. Gerber,M.S., D.C.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing (3rd edition), Phyllis A. Balch, CNC





A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, you lose weight and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing and continued wellness. 

In this post we will look at Joint Disease: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.


  1. Nightshade-Free Diet

Certain wild plants belonging to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family are known to cause arthritis and joint pain with consumption.  When avoided, joint pains are said to subside.  This Nightshade-free diet was developed by Norman Childers, an established professor of horticulture, at Rutgers University. Around age 50 he developed arthritis and diverticulitis requiring a colostomy. Eventually he realized that nightshades triggered his arthritis pain, often within less than an hour of consumption.

The Nightshade family includes:


-potatoes (white)

-peppers (hot and sweet)




  1. Reduce Inflammation by Prostaglandin Modification

Prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) is a principal mediator (substance that transmits information between two cells, tissues, or organs) of inflammation in diseases. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds that are produced in your body to act as chemical messengers and regulators of various body processes. The body releases prostaglandins-E2 (PGE2), as an inflammatory response to disease and injury.  But in excess, chronic diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis) and cancers are in part maintained or supported by this “proinflammatory” cascade. You can pause this cascade through diet.

Firstly, reduce dietary intake of animal fats and increase intake of polyunsaturates (Omega-3 fatty acids). Your source of omega-3s can be consumed by wild-caught fish. Eat salmon once or twice a week. Plant based sources include flaxseeds and walnuts (also Omega-6 fatty acids).

Secondly, reduce your intake of saturated fat by eating less butter, cream, high fat cheese, and fatty meats. Use extra-virgin olive oil (monounsaturated) in cooking.  Additionally, include in your diet nuts and avocados (mono-saturated).  And try nut butters from almond, walnut and cashews.

Thirdly, in rheumatoid arthritis, evening primose oil (Omega-6 fatty acids), 3 to 4 g/d (grams (g) per decilitre (dL) may be of benefit.

Fourthly, Vitamin E may help reduce inflammation.  In one study, vitamin E 600 IU/d provided relief to more than half of the participants with Osteoarthritis within a week.


  1. Free Radical Activity Prevention

Scientist discovered the degenerative and inflammatory effects of oxygen radicals. A free radical is a type of unstable molecule that is made during normal cell metabolism (chemical changes in a cell). Free radicals can cause large chain chemical reactions in your body because they react so easily with other molecules.

These reactions called Oxidation is a normal and necessary process. For instance, during aerobic respiration, the oxygen taken in by a cell combines with glucose to produce energy in the form of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and the cell expels carbon dioxide and water.

However, oxidative stress emerges when an imbalance exists between free radical formation and the capability of cells to clear them. And Antioxidants are molecules that can donate an electron to a free radical without making themselves unstable.

In summary

An oxygen radical is a type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a cell. Subseqeuntly, a build up of oxygen radicals in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death.

Moreover, your diet can contribute to pro-oxidant or antioxidant conditions in your joints. To create antioxidant conditions take vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese and sulfur containing amino acids (Cysteine and Methionine). Many anti-oxidant nutrients vital to free radical protection also serve as natural chelators (Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions). Vitamins C and E and the amino acids, cysteine and methionine, help rid the body of toxic metals such as lead.


Dr. Natalie Meiri


  1. Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Numerous deficiencies or imbalances of vitamins and minerals have been noted by blood studies on rheumatoid arthritis patients. An optimal diet and broad spectrum supplement is beneficial.  Prostaglandin inhibition is important by consuming omega 3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E and bioflavonoids.  Food allergy testing should be investigated.  Allergen exclusion diets resulted in reduction or cessation of symptoms in some participants in a study. Lastly, calcium pantothenate (vitamin B6) given to rheumatoid arthritis patients showed improvement in another study.


  1. Tips for Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)


Weight loss when necessary is an effective therapy goal for osteoarthritis. You will see improvement even in your non-weight bearing joints.  Along with antioxidants, niacinamide (B3) may relieve symptoms and improve joint function.  Finally, glucosamine sulfate is a well known supplement helpful for osteoarthritis. It stimulates the rebuilding of damaged cartilage.


Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


Dr. Natalie Meiri has treated patients for over 17 years with osteoarthritis and inflammatory disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.  Dr. Natalie Meiri also adjusts arthritic joints of the extremities (limbs).  Too many people suffer with conditions that can be treated using natural and noninvasive treatments.  She will educate you on how to prevent future suffering by learning and implementing a lifestyle for health self enhancement.  In this regard, we may give take home exercises, recommend ergonomic changes and nutritional changes. 

Get fast pain relief and function better from the best chiropractic clinic in West Palm Beach.  Contact Dr. Natalie Meiri today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Joint Disease: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.


References: Jame Gerber, Hand book of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition, 1993






In today’s modern world, we have more pollution and stress in our lives.  Your body systems can become overburdened and strained from the by products and toxins of pollution. And this can lead to health problems. Moreover, illnesses such as fibromyalgia, migraine, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, and even arthritis can be better managed with detoxification.

Some examples of toxins are:

Anti-nutrients are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. For instance it could be high-fructose corn syrup, trans-fats, excess caffeine/alcohol, and processed foods.

Internal (inside your body) metabolic toxins:  nitrogen, carbon dioxide, free radicals, stool and urea (substance formed by the breakdown of protein in the liver and the kidneys filter urea).

Medications (conventional drugs) used improperly, inappropriately, or too often.

Heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, tin, and aluminum.

Chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, cleaning products, solvents, and glues.

Allergens such as certain food, mold, dust, pollen, and chemicals.

Infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites.

Furthermore, there are social, emotional, and spiritual situations that affect your well being as well:

Stress, such as lack of personal time, too much work, excessive worry, and too little rest.

Unhealthy mental states, such as addictions and overeating

Over stimulation from advertisements, radio, computers, television, smart phones.

Lack of spiritual connection, a loss of purpose or the lack of social/community.

Nature deprivation, being disconnected from natural environments.


So What is Detoxification (Elimination)?

Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances or qualities. You can do this by enhancing the eliminative body functions.  Elimination is important in order to remove the physiologic stress of accumulated metabolic waste products and environmental irritants.  Organs of detoxification include the colon, liver, kidney, skin and lungs.

 Colon (large intestine)

The colon processes food, with the help of healthy bacteria, that was not digested by the small intestine. You can improve digestion to decrease delivery of undigested food to the colon by increasing dietary fiber.  This will increase the speed of time for passage of food.  Additionally, restoring the normal flora with acidophilic cultures (e.g. probiotics) will help.


The liver is responsible for an array of functions that help support metabolism, immunity, digestion, detoxification, and vitamin storage among other functions.  To help the liver, you should have a diet low in fat, refined sugar and highly processed foods, minimal intake of alcohol, drugs, food additives and chemicals.  Furthermore, to have optimal function, you should take all the essential vitamins and minerals. Also, lipotropics (combination of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that help metabolize fat in the body) should be considered.


The kidneys are a pair of organs in the abdomen. It removes waste and extra water from the blood (as urine) and help keep chemicals (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) balanced in the body. The kidneys also make hormones that help control blood pressure and stimulate bone marrow to make red blood cells.  You can help your kidneys with a diet low in salt and moderate in protein as well as a minimal intake of drugs, food additives and chemicals.  Drink 2 (8 glasses)  quarts of plain water per day to maintain normal specific gravity (your kidneys’ ability to balance water content and excrete waste).


Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates body temperature. One of the most effective ways to detox your body naturally is through perspiring. When sweating, your body is flushing out toxins.  By maintaining freely open skin pores with regular washing with mild abrasive rubs you are detoxing. So exercise regularly as tolerated to perspire.  And steam baths or suanas are also excellent ways to detox.


Your lungs are part of the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that work together to help you breathe.  It transports oxygen and removes extra carbon dioxide.  You can increase the exchange of volatile substances with regular aerobic exercise to tolerance.  Yoga and deep breathing exercises also help.

Mind Body Connection

The mind-body connection is important. Stress is probably the most significant toxin confronting you on a daily and long-term basis. Illnesses such as fibromyalgia, migraine, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel and others can affect you more when you are stressed.

Therefore, your mind needs to detox. Here are some suggestions:  journaling, spend more time in nature and with positive people and family, meditate, take a day off if you are working too much.  Read books on being a grounded, happy and peaceful person. 


How can Chiropractic Help?

At Meiri Chiropractic we use natural healing solutions and guide you to develop a program to manage your toxin levels unique to your life situation.  These various natural strategies include chiropractic manipulative therapy/ adjustments, soft tissue techniques and homeopathic remedies. In addition, you will be given exercise and diet recommendations and important pointers on how to be healthier. 

According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ (Nabco’s) Practice Analysis of Chiropractic 2015 “Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is able to achieve and maintain health through its own natural recuperative powers, provided it has a properly functioning nervous system and receives the necessary health maintenance components. These components include adequate nutrition, water, rest exercise and clean air”.

Your chiropractor in West Palm Beach will adjust your spine to improve the relationship between the spine and nervous system. This affects the function of all the organs and systems in your body including your various detoxification systems.  Learning and implementing a lifestyle for good health and self enhancement prevents future suffering.  In this regard, we may give take home exercises, recommend ergonomic changes and nutritional changes.  Call 561-253-8984 to find out more about Chiropractic and Detoxification for Healing or to schedule an appointment.



 Why do we feel pain and how can chiropractic help?

Your sensory nervous system is what lets you feel pain. Simply put, Chiropractic helps by normalizing function and changing the way your brain processes the pain message.


Your Sensory Nervous System

Your sensory nervous system includes your neurons or nerve cells. Neurons are specialized cells that conduct electrical impulses.  Neurons have a cell body, axons and dendrites.  Axons are nerve fibers which are message sending projections. Dendrites (free nerve endings) are sensory receptors or message receiving projections.   For example, sensory receptors occur in specialized organs such as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, back as well as internal organs.


The Message of Pain

The types of sensations that are generally  relayed are: 1) pain and temperature 2) touch 3) proprioception (your sense of self movement and position)  and vibration. 


First, dendrites or free nerve endings are the primary receptors for pain and temperature. The signal is then carried to the nerve cell body in the dorsal root ganglion (sensory cell bodies ) of the spinal nerve.


Second, fibers leaving the dorsal root ganglion enter the spinal cord by accessing Lissauer’s tract. Tracts are neural pathways that are located in the brain and spinal cord. Lissauer’s tract is in the white matter tract in the spinal cordAxons in Lissauer’s tract run up and down for one or two spinal cord segments before they penetrate the gray matter of the spinal cord.  So Gray matter largely functions to receive information and regulate outgoing information, as it contains the cell bodies of neurons. White matter, which is largely composed of axons, serves to transmit signals to other regions of the brain, spinal cord, and body.


Third, the pain message synapses (connects) in the substantia gelatinosa /ventral white commissure which is in the center of the spinal cord.  Subsequently, the message ascends (goes up) on the contralateral (opposite) side of the spinothalamic tract in the spinal cord. 


Fourth, it ascends to your thalamus in the brain. Finally, it continues to the somatic sensory area of your cortex (brain).



The Somatic Sensory Area of the Brain

The somatic sensory region of the brain is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information from across the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain.  Once it has reached this part of your brain you are aware of neck, back or limb pain.

In summary, the brain and spinal cord receive messages/impulses from your sensory nerves. Then the brain sends out patterns of signals to the muscles controlling your arms, legs, and spinal movements in response. For example, if you touch a hot stove, the nerves in your skin shoot a message of pain to your brain. The brain then sends a message back telling the muscles in your hand to pull away. This all happens in an instant.


Chronic Pain

Pain that goes away once the injury has healed and is short-term is acute pain. However, sometimes, those nociceptors (pain receptors) continue to fire.  Usually this is due to either a condition that’s causing damage to your tissues or other conditions like arthritis, neuropathy or fibromyalgia. Long-term pain is chronic pain.

For example, if your joint is injured or diseased it causes signals of pain to go back and forth to the brain with little pause.   Furthermore, chronic pain can change the way your brain processes pain, laying down different pain pathways. In other words, patients who suffer from chronic pain may actually have their brains altered by the constant pain to be more sensitive to pain and feel it much more intensely than most.  Chronic pain usually requires a long-term treatment plan. The regulation of the pain experience has to be changed and new pathways need to be laid down.   Chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities help in opening up and normalizing the neural pathways.


Theories about Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

Firstly, of course chiropractic care influences the biomechanical movement patterns of the spine and extremities (limbs) and improves proprioception. It is also becoming clear that chiropractors impact brain function consistently. Additionally, studies are showing chiropractic directly impacts the so called abnormal ‘pain pathways’ in the brain and thus has an effect on a person’s perception of pain.

Secondly, chiropractic adjustments stimulate the dysfunctional tissues around your joints.  This stimulation regulates central processing and alters the perception of pain cortically (at the brain) in a ‘top-down’ manner or both..

Thirdly, a majority of the studies have shown neuroplastic effects following a chiropractic treatment.  Neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain. Moreover, the changes seen in the studies were in somatosensory (sensory system concerned with perception of touch, pressure, pain, temperature) processing, motor control and functional performance.

Fourthly, alternatively, chiropractic spinal adjustments may also alter pain perception via the neuroendocrine (nerve and hormonal) system.


Why Do We Feel Pain and How Can Chiropractic Help?

Pain is not always bad. Pain alerts you to move your hand off the hot stove.  However, chronic pain can be debilitating which is why so many people turn to pain killers to manage the pain. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Chiropractic is for people who want to move, perform better in life and be pain free.   Chiropractic is an all-natural, drug free, nonsurgical option to help people who suffer with musculoskeletal pain, both acute and chronic.

Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, North Palm Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens offers chiropractic treatment for acute and chronic pain. Do you want to be pain free? Call 561-253-8984 today to schedule an appointment.