
Chiropractor for Asthma: Chiropractic Does Help Asthma

Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.   Posted: 3/20/21


Chiropractic does not treat asthma directly. Yet many asthmatic patients receiving regular chiropractic care have found it beneficial. Read below about the chiropractor for asthma: chiropractic does help asthma.


The presentation of asthma is variable depending on the type. In a child with an allergic form of asthma, there will be recurrent episodes of wheezing, coughing, difficulty or labored breathing, and a feeling of chest tightness. These attacks may be related to exposure to an environmental allergen or may be aggravated by stress or exercise. The attacks may be occurring in the early morning. In an adult, it is common to have similar symptoms. However, the adult asthmatic will not be aware of allergies. There is often a history of a prolonged respiratory infection, exposure to occupational toxins, and/or a history of smoking.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 13 people have asthma. More than 25 million Americans have asthma.  This is 7.7 percent of adults and 8.4 percent of children.  Asthma is a leading chronic disease in children.  There is no cure for asthma, but it can be managed with proper prevention of asthma attacks and treatment.  Asthma may be rising due to rising levels of environmental pollution, food additives, genetics, toxins and allergens.


Chiropractor for Asthma:

Does Chiropractic Help Asthma?

Asthma is a multi-factorial dysfunction of the respiratory system. Nutritional, environmental, genetic, and emotional factors all play an important part in the etiology (cause) of this condition. Asthma is a lung disease that causes obstruction of the airways.  During an asthma attack, spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi (small airways in the lungs) constrict, impeding the outward passage of air. Additionally, bronchoconstriction, mucus (phlegm) production, mucosal edema (swelling), and underlying inflammation join together to cause wheezing with associated dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing).

These spasms are a result of inflammation and hypersensitivity of the airways to certain stimuli such as:

  •     Environmental allergen/pollution

              (mold, fumes, tobacco smoke, dust mites, animal dander)

  •     Food additives, chemicals, drugs
  •     Extreme cold/dry/humid air
  •     Emotional stress
  •     Exercise
  •     Respiratory infection such as bronchitis

Many studies have been done regarding chiropractic manipulation administered to the upper thoracic spine (mid back) for asthma treatment. Objective measurements were collected using a peak flow meter and subjective data using an asthma specific questionnaire etc. Some studies and literature reviews seem to provide mixed results which show the effectiveness of chiropractic, but suggest the need for further research.


Nevertheless, there are numerous anecdotal (personal account) reports of success with chiropractic management. In a study published in the Clinical Chiropractic Journal in 2012, a prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use amongst adult asthmatics which ranges from 4% to 79% was reported. Moreover, in children, it ranged from 33% to 89% which showed the effectiveness. Finally, of the various practitioner-based CAM therapies, chiropractic stood as the most popular for both children and adults.

Chiropractic Co-management of

Medically Treated Asthma

Conventional medical treatment of asthma includes avoidance of known allergens or other triggering substances, desensitization shots, and drugs.  Asthma can be life threatening sometimes, in which case, drugs are simply necessary. Nevertheless, patients are turning to chiropractic and CAM therapies since all conventional drugs carry the risk of side effects.  Also, for long term management of asthma, many patients found a combination of conventional and chiropractic more effective. Drugs are for symptom relief and only mask the problem.


In treating asthmatic patients, the objective of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy is to increase the motion of the thoracic cage (mid back), mobilize the ribs, enhance arterial supply and lymphatic return, and to affect nervous system activity. This is all to reduce the symptomatology of the patient.


Meiri Chiropractic is your chiropractor for asthma: chiropractic does help asthma

Meiri Chiropractic offers spinal manipulation to the lower cervical spine (neck), upper thoracic spine (mid back), and costovertebral joints (ribs). Furthermore, trigger-point therapy and post-isometric relaxation techniques (soft tissue technique) utilized for the hypertonic/spasmed musculature have been beneficial for our asthma patients. We also offer constitutional homeopathic treatment in conjunction with chiropractic. All asthmatics have gone through periods when symptoms were minimal, even though no obvious environmental changes had occurred. These treatments may make the periods of freedom from asthma more frequent and longer lasting. 


Asthma is  generally a deep-seated chronic illness, but that doesn’t mean the symptoms have to dominate your life.  Even though you can expect to need standard drugs at times, with regular chiropractic care overall improvement is possible.

Call Meiri Chiropractic today for your chiropractor for asthma: chiropractic does help asthma!


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