Many chiropractic doctors offer natural adjunctive therapies and supplementation proven to effectively augment chiropractic treatment. Homeopathy is included in this list.  Read on to learn how homeopathy is a natural alternative treatment used by chiropractors.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that has been used by millions of people worldwide for over 200 years.  It is prescribed and recommended by health care providers in over 65 countries.  Moreover, homeopathic medicines are used in extremely dilute concentrations that are nontoxic. And when administered according to homeopathic principles, are safe in infants, pregnant women, children, and adults.  While homeopathy is not a substitute for allopathic (conventional) medicine, it is effective and beneficial for a wide variety of acute and chronic problems such as: allergies, coughs, colds, influenzas, stress, digestive problems, migraine headaches, insomnia, arthritis pain, muscle pain, sports injury pain, chronic fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, and menopausal trouble.



Homeopathy is a natural alternative treatment used by chiropractors….Why a natural alternative?

Patients have asked for years about natural, reliable treatments without the unwanted side effects.  Conventional drugs are made from synthetic substances and can cause toxic side effects.  Homeopathic medicines are composed of herbal, mineral and animal substances.  Above all, non-invasive and non-toxic, it works by stimulating a natural healing reaction in a person. The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) regulates the remedies/medicines and pharmacies.

What does research and experience tell us?

For two centuries, homeopathy has been systematically proven by doctors’ observations of thousands of successfully treated cases.  Today, an increasing number of scientific studies are being conducted on homeopathy.  And there are 1000s of preclinical and clinical positive outcome studies.  Furthermore, many have been published in medical journals.


Celebrities that use homeopathy are numerous.  Cindy Crawford (super model) and Roger Daltrey (The Who) first discovered homeopathy because of an illness their child had, and they found that homeopathy worked where conventional medicine had not. Robin McGraw, (wife of “Dr. Phil” McGraw) used it for hot flashes of menopause.   “Cher” (singer/actress) used it for recurrent pneumonia and chronic fatigue. Tina Turner writes in her autobiography, “Life in the fast lane wore me down, changes in my diet and homeopathy saved me.” Some of the more well-known supporters of homeopathy are the royals, such as The Queen and HRH Prince Charles and more recently Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.


Sports stars/athletes who use homeopathy include: Jose Maria Olazabal(pro golfer), for rheumatoid polyarthritis (arthritis in multiple joints);  James Ellingon, the British Olympic sprinter, used homeopathy for muscle and joint pain before his competitions; the soccer star David Bekham used homeopathy for his broken foot before competing in the World Cup; Paul O’Neill, former right fielder for the Yankees; Arnie Kander, strength and conditioning coach of the NBA Detroit Pistons.


Homeopathy is a Natural Alternative Treatment Used by Chiropractors.

How do they Work Together?


Homeopathy can be used beneficially in conjunction with chiropractic. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine categorizes homeopathy as an alternate medical system because it has a complete system of theory and practice that evolved independent of the conventional biomedical (conventional medical) approach. Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., developed homeopathy beginning in the 1790’s. Classical homeopathy rests on the belief that the body is possessed of self-healing energy called the “vital force” (energy).  Also, that applying the correct homeopathic medicine can stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.


Looking at the various array of natural therapies, each one has a significant role to play in healing the body and mind. Firstly, chiropractic is on the structural/biomechanical side of the array of therapies.  For instance, soft tissue therapy/manipulation is also a “structural” therapy.  Secondly, diet and nutrition, herbal medicine, and detoxification would be on the biochemical/biological level of the array of therapies.  Thirdly, homeopathy would be on the “energetic or information” medicine level of the array of therapies.  Finally, homeopathy can depending on the potency level, work specifically on the structural/material, biochemical or subtler “information/energy” medicine levels.   


Homeopathy is a natural alternative treatment used by chiropractors such as Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens and North Palm Beach. We integrate chiropractic joint manipulation, along with physiotherapy, and patient education in diet and injury prevention.  In addition, homeopathic recommendations and prescriptions also help patients reduce healing time and minimize their pain naturally.  Contact our West Palm Beach office with any questions at 561-253-8984 to see how homeopathy may help you or someone you know.




  1. The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy by Dana Ullman pp.162-163

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information should not take the place of medical advice from your health care providers (doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc.).


Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste. 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407

tel: 561-253-8984