Chiropractic Care for Weakness and Pain from a Gym Injury
This was a 33 year old patient with a chief complaint of bilateral (both) shoulder and neck pain. To be HIPPA compliant, I will call him Trevor instead of his real name.
Also, Trevor stated he “suffered from weakness” in his upper extremities (arms). So he had difficulty even lifting boxes due to the weakness in his arms at his job. Lastly, he noticed some (laxity) “clicking” in his shoulders.
Trevor was an athlete. He worked out at the gym almost every day. Trevor said 4 months ago he had injured his shoulders lifting weights at the gym. He had no past history of trauma otherwise. After going to physical therapy and getting massages for a month without relief, Trevor had come to see me.
What reasons can cause weakness in your arms?
Your sense of weakness may be due to pain or stiffness. It is a misinterpretation and not truly a weakness stemming from your nervous system. Similarly, instability may appear as weakness to you. For example, if you have laxity (looseness) of the shoulder joints, overhead or certain movements may feel “weak”. This is because of the inability of the shoulder musculature to compensate. Therefore, due to the ligamentous/capsular shoulder laxity, certain higher levels of elevation are difficult. In conclusion, the weakness is not due to a neurological problem.
The following are nervous system disorders causing weakness in the arms: cerebrum/cerebellar (brain) disorders, spinal cord, nerve root, or peripheral nerve (e.g. carpal tunnel) disorders, and myopathy (e.g. muscular dystrophy and inflammatory disorders of muscle).
Trevor’s Examination at Meiri Chiropractic
Upon examination, I gave Trevor a diagnosis for a sprain in his neck and bilateral glenohumeral joints (shoulder joints). He definitely had positive tests for his neck. And Trevor’s glenohumeral joints (shoulder joints articulation between the scapula (shoulder blade) and the humerus (upper arm) did have mild laxity along with his postiive tests. I would order imaging (e.g. x-rays, MRI) in a month if there was no improvement.
Trevor’s Treatment and Outcome at Meiri Chiropractic
Firstly, Trevor’s treatments included chiropractic adjustments/ manipulation to his neck, both glenohumeral joints and associated regions. Secondly, associated regions included his thoracic (midback) spine. Thirdly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation procedures) and modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered. Fourthly, he was given therapeutic exercises to continue his treatment at home.
Trevor felt much better from the first treatment. After only a few visits, his pain level was decreased. Most importantly, he had functional improvement. And he stated his “weakness” was gone. Thereafter, he continued his chiropractic care for full recovery from his injuries. Finally, he returned for periodic adjustments for overall wellness and increased performance at the gym.
Chiropractic Care for Weakness and Pain from a Gym Injury
At Meiri Chiropractic we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition. We have been offering the best effective chiropractic care in Palm Beach county since 2006. Many of our patient reviews note our excellence. Call us today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic Care for Weakness and Pain from a Gym Injury.
A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, you lose weight and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing and continued wellness.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Chiropractic and Nutrition: Gastrointestinal Disorders.
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are diseases or health problems of the digestive tract. Your digestive system includes your esophagus (tube leading to stomach from mouth), stomach, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas and gallbladder. The digestive process involves breaking down of food and drink into nutrients that your body can absorb. Next, your body uses these nutrients as energy and building blocks for cells.
The following are some common gastrointestinal disorders.
A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach pushes up into the chest through a small opening in the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest. This results in retention of acid and other contents. These acids and other substances can easily reflux into the esophagus causing heartburn. So if heartburn continues and is more frequent it can become GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).
The symptoms of GERD are also epigastric (upper central region of the abdomen) pain after eating a large meal and lying down. Your esophagus is a muscular tube that connects your mouth and your stomach. The esophageal sphincters (rings of muscle) contract and relax to allow food and liquid to pass. The tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) may decrease with age and also with ingestion of certain foods. In addition, smoking and certain medications also will decrease the tone of the LES, leading to reflux. Moreover, increased pressure from obesity may aggravate symptoms. However, esophageal reflux can be common in healthy athletes, such as conditioned runners, cyclists, and weightlifters. Several mechanisms may account for this, including position, Valsalva (forcefully breathing out against closed windpipe), and indirect effects of exercise on lower esophageal tone.
Lifestyle Changes for Reflux Esophagitis/ Hiatal Hernia/ G.E.R.D.
Avoid lying on your back after eating and during sleep. This reduces the risk of acid from your stomach flowing back into your esophagus, a primary cause of GERD symptoms. So keeping your posture upright creates an easier path for stomach acid to flow back into your esophagus due to gravity’s reduced effect. Similarly, compression of your abdomen by clothing or posture is also bad for digestion. Instead, eat smaller meals and 4 hours before bedtime.
To sooth irritated tissue and relax your lower esophageal sphincter avoid the following substances/foods: progesterone, fat, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, peppermint oil, spearmint oil, red pepper, protein and amino acids, niacin, calcium
To help irritated esophageal mucosa (protective epithelial cell barrier to gastric acid) avoid: aspirin and certain NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), alcohol, caffeine, corticosteroids, bile salts, black pepper, chilli pepper, vinegar, mustard, cloves, nutmeg
2. Peptic Ulcer
Peptic ulcer disease, also referred to as stomach or duodenal ulcers, is usually caused by bacteria or the overuse of common pain relievers. Although you may have pain after eating, for most people, pain occurs when the stomach is empty. Moreover, it is four times more common in men than women.
Lifestyle changes for Peptic Ulcer
Firstly, an unrefined, high fiber diet may be helpful. Secondly, avoiding gastric secretagogues and mucousal irrtants is important. To help gastric secretagogues (substance that causes another substance to be secreted) irritation avoid: methylxanthines (alkaloids that can be found in high concentrations in tea, coffee, and chocolate), decaffeinated coffee, alcohol, cola drinks, tobacco. Thirdly, consume no bedtime snacks. Fourthly, rule out food sensitivities. Fifthly, zinc, Glutamine and Nicotinic acid (niacin) supplementation reduced pain and shortened healing time in some studies. Lastly, Cabbage juice is said to benefit peptic ulcer.
3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
IBS is a condition with chronic recurrent abdominal pain with constipation or diarrhea. However, there are no signs of bleeding or inflammation. And IBS is the most common chronic gastrointestinal disorder. Indeed, it is stress related.
Lifestyle changes for IBS:
Firstly, consider a high-fiber low refined carbohydrate diet. Also, include supplemental bran/psyllium husk as tolerated. Secondly, avoid gas-forming foods (onion, beans, melon, cabbage). Thirdly, see if you are lactose intolerant. Fourthly, see if you have other food sensitivities. Fifthly, stress management techniques are essential. Moderate exercise is a suggestion. Lastly, peppermint oil and lactobacillus acidophilus may relieve symptoms.
4. Regional Enteritis (Crohn’s Disease)
Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in your digestive tract (small and large intestine). The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown. Researchers think that an autoimmune reaction may occur. The symptoms are severe cramping and diarrhea. Because of malabsorption of nutrients, anemia, fatigue, and weight loss happens.
Lifestyle changes for Regional Enteritis (Crohn’s disease):
Firstly, consider a hypoallergenic formula diet during acute episodes. Secondly, a high-protein, high micronutrient diet, that includes supplements is necessary. Thirdly, avoid sugar and other refined carbohydrates. Fourthly, find out if you are lactose intolerant or have other food sensitivities. Fifthly, your doctor should monitor your serum proteins and complete blood count test. Lastly, glycosaminoglycan (cartilage extract) and glutamine supplementation may provide additional energy for the intestinal tissue.
5. Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. It is usually only in the innermost lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Again, the cause is attributed to autoimmune disease.
Symptoms include episodic cramping and bloody diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis is most common in young adults. In addition, it may be accompanied by systemic (whole body) symptoms. And there is a high risk for future colon cancer.
Lifestyle changes for Ulcerative colitis:
Firstly, a low-residue (low fiber) lactose free diet with fluid and electrolyte replacement during re-exacerbations is important. Secondly, a normal fiber, high protein (up to double recommended daily allowance) and micronutrient diet which includes supplements (e.g. glycosaminoglycan (cartilage extract) is recommended. Thirdly, your doctor should monitor your serum proteins, electrolytes and complete blood count test. Fourthly, psyllium husk, oat bran or pectin may ameliorate the diarrhea. Fifthly, avoid sugar and other refined carbohydrates. Lastly, find out about any food sensitivities you may have.
*For all the above, please check with your primary care doctor before implementation.
Chiropractic and Nutrition: Gastrointestinal Disorders
According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ (Nabco’s) Practice Analysis of Chiropractic 2015 “Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is able to achieve and maintain health through its own natural recuperative powers, provided it has a properly functioning nervous system and receives the necessary health maintenance components. These components include adequate nutrition, water, rest exercise and clean air”.
Your chiropractor in West Palm Beach will adjust your spine to improve the relationship between the spine and nervous system, which affects the function of all the organs and systems in your body. She will educate you on how to prevent future suffering by learning and implementing a lifestyle for health self enhancement. In this regard, we may give take home exercises, recommend ergonomic changes and nutritional changes. Call Dr. Natalie Meiri, your chiropractor in West Palm Beach to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic and Nutrition: Gastrointestinal Disorders at 561-253-8984.
A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your healing. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. By incorporating better nutrition, you can contribute to faster healing and get back to wellness.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Chiropractic and Nutrition: Inflammatory and Repair Phases of Musculoskeletal Injury.
What is the Inflammatory (Acute) Phase of Musculoskeletal Injury?
Firstly, the inflammatory response occurs during the first few days after your injury or trauma which includes edema (swelling). However, this inflammation is actually necessary for tissue repair. Secondly, this results in pain, redness, and heat. It is a result of vascular and cellular responses that release required chemicals for the healing. And the response allows for an increase in blood flow to the area causing edema. Thirdly, the process “breaks down and digests” damaged cells and sets the stage for the next phase. Fourthly, after chiropractic care has begun, some of the substances below may help expedite healing.
Proteolytic Enzymes
Supplementing with proteolytic enzymes may decrease the inflammatory response by breaking down inflammatory proteins. Again, the proteins cause vascular permeability (ability of a substance to allow gases or liquids to go through it) and pain. And the enzymes significantly improve local circulation by breaking down cell debris and fibrin prior to uptake by the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It keeps body fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. The helpful enzymes are derived from bovine (cow), pancreas (trypsin, chymotrypsin), pineapple skin (bromelain), or papaya.
Contraindications (reason not to take) to the use of proteolytic enzymes includes: increased bleeding tendency, systemic infection and allergy to the food sources its made from.
Sometimes referred to as the P vitamin, bioflavonoids are not true vitamins. There are many bioflavonoids: citrin, erodictryol, flavones, hesperin, hesperidin, quercetin, quercetrin, and rutin. You can not produce bioflavonoids, so you have to include it in your diet. Bioflavonoids are generally found in tea, dark chocolate, most fruits and vegetables.
Bioflavonoids may significantly restrict vascular permeability to limit swelling. Also, it may inhibit inflammatory prostaglandins (hormone-like substances that affect several bodily functions, including inflammation and pain). Lastly, bioflavonoids are effective only before the peak of the inflammatory phase and will not reduce established edema.
Vitamin C
Supplementing with vitamin C along with vitamin E may reduce free radical processes in inflamed tissues. Additionally, Vitamin C may support adrenal gland production of anti-inflammatory hormones and may have mild fibrinolytic (keeps blood clots from forming) and antihistamine (relieves allergy) effects.
Numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of proteolytic enzymes for injury and inflammation. Lumbar disc prolapse patients treated with proteolytic enzymes showed improvement in orthopedic tests and decrease in pain medication usage.
In combination with bioflavonoids, vitamin C was included in some studies to help with inflammation.
What is the Proliferative (Subacute/Repair) Phase of Musculoskeletal Injury?
Firstly, this phase begins as the inflammation settles down and your body begins to repair the damaged tissue by laying down new connective tissue. Secondly, in this phase you likely will also have less pain. Thirdly, regeneration of disrupted muscle and connective tissue requires the availability of appropriate protein and non-protein substances to start. Fourthly, nutrient cofactors (helper molecules) are required by synthesizing (combining) enzymes.
Healing Damaged Tissue
Deficiencies of certain nutrients should be corrected to allow optimal tissue growth. These include: sufficient nutritious calories, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.
Traumatic injury appears to increase requirements for protein (especially branched chain amino acids) and vitamin C. Supplementation of arginine (amino acid, a building block of protein), glycine (amino acid), proline (amino acid from L-glutamate), vitamins A and C, pantothenic acid (B vitamin), and zinc may improve tissue healing.
Connective Tissue (cartilage) Repair
Mucopolysaccharides (glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans), the nonfibrous component of connective tissue, are composed of small amounts of protein and large amounts of specialized carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are synthesized by chondrocytes (cells found in cartilage) which produce and maintain the cartilaginous matrix. Some minerals are required as well for repair.
Manganese (mineral) is a required cofactor for the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides.
Chondroitin sulfate and other mucopolysacharides are available as supplements.
Spinal and extremity (limbs) adjustments along with recommendations from your chiropractor regarding stretching and strengthening exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle changes can successfully treat a number of common, chronic and acute injuries. Besides from becoming a peak performance athlete, regular chiropractic care will help with digestion, improve sleep, and increase energy. Regular chiropractic adjustments help avoid many of the disorders that take shape as illness.
Are you looking to get out of pain fast, perform better and reduce injuries? Dr. Natalie Meiri, a chiropractor in West Palm Beach can definitely help you! Call 561-253-8984 today to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic and Nutrition: Inflammatory and Repair Phases of Musculoskeletal Injury.
References: Handbook of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition by James M. Gerber,M.S., D.C., 2007
A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, you lose weight and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing and continued wellness.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Chiropractic and Your Diet: Muscle Spasm and Cramps.
What is a Muscle Cramp?
A muscle cramp is an uncontrollable and painful spasm of a muscle. Any muscle can be affected, but the muscles of the thigh, calf and foot are particularly prone. This involuntary contraction (“charley horse”) of a muscle occurs suddenly and then does not relax. You will have sudden, tight, and intense pain caused by a muscle locked in spasm.
Additionally, there’s fasciculation, or muscle twitches, which are usually not painful the way a sudden cramp may be. And cramps and fasciculation are the result of muscles contracting involuntarily.
Many truly pathologic (caused by disease) causes exist, such as hypoparathyroidism, vascular insufficiency (circulation problems), and various kinds of trauma for muscle cramping. Nevertheless, many incidents of muscle cramping have no known obvious cause.
Muscle Cramps, positioning, and stretching
Perhaps there is a position you are in when the cramping occurs? For instance, you may be doing repetitive plantar-flexion of your (extension of the ankle so that the foot points down and away from the leg) foot while sleeping or exercising which may “shorten” your muscle. Then when there is further voluntary or involuntary contraction of the already shortened muscle, cramping occurs. Ladies who wear high heeled shoes regularly may have this problem.
Of course, stretching of the muscle helps in both preventing and resolving the cramp.
Water and Electrolytes
Firstly, if you have muscle cramps during strenuous exercising you may be dehydrated. Simply increase your water intake.
Secondly, mineral imbalances or deficiencies may cause muscle cramping. A decrease in potassium, perhaps due to a diet high in salt and low in fresh fruits and vegetables may negatively affect local circulation. Furthermore, this hastens fatigue and increase irritability of muscle tissue.
Nutrition for muscle cramps
Increasing magnesium and calcium intake helps. Moreover, if you are pregnant, this may help reduce leg cramping.
Cramping can be due to vascular disorders such as atherosclerosis (thickening or hardening of the arteries), intermittent claudication (narrowing or blockage in the main artery taking blood to your leg) or thrombophlebitis (a blood clot (thrombus) inside an inflamed vein). Large doses of vitamin E may help.
Chiropractic Adjustments/Joint manipulation for muscle spasm, cramping and pain
Muscle spasms can be a response, which occurs as the body takes steps to protect itself after an injury. Other neuromusculoskeletal causes could be arthritis and fibromyalgia
Adjustments allow your spine and extremity (limb) joints to restore normal motion, which in turn leads to reduced pain and a decrease in muscle spasms.
Without treatment, chronic muscle spasms can result in permanent damage, so treatment is important. At Meiri Chiropractic, soft tissue techniques is utilized along with adjustments to the spine and extremities. Lastly, regular stretching and strengthening exercises are prescribed to prevent future muscle spasms.
Regular chiropractic care will stop muscle spasms and cramping. And on-going adjustments may help patients remain pain free.
Chiropractic and Your Diet: Muscle Spasm and Cramps
According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ (Nabco’s) Practice Analysis of Chiropractic 2015 “Chiropractic is based on the premise that the body is able to achieve and maintain health through its own natural recuperative powers, provided it has a properly functioning nervous system and receives the necessary health maintenance components. These components include adequate nutrition, water, rest exercise and clean air”.
Your chiropractor in West Palm Beach will adjust your spine and extremities to stop the muscle pain, spasm and cramping. Call Dr. Natalie Meiri, your chiropractor in West Palm Beach at 561-253-8984 to find out more about Chiropractic and Your Diet: Muscle Spasm and Cramps or to schedule an appointment.
References: Handbook of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition by James Gerber, 1993