A common reason why you have joint fixation/ chiropractic subluxation and dysfunction is due to the soft tissue surrounding your joints. Injury to this soft tissue can result in fibrosis and loss of elasticity and strength. Acute (sudden and intense) and repetitive trauma to muscular, tendinous, fascia or ligamentous tissue results in fibrosis (thickening or scarring of the tissue). Read on to find out Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury.
Inflammatory Response
Whatever injury you experience, an inflammatory response happens which accumulates extracellular exudates (pus) and blood. Exudate is fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into nearby tissues. This fluid is made of cells, proteins, and solid materials. Platelets (clotting cells) then release thrombin (enzyme in blood plasma which causes the clotting of blood) converting fibrinogen into fibrin. Then this organizes into collagenous scar tissue. In conclusion, a variety of soft tissue and articular (joint) adhesions result.
The adhesions can be often excessive in the case of traumatic neuromusculoskeletal injuries. Therefore, early chiropractic treatment will limit the extent of the inflammatory response leading to the articular adhesions. So the goal in this phase of treatment would be to reduce pain, muscle spasm and to promote early pain free repair.
Connective Tissue Repair
Firstly, the exudates that form from injury and inflammation set the stage for the next step in the process of connective tissue repair. Exudates provide the basis for the development of granulation tissue (new healing tissue) and scar formation. Secondly, the formation of granulation tissue is predominantly carried out by the proliferation of fibroblasts (connective tissue producing cells). And collagen tissue is produced and placed in the repair area. Thirdly, at first, the collagen is not well placed and additional collagen cross linkages along lines of stress are deposited to improve strength in the area. Fourthly, the repair and remodeling process may take months. However, without treatment, it may result in less than optimal healing of the involved tissue. This will mean less range of motion and strength in the injured area.
Myofascial Cycle
Painful conditions triggering persistent muscle hypotoncity (decreased muscle tone) are additional sources of restricted joint motion. Muscle spasm/contraction may be a source of pain and muscle hypotoncity. Moreover, the joint’s surrounding muscles may splint and block (passive) joint movement. The muscle splinting may be a protective reaction to the injured area. Continued persistent contractions after awhile may develop into muscle contractures. And this is due to adaptational shortening and loss of elasticity from disuse.
Furthermore, muscle strain may lead to pain which leads to muscle splinting and vasoconstriction. And this leads to retained metabolites and edema (inflammation). Vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) ischemia (inadequate blood supply) leads to joint dysfunction and myofascial syndromes. Additionally, sustained contraction of muscles leads to fibrous reactions and finally soft tissue contractions, persistent join and somatic (body) dysfunction.
Muscle Strain
Muscle strain leads to pain, which leads to muscle splinting, which leads to retained metabolites and edema (inflammation).
Ailments capable of producing acute muscle contraction or muscle strain are: physical trauma, structural inadequacies, visceral (organ) disease, emotional distress/tension, uncoordinated movements, exposure to cold, Repetitive use, chronic postural stress, exposure to cold.
Inappropriate immobilization (preventing movement) slows the process of recovery. It leads to a loss of strength, flexibility and potential intra-articular (joint) adhesions. Immobilization also leads to dehydration of the joint causing further problems. Chiropractic adjustments will increase flexibility and restore motion after an injury. Then your pain and inflammation will go away. Indeed, immediate and appropriate chiropractic care provides the best chance for optimal healing and an early return to your sport or life activities.

Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury: Chiropractic Restores Motion
Spinal and extremity (limbs) adjustments along with recommendations from your chiropractor regarding stretching and strengthening exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle changes can successfully treat a number of common, chronic and acute injuries. Besides from becoming a peak performance athlete, regular chiropractic care will help with digestion, improve sleep, and increase energy. Regular chiropractic adjustments help avoid many of the disorders that take shape as illness.
Are you looking to get out of pain fast, perform better and reduce injuries? Dr. Natalie Meiri, a chiropractor in West Palm Beach can definitely help you! Call 561-253-8984 today to make an appointment or to find out more about Why You Should Get Chiropractic Care After an Injury .