This post is about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury. Symptoms of abdominal muscle and fascial injury include being painfully flexed over (bent forward). And you can’t seem to straighten up due to the injury. Additionally, pain on bending to the opposite side of the injury is common. Read on to learn more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury .
Causes of Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury
Firstly, abdominal muscle and fascial injuries are common in tennis or football players. Secondly, a tennis player hitting an overhead stroke with the ball slightly behind them and reaching back may whip the body forward. This may contract the rectus abdominus muscle into injury. Thirdly, football players due to repetitive movements, like twisting and turning may get this injury as well. Fourthly, anyone can incur this injury through the following:
–Overuse/Repetitive movements involving the abdominal muscles and fascia
-Sudden/Fast movements, twisting, or jumping
-Muscle fatigue/Strenuous activity
Abdominal Muscle and Fascia Anatomy
Almost all the muscles that originate or insert into the pelvis may be strained including the rectus abdominis, external oblique, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus and medius, tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis lumborum and transversus abdominis muscle. The various soft tissue structures that may get injured include:
- the muscles, which allow you to move.
- the tendons, which connect your muscles to the bone.
- the ligaments which are bands of tough elastic tissue around your joints. They connect bone to bone, give your joints support, and limit their movement.
- the fascia – stretchy, thin, white fibrous tissue. All your muscles are enveloped in fascia.
West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Hip Pointer
Strain and contusion (bruise) of the muscles attached to the iliac crest (top part of ilium/hip bone) are referred to as a hip pointer injury. This may lead to abdominal muscle spasm and pain. There may be swelling and ecchymosis (discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath). Hip pointer causes include traumatic contusion of the iliac crest and contact sports. Pain is immediate and acute. And you may flex toward the side of your injury. Next, swelling may present over the hip area with pain in both the hip and abdominal muscles.
West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Chronic Abdominal Fascial Strain
You may have groin pain above the inguinal ligament (ligament located in the groin area) due to a fascial strain. And this injury is usually seen in runners. Moreover, it may end up as a chronic problem.
West Palm Beach Chiropractor: What is a Sprain or Strain?
A sprain is a sudden or violent twisting injury of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments. And a strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or improper use. Furthermore, damage to your attached tendons can also occur with a strain.

Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach for Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury
Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic includes:
-Chiropractic manipulative therapy- to the spine, pelvis and associated regions.
-Gentle myofascial release and/or post isometric relaxation techniques- to the soft tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia) involved.
-Electric Muscle Stimulation, Ice and Heat Therapies for pain relief and inflammation reduction.
-Therapeutic exercise- with gentle stretching and a long-term goal of restrengthening (e.g abdominal muscles).
Finally, recommendations for prevention of further injury. This involves a routine of stretching and warming up prior to activity.
Getting regular chiropractic care from a West Palm Beach chiropractic center can give relief naturally from an already existing injury, or even offer injury prevention. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to treat existing injuries and to keep your body in its best working condition.
Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury or/and other ailments.