Easter, like spring, represents a time of rebirth and renewal. It symbolizes rejuvenation and rebirth. To Christians, Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar.  It represents the resurrection of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 


So what can chiropractic do to renew and rebirth you in 2023?


The Birth of Chiropractic


Chiropractic made its start in 1895 when D.D. Palmer introduced the specific, short-lever vertebral (back bone) chiropractic adjustment.  D.D. Palmer was the father of chiropractic who was able to blend recognized philosophical concepts of medicine together with the then-current scientific principles to create the chiropractic healing art.


Firstly, his formulation of chiropractic practice and theory developed from his application of a manual thrust, which he called an adjustment, to Harvey Lillard in September 1895.


Secondly, the story is told that this manual adjustment was directed to the fourth thoracic (midback) vertebra. 


Thirdly, this resulted in the restoration of Harvey Lillard’s lost hearing.


Fourthly, from the reasoning used to develop this treatment, Palmer then applied similar manual adjustments to other patients with a variety of problems. Moreover, each time he used short lever contacts (e.g. spinous process and transverse process of vertebrae; bony segments of a vertebrae).


In conclusion, this constituted the initiation of chiropractic as an art, a science, and a profession. Palmer developed the concept of a chiropractic “subluxation” as a causal factor in disease. And this was through the “pressure such displacements” would cause to nerve roots/nervous system. 


Dr, Meiri adjusts a patient

Chiropractic is Holistic


Today, the broad chiropractic model of health care is one of holism. In this model, health is viewed as a complex process in which all parts and systems of the body strive to maintain homeostasis (state of balance among all the body systems, needed for the body to function correctly). And your body needs homeostasis in a dynamic environment of internal and external change.


Certainly, the profession’s major contribution is through the evaluation and treatment of neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) disorders. However, broad-scope chiropractic care is committed to holistic health care and working with patients to optimize their health.  Therefore, it is common for chiropractic physicians to also counsel patients on other lifestyle issues such as diet, nutrition, exercise, and stress management.


Contemporary Practice of Chiropractic


The contemporary practice of chiropractic maintains its focus on the evaluation and conservative treatment of neuromusculoskeletal (Nervous system, Muscular system, Skeletal system) disorders. In addition to specializing in the adjustive (manipulative) treatment of disorders of the spinal and extremity (limb) joints, it is common for chiropractors to include other treatment procedures in patient management and health promotion. At Meiri Chiropractic, these common therapies include dietary modification, nutritional/homeopathic supplementation, soft tissue techniques, physical therapies, and exercise.


Chiropractic’s Core Principles and What It Can Do For You


The chiropractic profession views your susceptibility to disease as depending on a multitude of factors. Within this is the presence of joint dysfunction or chiropractic subluxation may serve as a noxious (harmful) irritant to lower the body’s ability to resist disease.


So the removal of joint dysfunction or chiropractic subluxation becomes an important consideration for optimal health. Of course, nutritious diet, adequate rest, clean air and water, regular exercise, proper posture and the alleviation of stressful living are important along with your regular chiropractic adjustments.


Extraspinal Adjustments


Additionally, from the start, chiropractors have treated the extraspinal/nonspinal (e.g. limbs, ribs, TMJ) joints.  For instance, D.D. Palmer described his treatment of the feet in 1910.


“Chiropractors adjust any or all of the 300 joints of the body; more particularly those of the spinal column.” D.D. Palmer p 228, The Science, Art and Philosophy of Chiropractic, 1910


Why Treat Peripheral (Nonspinal) Joints?


Peripheral joints are adjusted for the correction of biomechanical problems and reflex-triggered functional syndromes. Biomechanical problems are characterized mostly by joint pain, but swelling and paresthesia (pins and needles) may be present. These problems may be the result of trauma (sprains, strains, athletic injuries, or work injuries) or repetitive activities and postures (plantar fasciitis and foot pronation or supination).


Find Renewal this Easter with Chiropractic Care at Meiri Chiropractic


If you visit your West Palm Beach Chiropractor we can assess the health of your musculoskeletal system for your spine and peripheral (nonspinal) joints and/or help you with many other ailments. Adjustments will ensure your joints are correctly aligned and your nervous system functioning at its optimum. Moreover, the following article features many reasons to visit a West Palm Beach chiropractor: https://meirichiro.com/10-reasons-to-seek-chiropractic-care/

Call us at 561-253-8984 today to make an appointment or to find out more about Find Renewal this Easter with Chiropractic Care.