A West Palm Beach Chiropractor Can Help Snapping Hip Syndrome. Snapping hip syndrome is a condition that causes a snapping or clicking sound in the hip when it moves. Read on to find out more about what Snapping Hip Syndrome is and how a West Palm Beach Chiropractor can help.


Hip Anatomy

The hip, like the shoulder, is considered a ball-and-socket joint. It is formed by the head of the femur (thigh bone) which sits in what’s called the acetabulum, a part of the pelvis. The head of the femur is large (ball) and the acetabulum (socket) is deep.  The soft tissues (refers to non-bony structures that connect, support, or surround other structures) in your hip are:

  • the muscles, which allow you to move.
  • the tendons, which connect your muscles to the bone.
  • the ligaments are bands of tough elastic tissue around your joints. They connect bone to bone, give your joints support, and limit their movement.
  • the fascia – stretchy, thin, white fibrous tissue. All your muscles are enveloped in fascia.
  • the bursae – fluid-filled pads that act as cushions at the joints. Bursae reduce friction between the surfaces of a bone and soft tissue.


Snapping Hip Syndrome: What it is and Causes

Other than “snapping”, many patients do not have pain.  Snapping hip syndrome is due to either an intraarticular (within the joint) or extraarticular (not within the joint) problem.  Intra-articular causes include loose bodies, synovial chondromatosis (benign bone tumors), hip subluxation (dislocation) and osteocartilaginous exostoses (bumps of bone) and hip labral (dense fibrocartilaginous ring) tears. 

However, the most common cause includes a thickening of the posterior (back) border of the iliotibial band over the greater trochanter of the hip.  And less often, a thickening of the tendon of the iliopsoas (muscle group in front of the spine and connects to the lower limbs and flexes the hip), the iliofemoral ligaments, or the long head of the biceps femoris (one of hamstring muscles) tendon in the hip or pelvic area. So these thickened soft tissue structures are “snapping” over bony prominences or bursae. 


Snapping Hip Syndrome Treatment at a West Palm Beach Chiropractic Office

Firstly, treatment focuses on restoring normal mobility to the hip joint and pelvis. Indeed, if painful and/or irritating to you the strengthening is particularly important. So stabilization through therapeutic exercise seems to reduce the “snapping” occurrence. And Stretching is less important for snapping hip syndrome, but also utilized.  

Secondly, chiropractic manipulative therapy to the hip joint, pelvis and associated regions. 

Thirdly, gentle myofascial release and/or post isometric relaxation techniques to the soft tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia) involved.

Fourthly, electric muscle stimulation, ice and heat therapies for pain relief and inflammation reduction.

Finally, recommendations for prevention of further dysfunction for the spine, pelvis, and hip. 


Are you looking for the best chiropractor in West Palm Beach? Dr. Natalie Meiri can definitely help you.  Call 561-253-8984 today for an appointment or to find out more about A West Palm Beach Chiropractor Can Help Snapping Hip Syndrome.




Having your head on top of the neck allows the best view of the surroundings. However, biomechanically, this lever arrangement creates a potentially damaging position for injury events. It forces the head to move quickly into extreme ranges of motion during whiplash for example. In addition to the cervical spine (neck) itself, soft tissue and neural (nerve) structures may be damaged in whiplash injuries. Similarly, in a more insidious manner when a forward head position or an “incorrect sleeping posture” is maintained for prolonged periods damage occurs as well.   So poor ergonomics can lead to postural pain or stiffness. Studies show approximately 80% of people experience neck pain during their lifetime, and 40% deal with it annually. Here are 3 causes of neck pain and stiffness a chiropractor can help with to learn about.


1. Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Torticollis verus Pseudotorticollis

If your head is held in neutral (posture when the joints are not bent) in pain and you are unable to move it, it could be pseudotorticollis. In “classic torticollis” the neck is deviated/twisted in one direction.  Pseudotorticollis has no known cause. However, an exam must be performed to rule out any number of causes for classic torticollis. And causes for classic torticollis include CNS (central nervous system) infection, tumor, and basal ganglion (group of neurons/nerve cells in the brain involved in voluntary movement) disease.  Finally, congenital (born with it) torticollis is due to birth trauma (i.e. breech delivery).

Torticollis is an acute or chronic often painful condition characterized by involuntary intermittent or sustained contraction of the muscles of the neck.  This causes the head to tilt or turn sideways, bend forward or backward. For instance, these muscles could be the sternocleidomastoid (muscle located at the base of your skull on either side of your neck, behind your ears and goes to the sternum and clavicle) or trapezius (either of a pair of large triangular muscles extending over the back of the neck and shoulders and moving the head and shoulder blade).  In Pseudotorticollis, the person is unable to move the head in any direction without pain. This could happen due to incorrect sleeping posture.

So Torticollis (called also wryneck) may occur secondary to an injury or a preexisting condition (such as a musculoskeletal abnormality or a neurological disease) but is often of unknown cause.  In pseudotorticollis, there is no history of injury/trauma and no obvious cause except perhaps you “woke up with it”.

2. Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Neck Pain Due to Cervical Facet Joints

The facet joints are on either side of the back of each vertebra in the cervical part of the spine (neck). The vertebral bodies make up the bony building blocks of the spinal column. There are two facet joints at each level of the vertebral column (spinal column).

Facet joints provide stability to the spinal column while allowing movement. Encased with capsules the synovial fluid within protects and lubricates the facet joints.  Moreover, irritation of the facet joints is the cause. The facet joints become inflamed and may cause pain, soreness and stiffness. Similarly, your deep cervical (neck) muscles may also be spasmed and be a contributing factor.


3. Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Neck Pain from Arthritis

Primary Osteoarthritis occurs usually in middle-aged to elderly people (>45 years old). It is more prevalent in women (female to male 10:1). Primary means this osteoarthritis develops due to aging and the wear and tear that comes along with it. Often initially asymptomatic, you will have a gradual increase in joint stiffness and pain. Primary osteoarthritis is due to progressive degeneration of the joint or joints involved by an accumulation of microtrauma.  A microtrauma is an injury resulting from repetitive stress to tissues.


Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Chiropractic Adjustments Offer an Alternative to Pain Medication 

Adjustments can help keep painful joints more comfortable while also improving function and range of motion. Chiropractors use gentle manipulation to adjust your joints and manipulate muscles to return to their proper structure. With proper alignment, your body’s equilibrium is restored, which in turn helps increase the healing of your damaged joint tissues. In summary, the chiropractic adjustment works by restoring function which decreases the inflammation and the pain goes away.

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: 3 Causes of Neck Pain and Stiffness

Do you know someone who needs chiropractic care? Contact Dr. Natalie Meiri of Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach today for chiropractic treatment for neck pain or stiffness or another ailment. Call 561-253-8984 to learn more about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: 3 Causes of Neck Pain and Stiffness or to schedule an appointment.


From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories: West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident


This was a 58 year old female patient with neck, back and left wrist pain following a Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident.  To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Selma instead of her real name.

Selma came to my office in a lot of pain. She had gone to the hospital after the accident.  There she was tested, given a prescription for drugs and then was released.  This was Selma’s second car accident.  At the hospital, they had told her chiropractic was not appropriate at this time. However, Selma had been a regular chiropractic patient for many years.  Selma knew she needed to get chiropractic care as soon as possible.  She had experienced the benefits of chiropractic following her first car accident. So Selma came in the next day to my office.  


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident: Selma’s History

Selma fell off her bike when hit by a car from behind. She suffered multiple lacerations/contusions and a concussion besides from her neck, back, and left wrist injury. Selma stated she did loose consciousness (was wearing a helmet) after hitting her head. And she had headaches due to this accident that were constant.

Selma’s pain started right after the car accident and got progressively worse.  Moreover, she had difficulty sleeping due to the pain. Selma was taking NSAIDS (e.g aspirin) and/or acetaminophen (e.g. tylenol) prescribed by the hospital and icing which helped a little.


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident: Selma’s Examination

Selma presented to my office with her neck forward in antalgia (away from pain) and guarding/holding her left painful wrist with her uninjured right hand. 

Upon examination, I found positive tests for sprains in her cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), and lumbar (low back) spine.  A sprain is a joint injury in which some of the fibers of a supporting ligament are torn or ruptured.  However, the continuity of the ligament (ligaments connect bones to bones within a joint) remains intact.

Selma’s left wrist diagnosis was a strain. Tendons connect bones to muscles. A strain is an overstretching and tearing of musculotendinous tissue (tendons connect bones to muscles). 


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident: Selma’s Emergency/Hospital Imaging/report

Selma’s imaging (e.g. x-rays, Cat-scan) reports for her head and spine all stated no fractures found and “unremarkable” from the hospital/E.R. 

I would order further imaging (e.g. MRI) if there was no improvement after 12 visits or possibly sooner if necessary.


Whip-lash, Post-Concussion/traumatic Brain Injury and Chiropractic Care

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 10 million people are affected annually by traumatic brain injury (TBI).  And it is an injury that will possibly surpass many fatal diseases as the primary cause of death and disability in the future.

Post-Concussion Syndrome (traumatic brain injury), is an alteration in brain function caused by an external force. Symptoms include: headache, cognitive/emotional symptoms (e.g. foggy, unstable feeling), physical signs (loss of consciousness, amnesia, neurological deficit), Balance problems, behavioral changes (irritability), cognitive impairment (e.g. reaction times slowed), sleep disturbances.

Conventional treatment for Post-Concussion Syndrome/ traumatic brain injury (TBI) involves medication and education/ support.  There are case studies reporting improvement in TBI symptoms through chiropractic management.

The current research suggests that spinal misalignments (chiropractic subluxation) can change the way the central nervous system (CNS) processes sensory motor integration. TBI is known to cause cognitive (thinking) changes leading to abnormal brain function. Moreover, the symptoms seen in TBI are influenced by a combination of sensory information such as balance, visual processing, motor control and proprioception. And the current research demonstrates improvement in sensory integration following chiropractic spinal manipulations.  Indeed, there is a cause for chiropractic research to investigate these sensory integration functions.

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is defined (by the Quebec task force on whiplash) as “bony or soft tissue injuries” resulting “from rear-end or side-impact, predominantly in motor vehicle accidents, and from other mishaps” as a result of “an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer to the neck” as Selma had in her bicycle accident.

Chiropractic treatment/management of whiplash injuries is effective. Chiropractors are quite diverse in their manual treatment approaches for the evaluation and management of concussions and whiplash injuries. Patients who have sustained a concussion may find chiropractic therapy important as a part of their recovery because of the presence of cervicogenic (neck) components.


Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident: Selma’s Treatment

Firstly, starting at 3 times a week and then 2-3 times a week, Selma’s treatments included chiropractic adjustments/manipulation to her neck, mid back, left wrist and associated regions. Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation procedures) and modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered as needed. Thirdly, nutritional recommendations were made for as well. Fourthly, therapeutic exercises were prescribed and continued at home.  Lastly, Selma did see her primary Care physician to monitor the concussion and was provided advice for cognitive and physical issues.

Selma’s condition improved slowly, but steadily.  After a few months of care she got her range of motion/function back in her neck, back and left wrist.  Her headaches also dissipated.

Chiropractic helps you heal without invasive surgical procedures or drugs as in Selma’s case. It restores your mobility, functionality and overall health!


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident

At Meiri Chiropractic we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have.  Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition.  Meiri Chiropractic has been offering effective chiropractic care in Palm Beach county since 2006.  Many of our patient reviews note our excellence.  Call us today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Bicyclist Versus Motor Vehicle Accident.