How do you properly breathe?  Can my lungs affect my posture? How can breathing exercises help to alleviate back and shoulder pain? Can my chiropractor teach me the breathing exercises and adjustments that will help with my back and shoulder pain?  These are the questions that will be addressed in Chiropractor West Palm Beach: How does proper breathing help your posture and back and shoulder pain?


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Paradoxical Breathing

Chronic overload of the anterior (front) and lateral (side) neck muscles (e.g. scalenes) can occur with paradoxical breathing. Paradoxical breathing occurs when the chest wall or the abdominal wall moves in when taking a breath and moves out when exhaling. This is the opposite of normal breathing movement.

Paradoxical respiration is a common source of abuse and overload of the neck muscles.  For instance, this is often seen following abdominal surgery or by people protruding the abdomen for cosmetic purposes.  Furthermore, if you are practicing paradoxical breathing you will be “always out of breath,” or feel like you are “running out of breath” when talking.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach:Proper Breathing/ Respiration

Proper breathing should be practiced by those used to paradoxical breathing. In normal contraction of the diaphragm muscle ( located below the lungs, is the major muscle of respiration), it pushes the abdominal contents down toward the pelvis. Next, this will cause protusion of your abdomen.  Therefore, this will increase the volume of your lungs during inhalation.  This is especially true in the lower chest.  Additionally, normal resting inhalation should cause the contraction of the diaphragm with expansion of the lower thorax.  And the elevation of the rib cage.  In the end, this results in increased of lung air volume.

In contrast, in paradoxical respiration, the chest and abdominal functions oppose each other.  So paradoxical respiration effort produces less than necessary air in your lungs.  And the muscles of the neck and upper chest (e.g scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, intercostal muscles of ribs) overwork to get sufficient air.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Learning to Breath Normally

Firstly, if you breathe paradoxically, you must learn to synchronize diaphragmatic (abdominal) and chest breathing. Poor inhalation results in the abdomen moving in while the chest moves out.

Secondly, you can learn to identify the poor pattern by placing one hand on the abdomen and one hand on the chest while taking a deep breath. So to practice normal diaphragmatic breathing, exhale fully with one hand on the chest and the other on the abdomen. When respiration is coordinated, the chest and abdomen move in and out together.

Thirdly, you should note the proximity of the hands during exhalation and during inhalation. The hands should move up and down together. You should practice this throughout the day.  Similarly, taking a count of 3 in and 3 out, then a pause and repeat may help.

Fourthly, you can practice this while sitting and/or supine (lying down face up).


Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Chiropractor West Palm Beach: How Does Proper Breathing Help Your Posture and Back and Shoulder Pain?

Movement of the chest wall during breathing is a process that requires coordination of the muscles, spine, sternum and ribs.  The objective of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy to enhance breathing is to increase the motion of the thoracic cage (mid back), mobilize the ribs, and to affect nervous system activity.  Researchers have found certain breathing techniques have been proven to enhance the functioning of the heart and lungs, improve mental wellness, decrease stress, increase energy and concentration, and promote better sleep.  Not breathing properly, particularly paradoxical and/or shallow breathing, can significantly affect posture by creating tension in your upper body.

Incorrect neck posture causes elevated, rounded shoulders.  And not being able to move your shoulders smoothly will eventually cause pain and dysfunction in your shoulders as well. Finally, all of this leads to the posture in your thoracic spine (mid back) becoming a hyperkyphosis (hunchback). 

Meiri Chiropractic offers spinal manipulation to the lower cervical spine (neck), upper thoracic spine (mid back), and costovertebral joints (ribs) for posture/breathing problems. Furthermore, trigger-point therapy and post-isometric relaxation techniques (soft tissue technique) utilized for the hypertonic/spasmed musculature have been beneficial for our patients. We also offer constitutional homeopathic treatment in conjunction with chiropractic.

Meiri Chiropractic, a Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help posture/breathing problems for you and your family. Contact Meiri Chiropractic at 561-253-8984 for the best care in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, and North Palm Beach and surrounding areas today.



Pelvic Crossed Syndrome is a muscle imbalance syndrome. Muscle imbalance Syndrome is when some of your muscles become shortened/tight and overactive or weak and inhibited.  Inhibition means that the neural (nerve) connection is absent, bypassed, incomplete, weak, or overridden. Moreover, this often happens to specific muscles. Typically, postural antigravity slow-twitch muscles tend to tighten and shorten.  In contrast, the phasic fast twitch muscles usually weaken and elongate. Read on to learn more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome.

Obviously, there are some differences in muscle strength which cause a normal imbalance. After all, not all muscles are equal. The smaller muscles tend to react rapidly and strongly to a stimulus and are called phasic. Similarly, the larger muscles hold our posture and are called tonic.  And then certain movement patterns are notable.  For example, internal (inward) rotation of the shoulder is stronger than external (outward) rotation of the shoulder.  Additionally, the size and number of the muscles used for the particular movement matters.  Alternatively, position also makes your balance of muscles stronger or weaker.  However, there is another point of view clinically in regards to muscle imbalance; weakness and tightness.  This type of muscle imbalance is dysfunctional and needs evaluation and treatment for correction.


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: What is Pelvic Crossed Syndrome?

Firstly, in Pelvic crossed syndrome there is an imbalance between the shortened tight hip flexors (e.g. iliopsoas, rectus femoris) and the tight lumbar erector spinae muscles (back extensors).  So tight erector spinae and a tight iliopsoas muscle (hip flexor that’s made up of the psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus muscles) with the weak and/or inhibited gluteal muscles will alter the pattern of hip extension during gait. A tight psoas may result in decreased hip extension as well. And imbalance is seen in weakened and/or inhibited (restrained function) gluteal and abdominal muscles. 

Secondly, the tight hip flexors cause a slight flexion of the hip and an anterior (forward) pelvic tilt.  Therefore, there is an increased lumbar lordosis (low back inward curve) with a concentration of pressure on the posterior (back) portion of the spinal disk (cushion of fibrocartilage between spinal vertebral bones) and decreased pressure on the anterior (front) spinal disk.

Thirdly, this would lead to compression of the lumbar spinal facet joints and increased pressure on the posterior disks.  Ultimately, this would lead to more wear and tear and degeneration of the area. 

Fourthly, this imbalance will cause problematic movement patterns especially in the L5-SI spinal region and cause hypermobility (excessive abnormal “motion” in the joints), irritation and pain. 

West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome Can Lead to a Pelvic Lateral (Side) Tilt

The hamstrings are often tight in this syndrome in order to lessen the pelvic tilt or are working harder due to weak gluteal muscles.  And with weakness of the gluteus medius (muscle in outer surface of pelvis), tightness of the ipsilateral (same side) quadratus lumborum (low back muscle) and/or tensor fasciae late (hip muscle) this can alter the lateral (side) lumbopelvic (low back and pelvis) mechanics.  Furthermore, this affects the gait and normal patterns of hip abduction (movement of hip away from midline).  A tight quadratus lumborum could cause an increased elevation of the pelvis during gait.  Finally, all this will lead to an increased movement of the pelvis. And you will develop a oblique/ lateral tilt in your pelvis. 


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome Causes Dysfunctional Movement

In pelvic crossed syndrome, the pelvis is unable to perform normal hip extension.  Moreover, to extend the hip, it is necessary for the pelvis to be tilted anteriorly (forward). However, the anterior pelvic tilt during gait may cause hypermobility (excessive motion) of the L4 and L5 spinal segments.  Consequently, because of the abnormal motion pattern the lower lumbar spine can no longer work as the central point (fulcrum of lever where bones meet) around which movement occurs. The new central point is established in the lower thoracic (mid back) and upper lumbar (low back) area.  Ultimately, combinations of tight and weak muscles in the syndrome lead to abnormal movement patterns that changes the biomechanics of joints.  And this can lead to degenerative (wear and tear) changes and/or fixated joints.


West Palm Beach Chiropractor:  Causes of Pelvic Crossed Syndrome

While there are many reasons for muscle imbalance, the most common cause may be chronic overuse or traumatic injury.  Without proper treatment, there is a muscle elasticity change.  Of course, having a sedentary lifestyle without a variety of movements also causes imbalance.  Your connective tissue will shorten over time if left in the same position for long. Indeed, forced movements, stress, and even fatigue can lead to muscle imbalance.  Next, this can even affect your central nervous system.  Your nervous system remembers these imbalances of abnormal movement patterns.  Also, even though appearing often together, a muscle that is tight, shortened and overactive is not the same as muscle spasm. This Tightness is due to hypertrophy (overgrowth) of the connective tissue.


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri
West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome Evaluation and Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic

Generally, practitioners test muscle strength to evaluate imbalance. With pelvic crossed syndrome which is a muscle imbalance syndrome, some Researchers (e.g. Vladimir Janda) introduced using movement patterns as part of the evaluation. 

First, when the patient first presents, it’s important to get them out of pain.  So the total treatment of the chronicity should begin with restoring as much joint motion by chiropractic adjustments/manipulation as possible and substantially decreasing pain before balancing the muscular system.

Second, for treatment of the muscle imbalance, post-isometric relaxation and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques are utilized.

Third, proprioceptive (sense that lets us perceive the location and movements of our body parts) training is incorporated.  This is done with various balance activities (e.g. wobble boards, exercise balls, trampolines).  Studies show these types of activities help the nervous system on a subconscious level regarding the new correct movement pattern.  The result is improvement of gait, coordination, body posture, and stabilization.


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome

Do you suffer from Pelvic Crossed Syndrome? We offer excellent Chiropractic care in West Palm Beach, Florida. At Meiri Chiropractic, we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have. Indeed, Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat pelvic crossed syndrome, but to keep your body in its best working condition. We have been offering effective chiropractic care in West Palm Beach since 2006. Many of our patients reviews note our excellence. Call us today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Pelvic Crossed Syndrome.


 Reference: Warren Hammer, Functional Soft Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods 3rd edition





Do you have pain and burning over the outer border of the distal (closest to foot) calf and dorsum (top) of the foot and ankle?  Perhaps you also have numbness and paresthesia (pins and needles)?  These are all symptoms of superficial peroneal nerve entrapment and neuropathy. 

If you are exercising, you may experience a loss of sensation or pain along the lateral calf.  Additionally, swelling may occur locally in your foot.  At other times, the pain may localize to a distal part of your leg. Read on to learn about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Ankle/Foot Pain Due to Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy.  


Causes of Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy

Runners involve the superficial peroneal nerve frequently due to repetitive stretching during inversion (turning sole of foot inwards) and plantar flexion (turning foot towards sole of foot), causing the nerve to push up against the fibula neck (top part of outer of 2 leg bones). 

You may have had a lateral (side) ankle sprain.  This may have also stretched and damaged the superficial peroneal nerve at the level of the fibular head (top of side leg bone). Similarly, a previous problem with this nerve may create a weakened peroneal muscle. And the peroneal muscle is essential for ankle positioning (especially for inversion) and stability. Next, this results in recurrent ankle sprains. 

Other causes may be:

-prolonged knee crossing (especially if you have recently lost a large amount of weight)

-tight knee band or cast

-repetitive trauma

-ganglions, cysts, or tumors

Anatomy of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve

Firstly, the superficial peroneal nerve originates from the common peroneal nerve along with the deep peroneal nerve. The superficial peroneal nerve is the smaller of the two common peroneal nerve branches.

Secondly, the common peroneal nerve arises from spinal nerves L4 through S1. Furthermore, the common peroneal nerve branches out from the sciatic nerve, which is composed of fibers from spinal nerves L4 through S3.

Third, the sciatic nerve terminates at the popliteal fossa of the knee.  It divides into the common peroneal and tibial nerves as it wraps around the top of the fibular bone.

Fourth, after separating from the common peroneal nerve, the superficial peroneal nerve courses through the peroneus longus muscle. The superficial peroneal nerve provides motor stimulation to the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis muscles (group of muscles that run along the outside of the lower leg and attach to the bones of the foot).

Fifth, the superficial peroneal nerve leaves the peroneal muscles on the anterolateral (front and side) aspect of the lower leg above the ankle joint.

Sixthly, the medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves appear from the superficial peroneal nerve. And these nerves provide sensory innervation to the leg’s anterolateral aspect, the dorsum (top) of the foot, and the dorsal (top) aspect of the toes, except the 1st interdigital space (between toes), which is innervated by the deep peroneal nerve. 


Dr Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient's ankle/foot
Dr Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient’s ankle/foot

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Ankle/Foot Pain Due to Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy-Examination

Usually patients are diagnosed by the physical (orthopedic, neurological etc.) examination. Sites of possible entrapment of the superficial peroneal nerve located during your exam could include:  deep fascia of leg, extensor digitorum longus muscle and extensor hallucis longus muscle (lower leg muscles that move the foot and big toe), superior and inferior extensor retinaculum (thickened fascia located at the ankle joint).

However, your doctor may order a nerve conduction study in a difficult unremitting case.  Often, you may also need an x-ray.


Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic for Superficial Peroneal Nerve Pain

First, soft tissue techniques will be rendered to the contracted fibrotic muscle, fascia and collagen at entrapment/dysfunctional sites. Second, chiropractic adjustments (chiropractic manipulative therapy) to the foot, ankle, leg, knee and associated restricted joints along the kinetic chain is important.

Third, therapeutic exercise will be given for stretching and strengthening.

Lastly, if trauma or swelling is involved, ice, compression, elevation, and physical therapy modalities are utilized to reduce swelling.  


Are your suffering from leg, ankle or foot pain from Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy?

We offer excellent Chiropractic care for Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy. At Meiri Chiropractic, we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have. Indeed, Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat leg, foot and ankle pain, but to keep your body in its best working condition. We have been offering effective chiropractic care in West Palm Beach since 2006. Many of our patients reviews note our excellence. Call us today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Ankle/Foot Pain due to Superficial Peroneal Neuropathy.



From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

Chiropractic West Palm Beach: Adjustments While Trying to Conceive


This is my clinical pearl story about Chiropractic West Palm Beach: Adjustments While Trying to Conceive. I helped this patient with more than her back pain. Her chief complaints were neck and back pain.  She was a 37 year old female patient. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Martha instead of her real name. 

Martha’s neck and back pain had come on 10 years ago following a car accident.  She had received physical therapy and massage care previously. Recently, she was under a lot of stress due to her job as a registered nurse.  She hadn’t been eating right or sleeping well either.  Furthermore, Martha couldn’t exercise due to her neck and back pain. Martha felt all these factors contributed to her infertility problems. 

In regards to her infertility she stated there was no known reason as to why she wasn’t conceiving.  Martha and her husband had been trying for years to get pregnant to no avail.  The doctors could find no reason why they were not conceiving. Even with in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) she was still not conceiving. She thought perhaps if she got some stress and pain relief through chiropractic adjustments it might help. 


Martha’s Examination

Upon examination, Martha tested positive for her neuromusculoskeletal neck and back pain condition. 


Chiropractic, Homeostasis and Fertility

Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal system (spine and limbs) specialists.  We do not treat infertility. However, an important principle of chiropractic is that because the nervous system is highly developed in the human being and influences all other systems in the body, it therefore plays a significant role in your health”. (1)

Simply put, chiropractic spinal adjustments take pressure off your nervous system and help your body to function optimally. Adjustments help your body seek homeostasis, which is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained for optimal survival. And fertility and conceiving is definitely important for optimal function and survival.  Indeed, improper nervous system function, poor nutrition, high stress, and poor lifestyle habits may effect your fertility.  

Chiropractic “Manual procedures and, specifically, the adjustment is applied to address local NMS (neuromusculoskeletal) disorders and to improve NMS function. A consequence of improved NMS function may be improvement in the body’s ability to self-regulate, thereby allowing the body to seek homeostasis and improved health”. (1)

At Meiri Chiropractic, we take a holistic approach. We counsel patients on nutrition, exercise and changes to lifestyle.  Therefore, chiropractic care is one of your best options to help your body function in harmony.


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri

Martha’s Treatment and Outcome

Firstly, Martha’s treatments included chiropractic adjustment/ manipulation to her spine (neck and back). Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation procedures) was rendered as necessary. Thirdly, modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered. Finally, exercises for stretching, strengthening, and better posture were recommended.

I recommended avoidance of alcohol, caffeine, smoking, and taking some supplements. Martha practiced proper fluid and diet intake (e.g. increased organic fruits, vegetables, no processed foods). She started to walk with a friend for exercise and went back to the gym as well. Martha even started a meditation/deep breathing routine for relaxation.

Martha’s neck and back pain was much improved within a few weeks.  She followed up with her doctor to continue her medical procedures in In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  And yes, she did eventually get pregnant within a year.  Afterwards, she did come in for Chiropractic care during and after her pregnancy.


Chiropractic West Palm Beach: Adjustments While Trying to Conceive

A West Palm Beach chiropractor can adjust your spine, putting everything back in place. Realigning your spine alleviates pressure off your nerves and helps your body function at its best.

Are you looking for the best female chiropractor in West Palm Beach? Dr. Natalie Meiri can definitely help you.  Call 561-253-8984 today for an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic West Palm Beach: Adjustments While Trying to Conceive.



Thomas Bergman, David Peterson, Chiropractic Technique Principles and Procedures, 3rd edition, 2011 (1)



This post is about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury.  Symptoms of abdominal muscle and fascial injury include being painfully flexed over (bent forward).  And you can’t seem to straighten up due to the injury. Additionally, pain on bending to the opposite side of the injury is common. Read on to learn more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury .


Causes of Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury


Firstly, abdominal muscle and fascial injuries are common in tennis or football players. Secondly, a tennis player hitting an overhead stroke with the ball slightly behind them and reaching back may whip the body forward.  This may contract the rectus abdominus muscle into injury.  Thirdly, football players due to repetitive movements, like twisting and turning may get this injury as well. Fourthly, anyone can incur this injury through the following:

Overuse/Repetitive movements involving the abdominal muscles and fascia

-Sudden/Fast movements, twisting, or jumping

-Muscle fatigue/Strenuous activity


Abdominal Muscle and Fascia Anatomy

Almost all the muscles that originate or insert into the pelvis may be strained including the rectus abdominis, external oblique, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus and medius, tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis lumborum and transversus abdominis muscle. The various soft tissue structures that may get injured include:


  • the muscles, which allow you to move.
  • the tendons, which connect your muscles to the bone.
  • the ligaments which are bands of tough elastic tissue around your joints. They connect bone to bone, give your joints support, and limit their movement.
  • the fascia – stretchy, thin, white fibrous tissue. All your muscles are enveloped in fascia.

West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Hip Pointer

Strain and contusion (bruise) of the muscles attached to the iliac crest (top part of ilium/hip bone) are referred to as a hip pointer injury.  This may lead to abdominal muscle spasm and pain. There may be swelling and ecchymosis (discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath).  Hip pointer causes include traumatic contusion of the iliac crest and contact sports.  Pain is immediate and acute. And you may flex toward the side of your injury.  Next, swelling may present over the hip area with pain in both the hip and abdominal muscles.


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Chronic Abdominal Fascial Strain

You may have groin pain above the inguinal ligament (ligament located in the groin area) due to a fascial strain.  And this injury is usually seen in runners. Moreover, it may end up as a chronic problem. 


West Palm Beach Chiropractor: What is a Sprain or Strain?


A sprain is a sudden or violent twisting injury of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments.  And a strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or improper use. Furthermore, damage to your attached tendons can also occur with a strain.


Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach for Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury 

Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic includes:

-Chiropractic manipulative therapy- to the spine, pelvis and associated regions. 

-Gentle myofascial release and/or post isometric relaxation techniques- to the soft tissues (e.g. muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia) involved.

-Electric Muscle Stimulation, Ice and Heat Therapies for pain relief and inflammation reduction.

-Therapeutic exercise- with  gentle stretching and a long-term goal of restrengthening (e.g abdominal muscles).

Finally, recommendations for prevention of further injury. This involves a routine of stretching and warming up prior to activity.


Getting regular chiropractic care from a West Palm Beach chiropractic center can give relief naturally from an already existing injury, or even offer injury prevention. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to treat existing injuries and to keep your body in its best working condition.

Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about West Palm Beach Chiropractor: Abdominal Muscle and Fascial Injury or/and other ailments.



Your ability to function, maintain mobility and independence is an important goal as you age. This not only affects your quality of life, it also affects your life span.   Indeed, exercise is beneficial in numerous ways. Individuals who exercise regularly have a better chance at preventing or slowing the effects of many chronic diseases including congestive heart disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes, intermittent vascular claudication, osteoarthritis and more.


It is a fact that a regular exercise program combined with an appropriate diet is important for avoiding obesity and its many problems. Additionally, exercising has been shown to improve balance and decrease the chance of falling as you age. Furthermore, with exercise muscle mass is increased, which provides some protection from falls. Finally, a sedentary life will often cause a downward spiral in overall health.


With all that exercise does for you, it also helps your joints. Read on to learn about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Exercise and Osteoarthritis.

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Exercise and Osteoarthritis


Firstly, prolonged rest decreases and prolongs recovery from injury. Secondly, moderate exercise does not increase the chance or progression of arthritis. Thirdly, adults can benefit from exercise in strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance.  Fourthly, osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) pain often responds to toning exercises even though existing degenerative changes (as appears on X-ray) remain.

Researchers have found out the following about athletes and osteoarthritis:

Runners older than 60 years old running 3 hours per week for 12 years showed no greater prevalence of Osteoarthritis than non-runners.  However, the runners showed a 40% greater bone density of vertebral bodies (spinal bones) than non-runners.  Unfortunately, radiographic (x-ray imaging) evidence demonstrated genu varum (bow legged) in the knees if there was a history of long distance running.  Moreover, the ability to repair articular damage decreases with age.  Similarly, the healing response is less efficient as one ages for injuries such as knee ligament or meniscal injury and so there is a higher risk of developing degenerative changes.  In conclusion, a more varied exercise program may be a solution (e.g. elliptical machine along with running).


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Types of Exercise

So moderate activity is beneficial to your joints. And as mentioned above, even with Osteoarthritis noted on X-ray, you will improve symptomatically with toning exercises for the involved joint(s).

For weight-bearing joints, it is often helpful to begin with non-weight-bearing activities. For example, pool (aquatic) training is a great choice.  Muscles must function against the resistance of water while the load applied is decreased.  Certainly, this is due to the buoyancy of the water. So there is no direct impact loading of body weight as would occur with walking, jogging, or running. Alternatively, bicycle riding is also recommended.  Bicycling allows a range of motion with minimal loading of your joints. This targets both goals of decreasing impact loads to the knee and toning of muscles around the knee joint.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Exercise, and Osteoarthritis

The ultimate goal is to delay functional decline and restore and/or maintain optimal function to allow as much independent living as possible as you grow older. It is clear that the ability to remain independent has a significant effect on your quality of life. Chiropractic Care combined with an exercise regimen will keep you functioning optimally and pain free.

Dr. Meiri adjusts a patient's knee

Research on How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help With Arthritis

A 2017 review in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that spinal manipulation reduces lower back pain. And a 2013 study published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage found that patient education combined with 12 chiropractic treatments (twice a week for six weeks) were more effective for hip Osteoarthritis than a daily stretching program or patient education alone.


Are you looking for excellent chiropractic care in West Palm Beach? Dr. Natalie Meiri can definitely help you.  Find out more about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Exercise  and  Osteoarthritis.  Call 561-253-8984 today for an appointment.



Thomas Bergman, David Peterson, Chiropractic Technique Principles and Procedures, 3rd edition, 2011


From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Injuries in a Martial Arts “Team”


This was a husband and wife team/couple who entered martial arts competitions together. They were 40 and 32 years old respectively. Between the two of them, they had won many medals, but also had many martial arts related injuries.  To be HIPAA compliant, I will call them Kirk and Josilyn instead of their real names. 

Kirk had chronic right wrist and hand pain from “breaking bricks” over the years. Moreover, he had broken the same hand in the past from the constant impact. His neck and back were also chronically effected by the martial arts training.  Josilyn had chronic back, left knee and right shoulder pain from her martial arts training.  And worst of all was her chronic neck pain.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: History and Intake for Kirk and Josilyn

In the past, they had both had various treatments for these conditions and injuries including physical therapy and another chiropractor. Nevertheless, ultimately their conditions became chronic.

Recently, Kirk and Josilyn’s primary care doctor had prescribed Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen. They iced their injuries as well. This seemed to help for a while, but then they were back to their original state of chronic pain and dysfunction. 

Although martial arts was a hobby and they had “regular jobs”, it was an important part of their lives.  Therefore, they needed to improve their chronic conditions in order to continue their sport.  So they came to see me.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Kirk and Josilyn’s Examination at Meiri Chiropractic

Kirk and Josilyn presented to my office together.  Even in their chiropractic visits they were a team! Kirk stated he had chronic pain in his neck, back and right hand/wrist. Josilyn stated she had neck, back, left knee and right shoulder pain.  Additionally, they were able to help each other in their history/intake.

Upon examination, there were positive tests for Kirk’s cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back) and lumbar (low back) spine and right wrist/hand chief complaints. And Josilyn’s tests were positive for her cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), lumbar (low back) spine, left knee, and right shoulder chief complaints.

The x-rays taken in my office showed osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) in both their spines.  X-rays taken at the primary care doctor’s office showed  some osteoarthritis of their extremity joints. 

Finally, this current incident was yet another sprain and/or strain in their areas of chief complaints which is what brought them to my office.


What is a Sprain or a strain?

A sprain is a sudden or violent twisting injury of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments.  A strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or improper use. Furthermore, damage to your attached tendons can also occur with a strain.

Besides from Sprains and Strains, the sport of martial arts may lead to many more injuries such as: Bruising/cuts, Concussion, Fractures/ Joint dislocation and various muscle tears.



Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Kirk and Josilyn’s Treatment for Martial Arts Injuries

Firstly, the couple’s treatments consisted of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustments of the cervical , thoracic, and lumbopelvic spine, and extremity joints. Secondly, soft tissue techniques (e.g. myofascial release, pressure point and post-isometric relaxation) was performed on all their tender and spasmed muscles. Thirdly, ice/heat therapy recommendations and exercises to continue their treatment at home were given. Finally, activity modification and recommendations for prevention of further injury were given.


 Chiropractor West Palm Beach: the  Outcomes for Kirk and Josilyn’s Treatment for Martial Arts Injuries

The couple started feeling better within a few visits. After a few months of continued care, Kirk and Josilyn functioned better and were mostly pain-free.  Thereafter, they continued the chiropractic care for supportive/ preventative care.   Of course, they continued the martial arts training.  In fact, Kirk became a martial arts teacher.  


 Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Injuries in a Martial Arts “Team”

Are you suffering from chronic pain from a sports injury? Dr. Natalie Meiri has helped many athletes utilizing chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques, cranial sacral therapy and therapeutic exercises. Contact her at 561-253-8984 for further information on Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Injuries in a Martial Arts “Team” or to make an appointment today.