A Chiropractor in West Palm Beach can help you with many ailments by way of adjustments. However, the food you consume on a daily basis has a very large impact on your body and the thousands of underlying processes that go on inside it every day. Nutrition is certainly a significant factor in your health. So some of your lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office can influence the effectiveness of treatment. When you eat well, your immune system fights off illness better, you elevate your brain function, you lose weight and your energy soars. By incorporating certain foods into your diet, you can contribute to faster healing and continued wellness.
In this post we will look at Joint Disease: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.
- Nightshade-Free Diet
Certain wild plants belonging to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family are known to cause arthritis and joint pain with consumption. When avoided, joint pains are said to subside. This Nightshade-free diet was developed by Norman Childers, an established professor of horticulture, at Rutgers University. Around age 50 he developed arthritis and diverticulitis requiring a colostomy. Eventually he realized that nightshades triggered his arthritis pain, often within less than an hour of consumption.
The Nightshade family includes:
-potatoes (white)
-peppers (hot and sweet)
Reduce Inflammation by Prostaglandin Modification
Prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) is a principal mediator (substance that transmits information between two cells, tissues, or organs) of inflammation in diseases. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds that are produced in your body to act as chemical messengers and regulators of various body processes. The body releases prostaglandins-E2 (PGE2), as an inflammatory response to disease and injury. But in excess, chronic diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis) and cancers are in part maintained or supported by this “proinflammatory” cascade. You can pause this cascade through diet.
Firstly, reduce dietary intake of animal fats and increase intake of polyunsaturates (Omega-3 fatty acids). Your source of omega-3s can be consumed by wild-caught fish. Eat salmon once or twice a week. Plant based sources include flaxseeds and walnuts (also Omega-6 fatty acids).
Secondly, reduce your intake of saturated fat by eating less butter, cream, high fat cheese, and fatty meats. Use extra-virgin olive oil (monounsaturated) in cooking. Additionally, include in your diet nuts and avocados (mono-saturated). And try nut butters from almond, walnut and cashews.
Thirdly, in rheumatoid arthritis, evening primose oil (Omega-6 fatty acids), 3 to 4 g/d (grams (g) per decilitre (dL) may be of benefit.
Fourthly, Vitamin E may help reduce inflammation. In one study, vitamin E 600 IU/d provided relief to more than half of the participants with Osteoarthritis within a week.
Free Radical Activity Prevention
Scientist discovered the degenerative and inflammatory effects of oxygen radicals. A free radical is a type of unstable molecule that is made during normal cell metabolism (chemical changes in a cell). Free radicals can cause large chain chemical reactions in your body because they react so easily with other molecules.
These reactions called Oxidation is a normal and necessary process. For instance, during aerobic respiration, the oxygen taken in by a cell combines with glucose to produce energy in the form of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and the cell expels carbon dioxide and water.
However, oxidative stress emerges when an imbalance exists between free radical formation and the capability of cells to clear them. And Antioxidants are molecules that can donate an electron to a free radical without making themselves unstable.
In summary
An oxygen radical is a type of unstable molecule that contains oxygen and that easily reacts with other molecules in a cell. Subseqeuntly, a build up of oxygen radicals in cells may cause damage to DNA, RNA, and proteins, and may cause cell death.
Moreover, your diet can contribute to pro-oxidant or antioxidant conditions in your joints. To create antioxidant conditions take vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese and sulfur containing amino acids (Cysteine and Methionine). Many anti-oxidant nutrients vital to free radical protection also serve as natural chelators (Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions). Vitamins C and E and the amino acids, cysteine and methionine, help rid the body of toxic metals such as lead.

Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Numerous deficiencies or imbalances of vitamins and minerals have been noted by blood studies on rheumatoid arthritis patients. An optimal diet and broad spectrum supplement is beneficial. Prostaglandin inhibition is important by consuming omega 3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E and bioflavonoids. Food allergy testing should be investigated. Allergen exclusion diets resulted in reduction or cessation of symptoms in some participants in a study. Lastly, calcium pantothenate (vitamin B6) given to rheumatoid arthritis patients showed improvement in another study.
- Tips for Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease)
Weight loss when necessary is an effective therapy goal for osteoarthritis. You will see improvement even in your non-weight bearing joints. Along with antioxidants, niacinamide (B3) may relieve symptoms and improve joint function. Finally, glucosamine sulfate is a well known supplement helpful for osteoarthritis. It stimulates the rebuilding of damaged cartilage.
Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach
Dr. Natalie Meiri has treated patients for over 17 years with osteoarthritis and inflammatory disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Dr. Natalie Meiri also adjusts arthritic joints of the extremities (limbs). Too many people suffer with conditions that can be treated using natural and noninvasive treatments. She will educate you on how to prevent future suffering by learning and implementing a lifestyle for health self enhancement. In this regard, we may give take home exercises, recommend ergonomic changes and nutritional changes.
Get fast pain relief and function better from the best chiropractic clinic in West Palm Beach. Contact Dr. Natalie Meiri today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Joint Disease: Tips on Your Diet Along With Chiropractic Care.
References: Jame Gerber, Hand book of Preventative and Therapeutic Nutrition, 1993