Did you know Chiropractors treat nonspinal joints such as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)? Applying manual hands on care and procedures to the nonspinal/peripheral joints is a special skill.  And this skill is taught in all accredited chiropractic schools.

Irritation to the TMJ structures can cause symptoms such as ear pain, tinnitus, vertigo, subjective (patient’s perception) hearing loss, hyperacusis (increased sensitivity to sound), tongue pain, and muscle pain.

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Temporomandibular Joint pain (TMJ) Anatomy

The TMJ is composed of:

Synovial cavity– space between the bones in a synovial joint that’s filled with synovial fluid (nourishing thick fluid).

Articular cartilage– specialized type of connective tissue that covers the ends of bones in joints.  It provides a smooth surface for joint movement.

-Articular capsule– fibrous connective tissue encloses the joint capsule

Several ligaments- ligament is a band of tissue that connects bones and joints. Ligaments hold the TMJ in place and help move it properly.

Disk- articular fibrocartilaginous structure located between the mandible (jaw bone) and the temporal bone (sides of skull).

Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Problems with the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

TMJ problems can be due to developmental abnormalities, intracapsular diseases, and dysfunctional conditions:

-Developmental abnormalities include hypoplasia/hyperplasia (under or over development of TMJ)

-Impingements (pinching) of the various TMJ structures (e.g. coronoid process, synovial fold)

-Ossification (calcification) of TMJ ligaments (e.g. stylohyoid ligament; Eagle syndrome).

-Intracapsular (located within a capsule) diseases (e.g. disk adhesions/displacements, degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, infections, and gout)

Certainly, chiropractic can be helpful for the conditions above.  However, chiropractic excels in treatments of extracapsular (outside the capsule) conditions.  Indeed, these include myofascial pain syndromes and muscular imbalance.  Moreover, even capsular sprain, hypomobility (decreased movement), and hypermobility (increased movement) can be relieved through chiropractic care.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ) and the Cervical Spine (Neck)

There are definite clinical relationships between neck pain, headache, orofacial (mouth and face) pain, and abnormalities of chewing and swallowing. For example, a dysfunction in the TMJ and the atlanto-occipital (C0 and C1 joint) joint connection can cause head and neck pain.

Firstly, a biomechanical relationship exists between the cervical (neck) spinal segments and movements of the TMJ.  

Secondly, tension in the deep cervical (neck) fascia (three-dimensional matrix of loose connective tissue) that surrounds bone, muscle, visceral organs, and skin can cause TMJ dysfunction.  This is because the fascia helps to shape and support your TMJ.

Thirdly, activity of the hyoid (U-shaped bone in the neck) bone muscles play a part in TMJ health. So the hyoid bone moves during respiration, mastication, swallowing, and phonation.  These are functions affected by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Fourthly, structures of the shoulder girdle can contribute to TMJ dysfunction.

Lastly, postural stresses, muscle tone, malocclusion/dysfunction of the teeth can affect the TMJ.


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri
Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Treatment for TMJ at Meiri Chiropractic

First, spinal adjustments to your neck and manipulation/mobilization to the TMJ and cranium (skull). Second, muscle stretching and soft tissue therapy, along with exercise, the use of modalities (i.e. heat therapy, electric muscle stimulation) and rehabilitation/ home exercises as necessary. Third, postural advice/ recommendations.


Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ)

Do you have TMJ pain or dysfunction? Call 561-253-8984 today to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractor West Palm Beach: Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ).