

Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Driving Posture (Part 6) is about how to make changes in your daily life for better posture and health. So posture is the way that you hold your body at any given moment, whether sitting, standing, or being active. And ergonomics is a science dedicated to studying human posture that is most healthy for our bodies.

Many patients seek chiropractic care for pain relief. However, your chiropractor should also help you decide which aggravating activities are unnecessary and must be eliminated.  This is important for prevention of rein-jury and for further future trauma.

Get started with some facts in our latest post regarding Driving Posture.


“Car Posture”

Of course, how many hours per day you spend in your car is a major factor. However, the type of lumbar (low back) support you have is important.

When you have inadequate lumbar support, this causes a posture of a loss of your normal lumbar lordosis (curve).   Next, your chest “collapses” along with the forward rounding of your shoulders.  Furthermore, your head may extend into a more anterior (front) position.

Most cars have seats with little or no lumbar support.  So most people spend many hours per day looking over the dashboard in a forward head posture.  In conclusion, this results in muscle and joint strain.

Therefore, you must have an adequate lumbar support of some kind.  This support is necessary whenever riding in a car whether as a driver or passenger. Some car seats now have a built-in adjustable lumbar support.  Moreover, if not, you can purchase one or make one.


Making a Lumbar Support at Home

Firstly, to make a lumbar support, a firmly rolled towel will suffice.  It provides a desirable combination of firmness and resilience. Secondly, try to make it approximately 12 inches wide and 3-4 inches in diameter. Thirdly, it should be placed in the seat back at the height about where a belt would normally go around your waist. The support can be adjusted up or down on the seat for comfort. Fourthly, the towel roll can be used as a more permanent lumbar support.  This is either in the car, at home or in the office.  In addition, you could even  slip it into an attractive cover and tye it to the seat. This will make it easier to use. Fifthly, it is important that the size of the roll be an appropriate fit for you.

Seated posture which completely eliminates your lumbar lordosis may feel helpful for brief periods.  This is due to the postural variation occurring. But can, by itself, cause muscle strain if maintained for a prolonged time, as when driving a car. To relieve tension during prolonged sitting, you should stretch regularly by changing your position.

Finally, any type of seating should allow for body symmetry and support of the normal spinal curves with a minimum of muscular energy. 


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri

Your chiropractor is your partner in your healthcare. At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, we’ll work with you to get the relief and health you need through chiropractic care. Together, we can be on the lookout for life and work situations where you experience pain in relation with poor posture. Pain is our body’s way of warning us of problems, so don’t ignore it. Shape up your life! Check your posture today.📞Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to learn more about Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Driving Posture (Part 6).




Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: (Standing Posture) Part 5 is about how to make changes in your daily life for better posture and health. So posture is the way that you hold your body at any given moment, whether sitting, standing, or being active. And ergonomics is a science dedicated to studying human posture that is the most healthy for our bodies.

Many patients seek chiropractic care for pain relief, but your chiropractor should also help you decide which aggravating activities are unnecessary and must be eliminated.  This is important for prevention of rein-jury and for further future trauma. Get started with some facts in our latest post.


Standing/Upright Posture

Round – shouldered posture is an important mechanical activating and perpetuating factor for the myofascial pain cycle. Continued round shouldered posture causes adaptive shortening of muscles in the area leading to pain and dysfunction. 

These syndromes can cause arm pain and weakness.  Indeed, there is a significance in that what happens in a certain part of the body effects another part.  Furthermore, it is crucial to remember that everything is connected.  What happens from the feet up to the head position influences your body.  Moreover, whether you are standing or sitting this is occurring. Your feet and your pelvis are crucial support structures, but so are all the other body structures.


“Think Tall”

One simple technique you can do to develop good posture and movement is to “think tall”.  Go ahead and lengthen yourself. Move your head upward in relation to your body (away from your body, making yourself taller). Then your body will follow and come into good alignment. Of course it is not practical for a person to perform this slight movement every minute of the day.  Nevertheless, the more often the movement is performed, with every daily movement activity, the easier it becomes.  Matthias Alexander deserves credit for his principle of movement that uses the conscious mind to change subconscious muscle patterns.



For relaxation in the sitting position, a well designed chair with adequate lumbar support and the correct height armrests is necessary. When standing or walking, you should focus on the floor under the feet, trying to feel the texture and hardness of the carpet, flooring, or concrete with each step. Unnecessary muscles tension is relieved by this.  Similarly, while resting, sensation should be concentrated on the bed that supports the body, on the texture/softness of the sheets, and on the shape of the supporting surface. In conclusion, this concentration on the underlying support beneath the body encourages relaxation.

Muscle relaxation

Firstly, muscles relax more fully immediately following a gentle contraction. Secondly, when lying down and trying to relax, you can feel the difference in muscle tension.   Thirdly, before and after the contraction of individual muscle groups you can feel change. Fourthly, interestingly, relaxation is an active process that requires intense concentration. Fifthly, this concentration on relaxation helps to clear the mind for sleep.


Lastly, training in biofeedback and mind management, such as meditation, can help people learn how to relax their muscles. Additionally, during exercise, a pause for several deep breaths greatly aids muscular relaxation between cycles. This permits time for return of circulation, helps you to reduce chronic tension of the muscles and perform your exercise with better form.

Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri


Your chiropractor is your partner in your healthcare.

At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, we’ll work with you to get the relief and health you need through chiropractic care. Together, we can be on the lookout for life and work situations where you experience pain in relation with poor posture. Pain is our body’s way of warning us of problems, so don’t ignore it. Shape up your life! Check your posture today.📞Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to learn more about Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Standing Posture (Part 5).





Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Sleeping Posture (Part 4) is about how to make changes in your daily life (sleeping) for better posture and health. So posture is the way that you hold your body at any given moment, whether sitting, standing, or being active. And ergonomics is a science dedicated to studying human posture that is the most healthy for our bodies.

Many patients seek chiropractic care for pain relief, but your chiropractor should also help you decide which aggravating activities are unnecessary and must be eliminated.  This is important for prevention of rein-jury and for further future trauma. Get started with some facts in our latest post.


Both Dynamic and Static Posture is Important

Both static (when you are still) or dynamic (when you are moving) poor posture in various forms strongly influences your myofascial pain cycle. Therefore, how you sleep is important. If you are causing postural strain while sleeping, it must be identified and resolved. 


Sleeping Posture: Bed and Mattress

The best sleeping posture is supine (on the back) in a firm bed with adequate support of the cervical lordosis (neck’s natural curve).  Furthermore, soft beds cause strain on your body.  Therefore, a firm mattress is preferable. One solution is placing a plywood bed board almost as big as the mattress between the mattress and the bed spring. Also, sleeping prone (on stomach) must be corrected.  This causes your head to be turned to one side and puts undue strain on the cervical (neck) joints and muscles.


Sleeping Posture: Pillow

A soft pliable pillow will provide support of your cervical lordosis.  Place it under the head and neck and bring the two comers up over your shoulders. When lying on your back, you should pull the corners of the pillow forward between the shoulder and your cheeks. Make sure your shoulders rest on the bed and not on the pillow.  Your cervical (neck) spine should be in line with the thoracic spine (mid back). Additionally, this encourages a shoulder-down position.  Specifically, this avoids shortening and cramping of the chest and scapula (shoulder blade) muscles (e.g. upper trapezius). Lastly, you may wish to carry your own home pillow on trips.


Side Sleepers

Side sleeping is acceptable.  However, side sleepers should focus pillow support between the head and neck, not the shoulder.  And you should sleep on a bed that supports the spine in a neutral position.  Only one soft comfortable pillow of adequate thickness to maintain a normal cervical lordosis is necessary. When you lie on the affected side, the pillow under the head should be thick enough.  A pillow bunched up between the neck and shoulder will keep the head in neutral.  It will prevent tilting of the head that would cause neck strain.


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri


Your chiropractor is your partner in your healthcare.

At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, we’ll work with you to get the relief and health you need through chiropractic care. Together, we can be on the lookout for life and work situations where you experience pain in relation with poor posture. Pain is our body’s way of warning us of problems, so don’t ignore it. Shape up your life! Check your posture today.📞Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to learn more about Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Sleeping Posture (Part 4).




Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Sitting  (Part 3) is about how to make changes in your daily life (sitting posture) for better posture and health. So posture is the way that you hold your body at any given moment, whether sitting, standing, or being active. And ergonomics is a science dedicated to studying human posture that is the most healthy for our bodies.

Many patients seek chiropractic care for pain relief, but your chiropractor should also help you decide which aggravating activities are unnecessary and must be eliminated.  This is important for prevention of rein-jury and for further future trauma. Get started with some facts in our latest post.

Sitting Posture

The fairly typical poor posture of someone sitting is:  flattening of the lumbar spine (low back), excessive  thoracic (mid back)  kyphosis (exaggerated, forward rounding of the upper back), round – shouldered  posture, anterior head (forward head ) positioning , and a depressed chest.

How can this poor sitting posture effect your health?


Firstly, this discourages normal diaphragmatic breathing (abdominal breathing and deep breathing). The diaphragm is a thin muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and abdominal muscles.  And Diaphragmatic breathing involves slowly breathing in through the nose and then out through the mouth using the diaphragm. Secondly, diaphragmatic breathing helps boost the amount of oxygen in the blood, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and reduces muscle tension. Thirdly, diaphragmatic breathing (e.g. relaxation technique) may be used to help relieve stress, pain, and anxiety. 

Moreover, poor sitting posture restricts thoracic (mid back) expansion. Additionally, this abnormal breathing leads to a compensation pattern and overload of the cervical (neck) muscles of accessory respiration.  So when prolonged, such poor sitting posture results in muscle and joint stress and eventually pain.


 Improving poor sitting posture when working at a computer:

-Your chair should have a backrest, a seat which is slightly hollowed out at the bottom to allow room for the buttocks, and firm upholstery.

-Seat height should be low enough so that your feet rest flat on the floor without compression of the thigh by the front edge of the seat.

-A foot rest may be used, if necessary, to avoid under-thigh compression.

-The lower edge of your back rest is positioned to support the lumbar spine (low back). And the upper edge of the backrest should reach high enough to cover and support at least the inferior (lower) edges of your scapulae (shoulder blade).

-Computer monitors which are too high or too low, or with glare on the glass, cause abnormal cervical (neck) postures. This occurs while you are trying to read the screen. Indeed, the screen can be cleaned.  And a phone book can raise a computer screen that is too low.  Also, seating adjustments may correct a screen that is too high. Lastly, special screen covers can cut unnecessary glare.

-If working on a computer, your keyboard should be kept as close to lap level as possible. If no keyboard table is available, it is better to have the keyboard on the knees (lap) than on a desk. Similarly, if typing, the under surface of the typing table should fit just above the knees/lap. This is so that your arms and shoulders do not need to be raised to reach the typewriter keys. As mentioned previously, if necessary a separate keyboard can fix this problem.


Chairs to be used for reading, socializing or watching TV, (not for eating)

The chair must have armrests that are high enough to provide support for the elbow. Without armrests, there will be a tendency to cross the arms in front of the chest for comfort. This causes the muscles across the front of the chest to shorten and rounds the shoulders forward.

If reading or writing, your chair should be pulled as close to the desk as possible. Your work should be kept as close to the body as possible. And the eyes instead of the head/neck should be turned down to look at the work.


Dr. Natalie Meiri
Dr. Natalie Meiri
Your chiropractor is your partner in your healthcare.

At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, we’ll work with you to get the relief and health you need through chiropractic care. Together, we can be on the lookout for life and work situations where you experience pain in relation with poor posture. Pain is our body’s way of warning us of problems, so don’t ignore it. Shape up your life! Check your posture today.📞Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to learn more about Back to Health with Correct Ergonomics and Chiropractic Care: Sitting Posture (Part 3).




From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

  Chiropractic Care is Possible After Neck and Back Surgery

This was a 64 year old patient who presented to my office with neck, back and left shoulder pain following a car accident.  She marked pain on her neck, back and drew a line going down her left shoulder for pain on the intake form. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Saskia instead of her real name. 

The current accident was her second accident. The first auto accident was 10 years ago. And she had surgery on her neck and low back due to this prior accident. So Saskia was questioning what treatment options were still available since she had a history of surgery.  “Is chiropractic still an option, even after major spinal surgery?” Indeed, she soon found out Chiropractic Care is Possible After Neck and Back Surgery.

Saskia’s Medical History

Saskia had a laminectomy nearly 10 years ago on her neck and low back following her previous car accident. A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that removes a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina, which is the roof of the spinal canal. Also known as decompression surgery, a laminectomy enlarges your spinal canal to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. It is a major spine operation.

She had the laminectomy on her C6-C7 and L4-L5 vertebra (neck and lower back spinal bones).  Saskia suffered from a herniated disc in both areas of her spine which caused a radiculopathy (nerve root compression). 

Saskia came to see me because she “didn’t want any more surgery or drugs if possible”. Spinal surgery is often one of the last options a patient chooses.  This is after exploring medications, physical therapy, and chiropractic.  Also, the surgery may be to no avail and not have a good outcome.  Saskia also remembered the extremely intense and year-long recovery period.


Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient
Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient

Saskia’s Exam and Imaging

Upon examination, Saskia had positive tests for her cervical (neck), thoracic (mid back), lumbar (low back), and left shoulder.

I ordered X-rays of her spine and left shoulder.  It showed osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) throughout her spine. Her left shoulder x-ray showed mild osteoarthritis.  I would send Saskia out for further imaging (i.e. magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) or a electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction study (NCS) for the left shoulder if there wasn’t any improvement within 12 visits. 


Saskia’s Chiropractic Treatment: Low Force Techniques Were Considered to be Safer

Firstly, Saskia’s chiropractic treatment consisted of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustments of the spine utilizing low force techniques.  Moreover, the adjustments were delivered around the level of the laminectomy, but not at where the laminectomies were performed with the following techniques: flexion distraction, hand-held mechanical adjusting instrument, SOT (sacro-occipital technique) blocking.  For her thoracic and left shoulder,  a low intensity/low amplitude diversified (hands on) adjustment was performed. Additionally, associated regions that were adjusted were both hips , which were misaligned (subluxations or intersegmental dysfunctions) due to the conditions she had.

Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation techniques) and modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered.

Thirdly, she was given therapeutic exercises to continue her treatment at home. 


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Saskia’s Outcome for Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic

Saskia started feeling better within the first few visits. After a few months of treatment, she regained  her range of motion and strength back. Chiropractic adjustments normalize function, restore joint mobility, resolves joint inflammation and reduces the patient’s pain.  Even for post-surgical cases, patients can get fast pain relief and over time improve function.

Do you know someone like Saskia who is in need of chiropractic treatment? Chiropractic Care is Possible After Neck and Back Surgery!  Contact Dr. Natalie Meiri of Meiri Chiropractic today serving North Palm Beach, Jupiter, Wellington, Palm Beach Gardens and the surrounding areas. Get the relief you need and deserve! We also offer chiropractic care for many other ailments. Call 561-253-8984 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.





There are many causes for hip pain, and loose bodies can be a culprit.  Loose bodies are fragments of detached cartilage or bone inside the hip joint. These fragments may be free floating (unstable) or embedded in the joint or tendon.

Loose bodies in the hip may appear as a lumbar (low back) spinal condition.  You will have a twinge like pain that may occur during walking.  Furthermore, the pain is felt on the anterior (front) thigh from the groin to the knee.  Your leg may weaken suddenly from the pain. You may have recurrences of this pain and weakness that comes and goes. 

Hip Pain from loose bodies and Chiropractic care is about what causes loose bodies and how chiropractic manipulation of the hip helps. However, x-rays are definitely needed for diagnosis before manipulation.


Causes of Loose Bodies:

There are many reasons for the loose bodies including: hydroxyapatite deposition disease, osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis), osteochondritis dissecans, labral tears, and trauma. 


Hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease (HADD)

Calcium hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease is characterized by the presence of basic calcium phosphate crystals (mostly hydroxyapatite).  And these crystals are deposited in the periarticular (around joint) soft tissues (e.g. tendons). So a common diagnosis of tendinitis or bursitis causing joint pain could be due to an underlying HADD. 

You will have pain, tenderness, localized swelling and reduced range of motion. And  You may be 40-70 year old.This is especially in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, hip, ankle, foot and spine.  


Labral Tear

The labrum of the hip is a dense fibrocartilaginous ring.  It is attached to the bony margin of the circumference of the acetabulum (socket for hip bone where femur fits).

You may have intermittent twinge like pain, catching and giving way of the hip.  Sometimes, a painful pop or click within the hip joint may occur.

Chiropractic manipulation and manual treatment for a loose body in the hip due to a labral tear may be helpful.  A MRI for a positive diagnosis is necessary. 


Osteochondritis Dissecans

A disorder of adolescence in which a small segment of subchondral bone (bone plate supporting the articular cartilage) undergoes ischemic necrosis ( loss of blood flow to bone tissue, which causes the bone to die). 

First, this usually occurs following trauma or a vascular occlusion (blood flow blockage). Second, it may heal spontaneously or form a loose body. Third, the segment of bone will separate and become displaced into the joint cavity.  Fourth, this forms an intraarticular (within joint) loose body.  Fifth, the separated loose body has various possibilities: reattachment, displacement and embedding into synovium (joint tissue), remaining free in the joint cavity, or resorption.

Osteochondritis Dissecans occurs mostly in 11-20 year old boys.  The knee is most commonly affected followed by the ankle, elbow and hip. Symptoms include joint effusion, painful joint motion, clicking, locking and localized tenderness. Also, it may have come on after trauma. 


Chiropractic Care of the Spine and Extremities (Hip) at Meiri Chiropractic:

Firstly, the treatment plan includes Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy to the spine and extremity (e.g. hip) joint.

Secondly, manipulation of muscle contractures with soft tissue techniques (e.g. post isometric relaxation and/or myofascial release techniques).

Thirdly, therapeutic exercises for strengthening of the joint will help for active care at home. 

Fourthly, recommendations on anti-inflammatory diet will be of benefit for patients.


Research on How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help

A 2013 study published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage found that patient education combined with 12 chiropractic treatments (twice a week for six weeks) were more effective for hip Osteoarthritis than a daily stretching program or patient education alone.


Getting regular chiropractic treatment at a West Palm Beach chiropractic center can help naturally relieve hip pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition.

Contact Meiri Chiropractic today at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to learn more about Hip Pain from Loose Bodies and Chiropractic Care.


References: Warren Hammer, Functional Soft Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods, 3rd edition