3 Common Runner's Lower Extremity Injuries Chiropractic Can Help


The chiropractic approach to the treatment of running injuries involves a thorough understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, motor patterns, and kinetic chains of the lower extremity (limb), including the pelvis. Your kinetic chain is a combination of several successively arranged joints. These joints constitute a complex unit, as links in a chain.

By identifying the underlying problem or dysfunction, your chiropractor can implement a multilevel treatment protocol (detailed plan) that involves chiropractic manipulative therapy.  A chiropractic realignment will restore faulty biomechanics. Lastly, your chiropractor can prescribe exercises to strengthen weakened muscle groups and motor pattern re-education.

The following are 3 common runner’s lower extremity injuries chiropractic can help.


1.  Achilles Tendonitis


The achilles tendon is a very large tendon which connects the gastronemius and soleus (calf muscles) to your calcaneus (heel bone).

The Achilles tendon is covered by a peritenon (connective tissue sheath surrounding a tendon) composed of mainly areolar tissue (fatty tissue) which functions as a cushion.  The area most affected in tendinitis is approximately 2 cm proximal (close) to the calcaneal insertion (heel attachment). The demands on the tendon are high in running and jumping.

Next, at the heel insertion (attachment site) there can be a complicating problem. The retrocalcaneal bursa (small cushioning sac between the heel bone and the achilles tendon) can get irritated.  Eventually, this may lead to a Haglund’s deformity (bony enlargement found on the back of the heel).

Common symptoms of achilles tendonitis include a dull pain above your heel, swelling along the tendon, or a limited range of motion when you try to flex your foot toward your shin.

Have your chiropractor treat your Achilles tendon right away when you begin to feel pain. Otherwise the risk of rupturing it increases.  Then you will need surgery and months of recovery will delay your training and running.


2. “Runner’s Knee”


Runner’s Knee is also called patellofemoral syndrome or chondromalacia patella.  It is seen in various athletes, but most commonly seen among runners. You may have anterior (front) knee pain. However, your knee pain may be found behind, in and around your patella (knee cap) as well. It may be vague aching pain that is aggravated by going up and down stairs. Moreover, there may be associated crepitus (cracking or grating) and knee pain going through any squatting maneuver. 

Certainly, biomechanical (study of living body) abnormalities can lead to an erosion and fragmentation of the sub patellar (beneath kneecap) cartilage. This breaking up of the patella articular cartilage due to repetitious stress leads to chondromalacia.  So patella tracking problems can occur primarily from injuries to the knee and quadriceps (group of four muscles that cover the front and sides of your thighs) mechanism.  And it can secondarily be in response to problems affecting the ankle or hip. Your chiropractor can diagnose your knee problem, assess and realign your spine, hip, knee and ankle.


3.  Hamstring Strain or Adductor Strain/Sprain (Groin Pull)


Perhaps you were running, sprinting or jumping and you over contracted the hamstrings while in a position of stretch?  You may be a runner who feels a sudden pull or pop at the back of the thigh following a forceful knee extension maneuver?

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles that run along the back of your thigh. They allow you to bend your leg at the knee. Tendons and aponeurosis (a sheet of pearly white fibrous tissue) connect the muscles with the structures (i.e. bones ) to be moved. Strains (injury to muscle) of  hamstrings occurs most often at the junction of the muscle and aponeurosis.

Perhaps you were sprinting or jumping and felt a sudden pulling sensation in the groin that was incapacitating?  The adductors are a group of muscles on the inside of your thigh. So a sprain is an injury to the ligaments, a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone, and usually serves to hold structures together. And the cause of an adductor sprain (injury to ligaments) is often a sudden contraction from a stretched position.

While ice and rest from the inciting activity are a start.  And you may try a drug for fast pain relief for the moment. This is not a long term solution. Get to your chiropractor if it’s not getting better.


3 Common Runner's Lower Extremity Injuries Chiropractic Can Help


What to expect on your visit for 3 Common Runner’s Lower Extremity Injuries Chiropractic Can Help


In addition to joint manipulation and adjustment to the spine and peripheral joints, at Meiri Chiropractic, we use soft tissue procedures, hot and cold modalities, stretching exercises, rehabilitation exercises, and homeopathic consultations.

At Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach we spend the time necessary to examine, diagnose and treat every neuromusculoskeletal condition and various ailments you have. Through regular chiropractic visits, you can get pain relief and improve function. Chiropractic is a holistic and natural way to not only treat existing conditions, but to keep your body in its best working condition.  Meiri Chiropractic has been offering effective chiropractic care in Palm Beach county since 2006.  Many of our patient reviews note our excellence.  Call us today at 561-253-8984 in West Palm Beach to make an appointment or to find out more about 3 Common Runner’s Lower Extremity Injuries Chiropractic Can Help.




From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories: Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain:

Runner’s Side Stitch and Chiropractic Care


This was a 35 year old patient with left sided back and rib pain of  1 month duration.  He also had a chronic problem he called a “side stitch”.  To be HIPPA compliant, I will call him Roger instead of his real name.   


Roger was a new runner. He started running various races about 6 months ago. Roger had suffered from runners “side stitches” during his training.  This time, he could pinpoint most of the pain to his left lower rib. Additionally, he had the all familiar chronic side stitch pain a few times a week during his runs. And he had no history of trauma. Furthermore, he had difficulty turning and twisting due to the rib pain.  Also, Roger stated discomfort with deep breaths.  He had been to his family doctor in case it was something more than musculoskeletal. 


What is Exercise-related transient abdominal pain (Runner’s stitch)?


Exercise related transient abdominal pain is a painful cramping or stabbing pain that is experienced by a runner.  It typically starts during the running activity.  It is usually felt most sharply under the rib cage, in the area of the diaphragm (located below the lungs, this is a major muscle of respiration) and upper abdomen (belly). Many athletes also report shoulder tip pain.


 Runner’s stitch can be a very painful physical problem. There are many explanations as to its cause:


  1. Stress is placed on the connective tissues and tendon that support the diaphragm through movement. So the connective tissues may become stressed when the runner has been breathing quickly. In other words, introducing short or shallow breaths into the lungs causes the connective tissues and diaphragm muscles to become stressed. And there is cramping or muscle spasm directly within the muscles of the diaphragm as well.
  2. It is also possible that running will particularly affect the ligaments and connective tissue that hold the organs (e.g. liver) in place relative to the diaphragm. The repetitive bouncing motion created by the running stride creates undue tension on these ligaments and connective tissue.
  3. Consumption of food within one hour of a race or training workout can cause the side stitch. A large volume of blood is pumped to muscles during exercise. Therefore, blood flow to the digestive processes (stomach) is decreased.  The result could be cramping in the muscles or an upset stomach.



Roger’s examination:

Upon examination, I found positive tests for a left 9th rib subluxation (chiropractic misalignment of rib articulation), myofascial (muscle) dysfunction and  thoracolumbar (mid to low back)  joint dysfunction (chiropractic misalignment). Roger’s condition did not require a x-ray.


Roger’s Treatment


Firstly, Roger’s treatment included chiropractic adjustments/manipulation to his subluxated rib and associated regions.  Associated regions were his thoracolumbar spine (mid and low back). 

Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation procedures) was applied to the muscles involved.  For example, scalenes, and serratus posterior and superior muscles, internal intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles, quadratus lumborum and diaphragm.

Thirdly, therapeutic stretching  exercises were given to do before and after his runs. 

Fourthly, Roger altered his breathing pattern to deep regular breaths during running instead of short, shallow breaths. 

Fifthly, as with any other type of muscle difficulty, the overall strength of the abdominal muscles may contribute to the formation of a runner’s stitch.  So Roger worked to improve his overall fitness as the best prevention for runner’s stitch. As a consequence, he incorporated some strengthening of core muscle groups of his back and abdomen at the gym.

Lastly, Roger worked on maintaining better hydration and electrolyte balance.  And there were no dietary triggers causing his side stitches he could recall.

Dr, Meiri adjusts a patient


Roger’s Outcome from Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic

Roger felt much better from the first treatment.  And after only a few visits, his pain level and functioning was much improved. The side stitches never returned either.

Thereafter, he continued his chiropractic care with full spine adjustments regularly for overall wellness and increased performance as a runner. 

Over time, Roger’s posture also improved significantly with chiropractic care.  Running with poor posture constricts the expansion of the rib cage while breathing which contributes to the occurrence of runner’s side stitches.


Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain: Runner’s Side Stitch and Chiropractic Care at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


Chiropractic is for people who want to move and perform better in life. Chiropractic is for patients who don’t want drugs or surgery. Ultimately, it’s not just for pain relief.  It’s for those who want a better quality of life. Do you know someone with Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain (side stitch)? Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, North Palm Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens can help ease your pain. Call 561-253-8984 today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain: Runner’s Side Stitch and Chiropractic Care.



Exercise related transient abdominal pain: a case report and review of the literature
Dr. Brad Muir, HBSc(Kin), DC, FCCSS(C)*

J Can Chiropr Assoc 2009; 53(4) pg.251




For special needs children there may be neuromusculoskeletal problems a chiropractor can help. This post is about Cerebral Palsy: Special Needs Children and Chiropractic Care.


What is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy is a non progressive (does not get worse over time) motor disorder. It affects a child’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture.  It is the most common motor disability in childhood. Approximately 2 out of every 1,000 children in the United States have it.


Cause of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy’s specific cause is unclear.  So Cerebral means relating to the brain. And Palsy means weakness or problems with the muscles.


Etiology (cause of disease) may range from in utero problems, perinatal and neonatal (before birth to after birth) problems. There may be abnormal brain development or damage to the developing  brain that affects a child’s ability to control his or her muscles. For instance, birth trauma, asphyxia (lack of oxygen) due to birth complication in 15% of cases, abnormal birth position, prematurity, and central nervous system trauma or systemic (one or more of the body’s systems) disease have been identified as causes.


Symptoms and Types of Cerebral Palsy


There are four types: (1) spastic (stiff/ tight muscles), (2) athetoid or dyskinetic (abnormal posturing, tone, and involuntary movements), (3) ataxic (lack of coordination and balance), and (4) mixed.


Firstly, seventy percent to 80% are the spastic type characterized by stiffness, weakness, muscle hypertonicity (increased tone), and a tendency toward contractures. For example,  “scissors” gait and toe-walking are prevalent.


Secondly, milder forms may affect lingual/palatal (roof of mouth) movement resulting in speech disorders.


Thirdly, with involvement of the basal ganglia the athetoid/dyskinetic type (20% of cases) occurs. The basal ganglia are brain structures which help process  execution of motor, cognitive and emotional activities.  Furthermore, either slow writhing movements of the extremities (athetoid) or the proximal muscle groups of the trunk (dystonic), or abrupt jerking type movements (choreiform) are found. Dysarthria (difficulty speaking because the muscles you use for speech are weak) is quite common and often severe.


Fourthly, the symptoms of cerebral palsy vary from child to child. A child with severe cerebral palsy might need to use special equipment to be able to walk.  Additionally, they might not be able to walk at all and might need lifelong care. Similarly, with a milder form, they might walk  awkwardly, but might not need any special help. Cerebral Palsy does not get worse over time. However, the exact symptoms can change over a person’s lifetime.


Lastly, many children with cerebral palsy also have related conditions such as intellectual disability.  And all children with Cerebral palsy have problems with movement and posture.  Other problems include seizures and visual, hearing or speech impairment problems. All children with cerebral palsy have problems in the spine (such as scoliosis) or joint problems (e.g. contractures).


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Studies show that children with cerebral palsy with chiropractic care showed neuromuscular and mobility improvement.

Some were able to sit up (when they previously couldn’t), walk upstairs without assistance, and use their arms and hands better. Muscles were not as limp, they gained confidence, walked steadier, and had a significant improvement in their emotional state. Improvement in both sleep quality and education were also observed and documented.

Improvement/ reduction in the following was also reported after children with cerebral palsy had chiropractic care:

  • Pain and muscle stiffness
  • Breathing problems
  • Drooling
  • Muscle contractions
  • Neck pain
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Gait issues
  • Spine issues
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Headaches and chest pain
  • Leg/arm problems
  • Speech problems due to respiratory issues
  • Spasticity (continual contraction of certain muscles)
  • Urinary incontinence
Chiropractic Care of Cerebral Palsy at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach

For Pediatric Chiropractic Care in 2009, a survey found that there were about 68 million pediatric visits to chiropractors. The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ most recent practice analysis, issued in 2010, found that about 17 percent of chiropractic patients were under age 18 — approximately 7.7 percent aged five years or younger and some 9.4 percent between ages six and 17. In deed, the American Chiropractic Association cites a study done in 2014 confirming that chiropractic adjustments are overwhelmingly safe in infants and children.

Chiropractic care is modified for children.  This is especially necessary for special needs children who have specific developmental anatomy.  Dr. Natalie Meiri delivers fast adjustments to the spine and extremities (limbs) that are low intensity (low force) and low amplitude (low displacement) for kids. She also has helped babies and kids utilizing soft tissue techniques, cranial sacral therapy, and homeopathy. Dr. Natalie Meiri has treated babies with ear infections, kids with ADHD, autistism, with developmental disorders, scoliosis, sports injuries and various growing problems. Does your child have cerebral palsy?  Contact her at 561-253-8984 for further information on Cerebral Palsy: Special Needs Children and Chiropractic Care.




Does your child have a connective tissue disorder?  This post explains what it is and how chiropractic can help.

Connective Tissue Disorders are a group of related disorders characterized by abnormal collagen (principal protein of the skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bone, and connective tissue) production and structure. Although there are numerous types, they generally have three common clinical manifestations (1) hypermobile joints, (2) fragile blood vessels, and (3) various cutaneous (affecting skin) abnormalities including hyperelasticity.


Connective Tissue Disorders Have Laxity and Hypermobility


Firstly, generalized laxity (looseness of joint/ muscle) is a prominent finding in connective tissue disease.  Indeed, your child will have hypermobile joints. And hypermobile joints have a greater range of motion than is expected or normal.

Secondly, the problem is the hypermobile joints are not just hypermobile, but are also unstable. In connective tissue disorders joint instability leads to joint injuries. Furthermore, Joint instability can cause both acute and chronic pain.

Thirdly, Joint hypermobility and/or instability may be a child’s only problem. This is than called joint hypermobility syndrome.   Additionally, it can also occur as part of a known syndrome, such as a type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, or Down syndrome.  Scientists have said joint hypermobility syndrome is a milder form of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.



Symptoms of Connective Tissue Disorder


There is a wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms children experience with connective tissue disorders. For instance, some children may experience mild or severe joint pain. Moreover, they may also experience one, or many other symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, constipation, or headaches. And these symptoms may be mild or severe.

A child with Ehlers-Danlos syndromes may have the eyes affected.  They may have blue sclerae (outer layer of eyeball) instead of white. Also, the lungs, skin, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems may be affected. Physically, the child is tall and walks with a gait of hyperextension at the hips (movement that is outside normal range of motion) and genu recurvatum/ hyperextended knees (knee is bent backward beyond its usual limit).


Diagnosis of Connective Tissue Disorders


There are currently no laboratory tests to diagnose theses genetically inherited disorders. Diagnosis is through observation of criteria, questionnaires and scoring (e.g. Beighton score).


Musculoskeletal Treatment for Children with Connective Tissue Disorders


Children with Connective Tissue Disorders may suffer acute ligament and soft tissue injury, overuse injuries, possible increases in fractures and a possible predisposition to degenerative joint disease after years of excessive joint motion. If left untreated or undiagnosed, hypermobility may result in a chronic pain cycle and high levels of disability.  Nevertheless, overall maintenance of physical fitness is important for managing symptoms of connective tissue disorders. 


It may seem inconsistent to apply adjustments (chiropractic manipulative therapy), a treatment intended to impart mobility to articulations, in patients with hypermobility. However, joint dysfunctions from connective tissue disorders were treated with manipulation in various research cases with positive outcomes. Of course, modification of the application of pressure and force is necessary for successful outcomes. And recovery and healing is often slower than in kids who are non-hypermobile.


Other therapies, such as soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercise, and ice/ heat therapies may also provide some relief.


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Chiropractic Care for Children with Connective Tissue Disorders in West Palm Beach


The fact is Chiropractors receive training to adjust all people, from babies to the elderly. Many children have benefited from chiropractic care, including babies.

Did you know along with adequate nutrition, sleep and physical activity, adjustments can be life changing for children? For parents who are looking for answers besides putting their kids on more drugs, Chiropractic is a great solution.

Call Meiri Chiropractic at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic Care for Children with Connective Tissue Disorders.






For children there may be developmental issues causing neuromusculoskeletal problems a chiropractor can help. This post is about Chiropractic Care for Children with Autism. Read on to find out how Chiropractic Can Benefit Children with Autism.


What is Autism?


Autism is a syndrome (group of symptoms) characterized by abnormal social interaction with varying degrees of accompanying neurologic abnormalities.

It is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some kids with Autism  have a known difference, such as a genetic condition.  However, all causes of autism are not yet known.  Autism usually appears within the first year.  It can be misinterpreted as deafness or mental disability. Symptoms may improve over time and can last throughout a person’s life. Moreover, some autistic children gain new skills and meet developmental milestones until 24 months of age or later. After that, they may stop gaining new skills or loose the skills they have. 

As children with autism become adolescents and young adults, they may have difficulties developing and maintaining friendships. Similarly, communicating  or understanding what behaviors are expected in school or on the job are difficult. They may come to the attention of healthcare providers because they also have conditions such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Diagnosing Autism can be difficult since there is no available definitive medical test (e.g. blood test).



Symptoms of Autism


Firstly, behavior, communication, interaction and learning skills are different for children with autism. Physically they look the same as a normal child. In fact, there is often nothing about how they look that sets them apart from other children. Furthermore, the abilities of children with autism can vary significantly. For example, some children with autism may have conversation skills whereas others may be nonverbal.

Secondly, abnormal behaviors include an aloofness (detached, not making eye contact, not answering questions, avoiding physical contact), attachment to sameness (resists changes in environment or routine, develops rituals, repetitive behaviors), and speech/language problems (ranges from muteness to other idiosyncratic behavior such as echolalia (repeating words spoken by others), and pronoun reversal (“you”instead of “I”). Other manifestations are with play, spinning objects or repetitive activity when hyperactive.

Thirdly, autistic children may demonstrate bursts of violent behavior. Some autistic children have remarkable skills in music or mathematics (savant). Again, the cause is unknown.

Lastly, additional symptoms of  children with austim include:

  • Delayed language, movement, cognitive, learning skills
  • Hyperactive, impulsive, and/or inattentive behavior
  • Epilepsy or seizure disorder
  • Unusual eating and sleeping habits
  • Gastrointestinal issues (for example, constipation)
  • Unusual mood or emotional reactions
  • Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
  • Lack of fear or more fear than expected
Dr. Natalie Meiri
Treatment for Children with Autism


Treatment approaches are usually multidisciplinary.  They include behavioral, speech therapy, psychological, pharmacological and complementary and alternative medicine.

One research study found Chiropractic is a popular alternative therapy for autistic children.  The study found  Chiropractic could play a role in helping bring the neurology back to normal.

The study stated: At the heart of the core symptoms of autism (ie, impaired social interactions, deficits in communication and repetitive or restricted behavioral patterns) is abnormal sensory processing. Preliminary studies indicate that the chiropractic adjustment may attenuate sensorimotor integration based on somatosensory evoked potentials studies”. They concluded by encouraging further research for definitive studies on chiropractic’s effectiveness for autism. “However, given the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical agents, a trial of chiropractic care for sufferers of autism is prudent and warranted”.

Another factor thought to exacerbate autism symptoms is Leaky Gut Syndrome. This occurs when the gut lining becomes inflamed and increasingly permeable.  Digestive issues such as constipation are prevalent in autistic children. In addition, this can lead to sleep disorders. Chiropractic adjustments improve the relationship between the spine and nervous system. This affects the function of all the organs and systems in your child’s body including their gastrointestinal system.


Chiropractic Care for Children with Autism at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


Many of the issues associated with the diagnosis of Autism may be positively impacted by the chiropractic adjustment.  Of course, Chiropractic care is modified for children. 

The fact is Chiropractors receive training to adjust all people, from babies to the elderly. Many children have benefited from chiropractic care, including babies.

Did you know along with adequate nutrition, sleep and physical activity, adjustments can be life changing for children? For parents who are looking for answers besides putting their kids on more drugs, Chiropractic is a great solution.

Call Meiri Chiropratic at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Chiropractic Care for Children with Autism.




For children there may be developmental issues or an abnormal chromosome condition causing neuromusculoskeletal problems a chiropractor can help. This post is about Down Syndrome: Special Needs Children and Chiropractic Care.


What is Down Syndrome?


Down syndrome is due to an abnormality of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21).   It occurs rather frequently; l out of every 800 births. Furthermore, with mothers over 40, the incidence is much higher; 1 /40 births. And there are varying degrees of Down Syndrome.

Down children have low set ears, almond-shaped eyes with persistent epicanthus (upper eyelid fold), short physical size, shortened neck with increased skin at the posterior (back) aspect of the cervical spine (neck) in infants, hypotonia in infants, mental disability, shallow palate (roof of mouth), protruding tongue in infants, Simian crease in palms (single palmer crease), short fifth digit, Brushfield’s spots on the iris (peripheral spots that disappear during year 1), and heart defects. In addition to cardiac abnormalities, thyroid dysfunction is also common in these children.



Hypotonia and Ligament Laxity in Down Syndrome Infants


Firstly, there is hypotonia (low muscle tone). Gastrointestinal problems such as gastroesophageal reflux, feeding difficulties and constipation arise due to the hypotonia. Moreover, abnormalities in the development of the ears, nose, and throat are common.  Coupled with hypotonia, this often leads to an increase of otitis media (ear) and upper respiratory infections.

Secondly, Down Syndrome children have ligament (fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones) laxity (too loose). This contributes to the increased occurrence of atlanto-axial joint (joint between first and second cervical vertebrae) instability and congenital hip dysplasia (baby’s hip socket (acetabulum) is too shallow).

Thirdly, Cranial (skull) misalignments, hypotonia, and macroglossia (tongue enlargement) may impact the infant’s “sucking-swallowing” reflex.


Chiropractic Care of Down Syndrome Child at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


Your Down Syndrome child may be positively impacted by the chiropractic adjustment.  Indeed, Chiropractic care is modified for children.  This is especially necessary for special needs children who have specific developmental anatomy.

For instance, gentle, direction specific traction is substituted instead of rotation adjustments in the cervical spine. This is due to the risk of the atlanto-axial instability. Cranial sacral therapy is also helpful for restrictions in the cranium and normal head growth.

Feeding issues in the first year are helped through correction of cervical spine and cranial restrictions.  A misalignment or chiropractic subluxation at the occiput (back of head) could impair nerve supply.  And combined with hypotonia (low muscle tone) can lead to feeding problems.

It is hypothesized that an occiput chiropractic subluxation of the cranial nerves can interfere with the firing of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) and vagus nerve (CN X) as they exit the jugular foramen (exit hole in skull).  What’s more, it interferes with firing of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) as it exits the hypoglossal canal (small opening in skull). These cranial nerves innervate (supply) the muscles used in the infant’s suckling response.


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Down Syndrome: Special Needs Children and Chiropractic Care at Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


A research case demonstrated a situation in which chiropractic care successfully helped a patient with Down Syndrome to stimulate normal developmental activities (such as latching and regular sleep patterns) and increased her overall health (by resolving acute symptoms including constipation and respiratory issues) (1).

The fact is Chiropractors receive training to adjust all people, from babies to the elderly. Many children have benefited from chiropractic care, including babies.

In conclusion, along with adequate nutrition, sleep and physical activity, adjustments can be life changing for children. For parents who are looking for answers besides putting their kids on more drugs, Chiropractic is a great solution.

Call Meiri Chiropractic at 561-253-8984 to make an appointment or to find out more about Down Syndrome: Special Needs Children and Chiropractic Care.



1) Peter Amlinger, DC & Constance Colcombet, DC

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ July 13, 2022 ~ Pages 57-65




                            From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories: Chiropractic Treatment for Mid Back Pain


This was a 40 year old patient with right sided mid back pain. He had been to 2 other chiropractors before presenting at my office. To be HIPPA compliant, I will call him Eugene instead of his real name.  He was in severe pain (level of 9 out of 10).  Furthermore, it affected his activities of daily living.  And Eugene was having difficulty sleeping and working.

Eugene didn’t have any history of trauma involving his thoracic spine (mid back).  His current job involved a lot of driving which he stated was “hard on his back”.  In his spare time, Eugene was an avid surfer.  Moreover, he enjoyed all activities related to surfing (e.g. paddle boarding).  In the past, he was in the contracting /building business.  Therefore, Eugene had a job entailing a lot of physical labor. Additionally, he had seen a physical therapist previously for unrelated neck pain which had resolved.


Eugene’s Examination

Upon examination, I found positive tests to render chiropractic treatment of Eugene’s spine and right shoulder. So Eugene’s right glenohumeral joint (shoulder) was dysfunctional.  The right glenohumeral joint was found to disturb the normal proprioceptive (sense of self-movement, force, and body position) function, leading to mid back changes.  Eugene’s chronic and recurrent mid back pain that appeared to be localized to the mid back also involved his right shoulder.  This was why only treatment to the mid back joints with the previous chiropractors was ineffective.

The right glenohumeral joint was dysfunctional in the kinetic chain. The Kinetic chain describes how forces occur during human motion and how segments of the body are linked together. The distortions such as mechanical deficiencies (short leg) or muscular insufficiency or deformities (i.e., valgus/ “knock-knee”or varus/ “bow leg” ) result in dysfunctions in the kinetic chain.  In conclusion, Eugene’s problems presented as clinical findings associated with the thoracic spine, but there were also dysfunctions located in his right glenohumeral joint.  Eugene’s condition involved what’s called Reflex-triggered functional syndrome.


Eugene’s X-rays


The x-rays taken in my office showed moderate osteoarthritis in his thoracic (mid back) spine. This is the “wear and tear” type of arthritis when the bones rub against one another causing pain, stiffness, inflammation, disc degeneration and bone spurs (also known as osteophytes) which can “pinch” surrounding nerves/tissues.  For Eugene, the most notable finding on x-ray was the significant curvature in his thoracic (mid back) spine. He had a 7 degree right lateral deviation (right curvature) with an apex (center of curve) at the T8 spinal level.


Eugene’s Chiropractic Treatment for Mid Back Pain


Starting at 2 times a week and then 1 time a week, Eugene’s treatments included chiropractic adjustments/manipulation to his thoracic spine, right glenohumeral joint (shoulder), and associated regions.  Associated regions adjusted were her cervical (neck) and lumbar (low back) spine. Additionally, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various post isometric relaxation procedures) and modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered as needed. Finally, therapeutic exercises to continue treatment at home were given.

Firstly, the goal was to get him out of pain. Secondly, restore normal range of motion. Thirdly, to strengthen the involved musculature. The long-range goal was to strengthen/stabilize his thoracic spine and shoulder with a progressive therapeutic exercise program and modification of sport or/and occupational/daily lifestyle activities.


Eugene’s Outcome from Treatment at Meiri Chiropractic


Eugene started feeling better from the first treatment.  After four visits, he was able to sleep and resume surfing/ work activities  pain free.   Subsequently, he continued his chiropractic corrective and then maintenance care for his condition.



Dr. Natalie Meiri adjusts a patient's right shoulder


Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach

Chiropractic is for people who want to move and perform better in life. Chiropractic is for people who don’t want drugs or surgery. Ultimately, it’s not just for pain relief.  It’s for people like Eugene who want a better quality of life.

Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, North Palm Beach, and Palm Beach Gardens offers chiropractic treatment for mid back pain. Do you want a better quality of life? Call 561-253-8984 today to schedule an appointment.




For children there may be developmental issues and congenital anomalies (something abnormal or deviation from norm) present that are causing musculoskeletal problems a chiropractor can help. Congenital disorders are those present before or during birth. And developmental disorders are those that manifest after the first several years of life. This post is about Arnold Chiari: Congenital and Developmental Disorders in children and Chiropractic Care.


What is Arnold Chiari?


Firstly, Arnold Chiari involves the brain stem. The brain stem is the lower part of the brain that’s connected to the spinal cord (part of the central nervous system in the spinal column). It is made up of the mid brain, pons, and medulla oblongata. The Arnold chiari malformation is characterized by elongation of the brain stem. Similarly, there may be a structural defect (e.g. skull is smaller than normal or misshaped).


Secondly, there may be protrusion of the cerebellum below the foramen magnum (oval shaped opening in rear of skull).  The cerebellum are the egg-shaped, structures at the bottom of the brain. It is involved in balance and movement.


Thirdly, normally the cerebellum and parts of the brain stem sit above the foramen magnum in the skull.  Also, the spinal cord passes through the foramen magnum. When part of the cerebellum extends abnormally below this opening and into the upper spinal canal, it is called a Arnold Chiari Malformation.



What are the Symptoms, Causes, and How is it Diagnosed and Treated?


Symptoms usually consist of neck ache, headache, weakness, numbness and various neurological dysfunctions that present and progress gradually, but can be asymptomatic.


Arnold Chiari is most often a congenital defect.  Additionally, Arnold Chiari can be caused by trauma, disease or an infection. The defects are structural primarily of the brain and spinal cord.  Moreover, an Arnold Chiari malformation puts pressure on the brain stem and spinal cord possibly causing dysfunction and pain.


Proper nutrition during pregnancy may prevent Arnold Chiari. For example, folic acid and Vitamin B12 supplementation is important.


Diagnosis of Arnold Chiari without imaging is difficult.  X-ray may only show the possibility of Arnold Chiari due to the smaller or enlarged skull structures visualized.  Therefore, an MRI (magnetic resonance image) is necessary for a diagnosis.


Conventional medical treatment is typically suboccipito-cervical (upper neck) decompression surgery.


Arnold Chiari Classifications


Arnold Chiari Type I


Type I cases usually appear later in life with a mild hydrocephalus.  Hydrocephalus is when excess cerebrospinal fluid (fluid around the brain and spinal cord) builds up within the fluid-containing cavities or ventricles of the brain. The resulting pressure may affect brain functions controlled by this area and block the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).  Additionally, a possible syringomyelia (fluid-filled cyst forms within the spinal cord) may be present.


Of note, is an atypical scoliosis pattern developing with a left-sided thoracic (mid back), right-sided lumbar (low back) curve.


Arnold Chiari Type II


Type II cases are more severe.  These appear during infancy with breathing and feeding problems. Hydrocephalus is more increased than type I. Furthermore, there may be dorsal (upper) “kinking” (elevation) of the medulla (part of brainstem) and spinal problems such as spina bifida and meningomyelocele. A meningomyelocele is a neural tube defect in which the bones of the spine do not completely form.


Spina bifida is a birth defect (neural tube defect) that occurs when the spine and spinal cord don’t form properly. Serious conditions such as paralysis can occur.  A Myelomeningocele is the most serious type of spina bifida. With a Myelomeningocele, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby’s back. If an infant or a child has a myelomeningocele, they may require surgery to reposition the spinal cord and close the opening in their back.




Often associated with an Arnold-Chiari malformation, a syringomyelia is a congenital or developmental dilation (widening) of the central canal of the spinal cord.  A fluid-filled cavity or cyst known as a syrinx forms within the spinal cord.    It can also be due to trauma or a tumor.

Depending upon the size and exact location of the syrinx there can be a variety of symptoms.  Common signs/symptoms include pain in the neck and shoulders, muscle weakness, pain and stiffness in the legs, numbness or decreased sensation, especially to hot and cold, abnormal curvature of the spine (scoliosis), muscle contractions, and ataxia (uncoordinated movements).

Magnetic resonance imaging will demonstrate the level and extent of the syrinx.


Dr. Natalie Meiri


Chiropractic Treatment for Children in West Palm Beach


For Pediatric Chiropractic Care in 2009, a survey found that there were about 68 million pediatric visits to chiropractors. The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners’ most recent practice analysis, issued in 2010, found that about 17 percent of chiropractic patients were under age 18 — approximately 7.7 percent aged five years or younger and some 9.4 percent between ages six and 17. In deed, the American Chiropractic Association cites a study done in 2014 confirming that chiropractic adjustments are overwhelmingly safe in infants and children.

The fact is Chiropractors receive training to adjust all people, from babies to the elderly. Many children have benefited from chiropractic care, including babies.

In conclusion, along with adequate nutrition, sleep and physical activity, adjustments can be life changing for children. For parents who are looking for answers besides putting their kids on more drugs, Chiropractic is a great solution.


Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach


Modification of chiropractic adjusting procedures is necessary for treating children with developmental and congenital disorders such as Arnold chiari. “Softer and lighter” approaches in chiropractic manipulative treatments (e.g. flexion-distraction, blocking, and instrument adjusting tools ) are utilized. Our other therapies, such as soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercise, and ice/ heat therapies may also provide some relief.


Dr. Natalie Meiri has helped babies and kids with chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques, cranial sacral therapy, and homeopathy. She  has treated babies with ear infections, kids with ADHD, autism, scoliosis, sports injuries and various growing problems.  Contact her at 561-253-8984 for further information on Arnold Chiari: Congenital and Developmental Disorders in Children and Chiropractic Care or to make an appointment.