From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

A Chiropractor Can Treat a Dancer’s Injuries and Improve Their Performance

Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.    Posted: 10/25/20

This was a 25 year old patient with multiple chief complaints due to ballet and contemporary dancing.  To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Alice instead of her real name.  Alice had “stiffness” in her low back, both hips, both knees, and both ankles with numbness/tingling into both feet/toes.  Alice had been a professional dancer for 4 years and knew the stiffness was from ballet and contemporary dancing.  Even though it had been a year since the strenuous dancing, she felt the same “stiffness”.  So she came to see me.


She noted on her intake that she needed a “realignment” since she felt “out of alignment”. Furthermore, she checked off in her intake form: her condition interfered with her sleep, work, recreation, daily routine and was painful to sit, stand, walk, bend or lie down.  She also noted her pain “comes and goes”. There had been no falls or trauma to cause her condition.  Alice was very fit and lean having been a dancer, ate a balanced, nutritious diet, but needed to do the other activities (good night’s sleep, exercise)  to keep healthy.  She also wanted to take dance classes again, which she was unable to do currently due to her condition.


Alice’s Examination and X-rays

Upon examination, she had positive tests for the low back, both hips, both knees, and both ankles.  After that, I took some x-rays of her low back. Findings on her low back x-rays were decreased lumbar lordosis (normal inward curve of the low back was straight) consistent with lumbar myospasm (muscle spasm).  Alice had myalgia and myositis (muscle pain and inflammation) in her low back.  In addition, she had the decreased lordosis (loss of normal curve) probably acquired during her dancing years. Her hips, knees and ankles were given the diagnosis of segmental dysfunction (chiropractic misalignments/ subluxations) at those specific joints. 


Even though Alice did not have any falls (trauma) during her professional dancing years, she did have repetitive stress injuries.  These stress injuries occurred from repeating the same movements over and over again.  Moreover, a lot of these dance positions created poor posture for the spine contributing to the decreased lordosis in Alice’s spine. For instance, Alice spent many hours in the ballet pointe position in which the body is balanced on the extreme tip of the toes.


Alice’s Treatment

Alice’s chiropractic treatment consisted of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustments of the lumbar spine, both hips, knees, and ankles.  I also adjusted  her cervical (neck) and thoracic (mid back) spine to improve her overall posture/ alignment, nervous system function and optimize her dance performance. Additionally, soft tissue therapy (i.e., myofascial release, pressure point and post-isometric relaxation) and modalities (cold/heat therapy and electric muscle stimulation) were administered. Finally, Alice was given therapeutic exercises to continue her treatment at home. 


Alice was already at a dance class after her first visit! Gradually her stiffness, pain and numbness/tingling subsided.  She also gained the normal lordosis back in her low back along the way.  She continued treatment for several months.  Then Alice returned once a month on a regular basis to prevent future injuries and help her dance performance.


Many professional dancers are seeing their chiropractors on a regular basis. Your properly aligned spine and extremities (arms and legs) can boost your dance performance and also prevent future injuries.  Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach offers comprehensive alternative treatment options for recreational and professional dancers. And while a chiropractor can treat a dancer’s injuries and improve their performance, it is imperative that you work with an experienced chiropractor.  Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your appointment.



Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste. 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407



From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

A Chiropractor Can Treat Thumb Carpometacarpal Arthritis

Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.  Posted: 10/17/20


This was a 59 year old patient who enjoyed sewing and “machine quilting”. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Milly instead of her real name. Milly was a patient who was treating with me for her neck and back problems for many years.  Then one day, she told me her thumbs were hurting constantly. Her pain ranged from moderate to severe and was becoming disabling. Her hands felt stiff and weak.  Furthermore, she was loosing dexterity in her hands. Gripping and pinching activities aggravated her condition and she would even drop objects.  Milly wasn’t able to sew or “machine quilt” due to her thumb(s) condition.


Her thumbs had been hurting for over 10 years on and off, but now it was consistent, severe pain. She didn’t know how it started and couldn’t remember any injuries to her thumbs. Therefore, she had seen an orthopedic hand surgery specialist who told her it was “bone on bone” arthritis.  He diagnosed it as osteoarthritis at her trapeziometacarpal joints (joint at the base of thumb close to wrist) — also known as the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint seen on her x-rays on both hands.  Moreover, he said she would need surgery if conservative treatments failed. 


Milly didn’t want surgery if at all possible, but was in severe pain.  Therefore, she got a cortisone (steroid) injection and was given a hand splint to wear. This gave her some relief for a few months. But then due to the pain, she got another cortisone injection. Yet again a few months later, the same pain was back. She came to see me after the second injection, since she knew continuous and repeated steroid injections have been shown to weaken the joint capsule and the surrounding area.



Milly’s examination

Upon examination, she had limitation of range of motion, muscular weakness and positive tests for thumb carpometacarpal arthritis of both hands. Milly’s x-rays of her hands showed  carpometacarpal joint space loss and degenerative arthritic findings worse in her right than her left hand. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is formed by the trapezium bone of the wrist and the first metacarpal bone (metacarpals are long bones within the hand that are connected to the carpals, or wrist bones, and to the phalanges, or finger bones) of the thumb.


More precisely, Milly had osteoarthritis of her carpometacarpal joints of her thumbs. Osteoarthritis is a “wear and tear” arthritis with inflammation of bones in a joint due to a reduction of cartilage. The “bone on bone” reference made by her orthopedist refers to the increased severity of osteoarthritis in a joint. In a healthy joint, cartilage aids in the movement of the joint between the two bones. “Bone on bone” refers to this lack of cartilage because of advanced osteoarthritis.


Milly’s chiropractic treatment

The goal of Milly’s treatment was firstly to relieve pain. Secondly, conserve and restore the mobility of the carpometacarpal joints of her thumbs.  Finally, to preserve and strengthen surrounding musculature. 


Treatment consisted of:

-Chiropractic manipulation or mobilization of the carpometacarpal joints of her thumbs, and associated regions consisting of her hands and wrists.                             

-Soft tissue manipulation (myofascial release, pressure points, postisometric relaxation) to the muscles and soft tissues (i.e., tendons, ligaments) involved.

-Home exercises for self stretching and strengthening muscles.

-Nutritional support for osteoarthritis were recommended  (i.e., glucosamine sulfate, boswellia, horsetail, SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), Vitamin E, Niacinamide, Vitamin C) along with the homeopathic consultations in which specific remedies for Milly’s condition were prescribed.

Milly gradually got pain relief and improved function in her thumbs so she could resume sewing and “machine quilting”.  It took almost a year of treatment before Milly was completely pain free and had full mobility of her thumbs. 

A Chiropractor Can Treat Thumb Carpometacarpal Arthritis

Thumb carpometacarpal arthritis is found primarily in postmenopausal females over 50 years old, due to hormonal and structural factors. However, since I treated Milly, I have also treated a number of patients that were men with similar problems in their hands from osteoarthritis.  Sometimes the patient’s cause for the thumb/hand pain was due to certain hereditary conditions (joint ligament laxity and malformed joints), injuries (sprains), diseases that change the normal structure and function of cartilage (i.e., rheumatoid arthritis), and jobs that put high stress on the thumb joint.


Meiri Chiropractic in West Palm Beach offers a range of treatments to bring pain relief for a variety of conditions. A West Palm Beach chiropractor can treat thumb carpometacarpal arthritis naturally.   Contact us to learn more or to make an appointment with a chiropractor serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens and North Palm Beach today.



Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste. 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407



A Chiropractor Can Provide Care for Fibromyalgia Naturally 
Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.     Posted: 10/11/20


If you have fibromyalgia you feel achy, fatigued, and stiff in multiple muscle groups. You may have other associated symptoms as well.  Read below to learn about this systemic disorder and how a chiropractor can provide care for fibromyalgia naturally.


Fibromyalgia affects two – four percent of people, women more often than men. It is a type of rheumatism (condition with pain in muscles, joints, or fibrous tissue). Although it most often starts in middle adulthood, it can occur in the teen years and in older ages. You are at higher risk for fibromyalgia if you have a rheumatic disease (health problem that affects the joints, muscles and bones). These include systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis.


The American College of Rheumatology has set criteria for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.  You must have pain in 11 of 18 tender sites, with 9 being on both sides of the body, and with pain for at least 3 months. These tender sites include: suboccipital (below lower back of skull) muscles, lower cervical spine (neck), trapezius (pair of triangular muscles extending over back and neck), supraspinatus (smallest of rotator cuff muscles runs from shoulder blade to upper arm), second rib, lateral epicondyle (bony bump on the outside of the elbow), gluteals (muscles in buttocks), greater trochanter of femur (bony projection at top of the thigh bone), and medial (inside) fat pad (mass of fatty tissue that lies below the kneecap) of the knee.


Fibromyalgia is a Syndrome

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome (condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms) of chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin, but uncertain cause. Recent research says it is a neurologic health problem that causes widespread pain and tenderness (sensitivity to touch). Many fibromyalgia patients report that certain weather conditions seem to aggravate their symptoms, but scientists have not found out why. 


Several theories have been proposed focusing on lowered pain-threshold levels and decreased serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. It acts as one of the body’s chemical messengers used by the nervous system to transmit messages from one area of the brain to another. So brain cells related to mood, sleep, memory and some social behavior could be affected by this. Additionally, it is believed that stage 4 sleep (deep sleep that lasts for about 30 minutes) is interrupted in fibromyalgia patients.  This could be due to intrusions of alpha rhythms (pattern of slow brain waves in normal awake persons at rest with closed eyes) during stage 4 sleep. Consequently, fibromyalgia is accompanied by severe fatigue, sleep (waking up unrefreshed), memory/thinking clearly and mood issues.


Moreover, some patients also may have:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Persistent early morning stiffness
  • Paresthesia (pins and needles feeling)
  • Digestive problems: irritable bowel syndrome (commonly called IBS) or gastroesophageal reflux disease (often referred to as GERD)
  • Irritable or overactive bladder
  • Pelvic pain
  • Temporomandibular disorder – often called TMJ (a set of symptoms including face/jaw pain, jaw clicking, and ringing in the ears)

Diagnosis and causes

There are no lab or imaging (i.e.,x-rays, MRI) tests for diagnosis of fibromyalgia.  It is diagnosed by the tender sites and the associated symptoms experienced by the patient.  Also, there should be no other health problems that would explain the pain and other symptoms. Therefore, lab tests or x-rays may be done to rule out any other cause for your symptoms.

There is most often some triggering factor that sets off fibromyalgia. It may be spine problems, arthritis, injury, or other type of physical stress. Emotional stress also may trigger this illness. The cause may be different in different people. Nevertheless, the result is a change in the way the body communicates with the spinal cord and brain.  Fibromyalgia is not an autoimmune or inflammation based illness, but current research suggests the central nervous system is involved (brain and spinal cord). Seeing a chiropractor can provide care for fibromyalgia naturally by getting your nervous system working at its best through adjustments.

Where can I find a good chiropractor for fibromyalgia in West Palm Beach?


While there is no cure, there are treatments for management of symptoms.  A chiropractor can provide care for fibromyalgia naturally at Meiri Chiropractic.  Firstly, this involves spinal adjustments or extremity manipulation and may include mobilization.  Secondly, muscle stretching and soft tissue therapy, along with exercise, the use of modalities (i.e. heat therapy, electric muscle stimulation) and rehabilitation/home exercises. Finally, homeopathic consultations/ prescriptions along with recommendations on vitamin/herbal supplementation will be provided as necessary.  These treatments along with regular mild to moderate exercise, stress reduction/ relaxation techniques and enough sleep can give you relief.


Jan Chambers, President of the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association (2015), states, “…I started seeing a chiropractor who provided a thorough examination, ordered x-rays and then …created a very rigorous program to address the problems in my neck and lower back. Years later, I still do therapy at home, but it is the chiropractic care that was my lifesaver. I feel like chiropractic care literally saved my life.” (1)


A chiropractor can provide care for fibromyalgia naturally!  Contact Dr Natalie Meiri, a chiropractor serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, and North Palm Beach today at 561-253-8984.




Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407



From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

Chiropractic Care for Growing Pains and Sports Injuries in a Child 


This was a 12 year old patient with sports related injuries and “growing pains”.  To be HIPAA compliant, I will call her Jill instead of her real name.  Jill was very happy, outgoing, and enjoyed sports. She had joined a volleyball team at school a year ago and played almost everyday.  Her chief complaints were headaches, stomachaches, and leg pains.  She often missed school or left classes early because of the headaches and stomachaches.  Also, Jill and her mother were exhausted from Jill crying and waking up at night with leg pains.  Her mother finally brought her to see me after a sports  injury.


Jill’s Acute Sports Injury


Jill presented to my office in an arm sling.  She had hurt her arm playing volleyball the day before.  Her mom had taken her to an urgent care clinic where the sling was put on her arm.  Jill was perspiring from the pain. There was a lot of spasm in her shoulder and arm, but it wasn’t fractured.  Since it was too spasmed to adjust, I did  soft tissue manipulation on her shoulder/arm muscles, mild mobilization (nonthrust manipulation) at the joints and gave her some homeopathic medicines. Her mother told me “she played volleyball the very next day, the next day and the next day!”  When Jill returned for her visit to treat her chronic pains, her arm was pain free.

Jill’s Chronic Pains


Jill described her headaches as “in the middle of her forehead, above her eyes”.  Her stomachaches were nearly everyday in the late afternoon. Her leg pains started in the late afternoon and at night were severe enough to awaken her.  Jill had been to her pediatrician and her blood tests were normal.  The pediatrician had told her mother, Jill’s “growing pains would just go away eventually”.


Upon examination, there were positive tests for her cervical (neck) spine and ankle joints. She also had some tenderness and palpatory findings (examine by touching) in the muscles around the neck and back portion of both lower legs.  The x-ray of  her cervical (neck) spine taken in my office, showed a loss of her normal cervical lordosis (neck curve). This x-ray finding was consistent with cervical myospasm (muscle spasm). Jill couldn’t remember how she hurt her neck, but her mother attributed it to her many sports activities.  So Jill had a sports injury related problem also in her neck along with “growing pains”.


Although the exact cause of growing pains is unknown, it is an actual diagnosis.  Growing pains are characterized by bilateral pain (pain on both sides) usually in the lower legs occurring severely enough at night to awaken the child, with associated headaches and stomachaches.


Growing pains usually occur between the ages of 6 and 19 years.  Moreover, the pains are more pronounced during the ages of 3 – 9 and then again at adolescence (process of developing from child to an adult) as in Jill’s case. 



Firstly, Jill’s treatments consisted of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustments of the cervical (neck) spine, both ankles, and associated regions. Associated regions that were adjusted were her thoracic (mid back) and lumbar (low back) spine, which were misaligned (chiropractic subluxations or intersegmental dysfunctions) due to the conditions she had. Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various therapeutic muscle stretching) was performed on all her tender and spasmed muscles. Thirdly, ice/heat therapy recommendations and exercises to continue her treatment at home were given. Finally, homeopathic medicines were prescribed to help reduce her healing time, especially for her headaches and stomachaches.


Jill continued the chiropractic care for growing pains and sports injuries for one and a half years.  She felt better with the treatments. Jill no longer awoke during the night due to leg pains.   She didn’t miss school due to stomachaches or headaches and continued to play volleyball. During this time, she also had a “growth spurt” and started her menstruation (period).  It may appear like growing pains are due to a child’s growth spurts. However, there are no direct indicators relating growing pains in children with their height, weight or rate of growth.


If your child is suffering from growing pains, sports injuries or just needs more wellness, contact Meiri Chiropractic. Dr. Natalie Meiri would be happy to explain the methods of chiropractic care for sports injuries and growing pains in a child.


Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste. 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407



Chiropractors Can Help Posture Problems and Repetitive Motion Injuries

Author: Natalie Meiri, D.C.        Posted: 10/03/20

Are you experiencing pain due to poor posture or repetitive motion injury?  Chiropractors can help posture problems and repetitive motion injuries for you and your family.  The position in which we hold our bodies is our posture. If we don’t have good posture while standing, sitting, or lying down, it will eventually lead to pain and dysfunction. A repetitive motion injury is a term used to describe damage and pain caused by repetitive movement and overuse.  The following are 2 conditions due to incorrect posture and/or repetitive motion injury:


1.) Postural Syndrome


Postural syndrome causes constant aching pain in the cervical (neck) and thoracic (mid back) regions. Often, the pain is relieved by activity and made worse by working at a desk.  Because of working at a desk with a hunched forward head posture, an imbalance between the anterior (front) and posterior (back) muscles of the neck and upper mid back occurs.


The muscles such as the pectoralis (chest/ breast muscle) and upper trapezius (pair of triangular muscles extending over back and neck) become chronically shortened and tight in adapting to the position. As a consequence, your midscapular (between shoulder blades) muscles weaken due to the constant strain of holding this position. This includes your middle and lower trapezius and rhomboids (upper back muscles connecting between your spine and two shoulder blades). Your deep neck flexors (front neck muscles close to the spine that bend neck forward) also weaken due to this constant strain.  If left uncorrected, this causes an imbalance in your normal neck curve causing an abnormal lordosis (abnormal curve inward) in the upper neck and/or a kyphosis (roundneck) in the lower neck.


Furthermore, incorrect neck posture causes elevated, rounded shoulders.  And not being able to move your shoulders smoothly will eventually cause pain and dysfunction in your shoulders as well. All of this leads to the posture in your thoracic spine (mid back) becoming a hyperkyphosis (hunchback). So the combination of tight and weak muscles create changes in biomechanics (movements) in your joints leading to further osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis).



2.) T-4 Syndrome

With T-4 Syndrome you may have upper back stiffness and achiness with associated signs of extremity (upper arm) numbness and/or paresthesia (abnormal sensation such as tingling, burning) in a “stocking and glove” distribution. There may also be associated headaches with T-4 Syndrome.


The exact cause of T-4 Syndrome is unknown. You may have an occurrence during the night or upon rising and prolonged sitting. Repetitive motions such as sustained reaching and pulling activities, shoveling, and overhead cleaning have all been reported as a cause. However, there is a theory relating the sympathetic nervous system and the T2 – T7 nerves in the thoracic (mid back) spine. The sympathetic nervous system regulates the body’s involuntary processes related to the flight-or-fight response, such as increasing the heart rate, and releasing adrenaline.  The sympathetic nervous system may provide a pathway for referral from the thoracic spine (mid back) to the head and arms in T-4 Syndrome.



Meiri Chiropractic’s treatments:


Read below the treatments available for both conditions provided by the chiropractor at Meiri Chiropractic serving West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens and North Palm Beach :


                    -Chiropractic manipulation or mobilization of the cervical                              

                     (neck) and thoracic (mid back) spinal joints

                    -Soft tissue manipulation to the muscles involved

                    -Exercises focusing on stretching tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles

                    -Recommendation on redesign of work environment and ergonomics 

                    -Postural advice/ recommendation of frequent breaks with stretching


It is common to have a postural problem for individuals who work at desks. Prolonged sitting at a desk combined with the repetitive activity of typing or using the mouse for your computer causes postural problems and/or repetitive motion injuries. This sedentary lifestyle which eliminates a variety of movements cause pain and dysfunction. Kids and teenagers can also develop a slumped posture due to heavy back packs, hunching over homework or smart phones.   


Chiropractors can help posture problems and repetitive motion injuries for you and your family. Contact Meiri Chiropractic at 561-253-8984 for the best care in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, and North Palm Beach today.



Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate way, Ste. 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407