Chiropractic provides natural care during and after pregnancy.  Many people ask, “is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?”  The answer is, “it is absolutely safe during pregnancy.” There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. Chiropractic care during pregnancy can provide benefits including: a healthier pregnancy, controlling nausea, possibly reducing the time of labor and delivery. The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively.

Your chiropractor can monitor, counsel, and treat musculoskeletal issues associated with pregnancy to help you stay active. 85% of exercising women will have a normal spontaneous non-invasive birth/delivery.  In comparison, only 50% to 55% of those women not exercising had a non invasive delivery and had interventions such as c-sections instead. Also, regular exercise appears to decrease musculoskeletal complaints. Even as little as 45 minutes of physical activity per week has an effect of decreasing lumbar (low back) pain in pregnancy.

Pregnancy Related Changes and Problems

There are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. For instance, relaxin is a hormone produced by the ovary and the placenta with important effects in the female reproductive system and during pregnancy. In preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix.  However, it also affects other ligaments in the body.


The following pregnancy changes can result in a misaligned spine or joints:

  • Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
  • Pelvic changes
  • Postural adaptations

The weight of the baby and breasts may contribute to strain on the cervical (neck) and thoracic (midback) spine.  Knee pain can develop due to the pressure of increased weight, “looser” joints (due to relaxin), and a “waddling” gait.

Shifting in the normal weight bearing function of your calcaneus (heel bone) to the metatarsals (tubular bones in the forefoot) can cause foot pain. 

Additionally, hip pain is common due to the same reasons of increased weight coupled with the effect of relaxin on the ligamentous support of the hip.

Chiropractic Care During and After Pregnancy

Firstly, there is literature support for the role of chiropractic treatment of the pregnant patient with low back pain. Secondly, chiropractic adjustments for your knees and hips are a natural, drug free solution as well.  Thirdly, chiropractic adjustments of the joints of the foot and ankle are helpful for foot pain and to help decrease any swelling. Finally, your chiropractor can provide relief with stimulation of sacral and low-back reflex points via acupressure.

Chiropractic provides natural care during and after pregnancy.  If you are seeking options that support your body’s natural abilities to function and heal, contact your West Palm Beach chiropractor today at 561-253-8984.



1) Sternfeld B, QuesenbelY CP, Eskenazi B, Newman L

Exercise during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. lUcd

Sci Sports Exerc. 1995;27:634-640.

2) Horns PN, Ratcliffe LP, Leggett.IC, Swanson MS. Pregnancy

outcomes among active and sedentary primiparous women.

] ObJ’tet Gynecol Neonatal NuTS. 1996; 25 :49-5 4.

3) Dialow DRP, GadsbyTA., Gadsby JB, et 31. Back pain during

pregnancy and labor. J Ivlanipulative PbJIiol Tber.

1991 ;14:116-118.


Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407




Learning all the chiropractic vocabulary and commonly used terms can feel overwhelming. Therefore, Meiri chiropractic’s glossary of commonly used chiropractic terms and vocabulary should help you make the most of your appointments. By familiarizing yourself with basic chiropractic terminology beforehand, you can be sure to understand your prognosis.  Then you can ask your chiropractor the proper questions after your examination. Review the list of terms below for a more productive appointment!


Acute (traumatic) Injuries

Injuries that occur due to a traumatic and unexpected event such as a fall, a car accident, or a sports injury.



The chiropractic adjustment or manipulation is a manual procedure applying a gentle yet firm thrust, typically delivered in the direction of reduced joint motion to restore normal motion and alignment. Spinal or extremity joint dysfunction, termed subluxation (chiropractic subluxation complex), can adversely affect nerve function, and the body’s ability to regulate and maintain health. Chiropractic adjustments address disturbed joint biomechanics and the associated effects on nervous system function.



A gradual breakdown, or deterioration, of the joint spaces in your musculoskeletal system. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Bulging Disc

A bulging disc occurs when the spongy discs in the spine become compressed, usually due to age related degeneration.




A healthcare discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative ability of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.  In practice, chiropractic “focuses on the relationship of structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship effects the preservation and restoration of health.



A Chiropractic Physician also known as a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.), diagnoses and treats a broad range of physical conditions in patients with muscular, nervous and skeletal system problems.

Doctors of chiropractic are extensively educated in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the spinal and extremity joints and associated neurology. Furthermore, based on examination findings and indication for care, the chiropractor will recommend a course of care to help relieve pain and improve function.


Disc Herniation

Extrusion of the nucleus pulposus (jelly-like center of the disc) into a defect in the annulus fibrosus (tough circular exterior of the intervertebral disc).


Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E.M.S.)

A form of electrical stimulation applied by the chiropractor designed to help reduce swelling and inflammation.



Limb (anatomy); arms and legs.



A system of medicine that uses extremely dilute concentrations of specially prepared plants, animals and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes. Additionally, it is nontoxic, and when administered according to homeopathic principles, are safe in infants, children, and adults.



Soft Tissue Manipulation Techniques

Are defined as those physical methods applied to muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and other connective tissues with the goal of therapeutically affecting the body.



Joint injury in which some of the fibers of a supporting ligament are ruptured, but in which the continuity of the ligament remains intact.



An overstretching and tearing of musculotendinous tissue.



Less than acute, between acute and chronic.


Meiri Chiropractic’s Glossary of Commonly Used Chiropractic Terms and Vocabulary was meant to be informative for terms used in our office.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions at 561-253-8984.  Meiri Chiropractic offers the best comprehensive alternative treatment solutions for patients in West Palm Beach, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Juno Beach, and North Palm Beach.  Call for an appointment or to learn more today.



  1.  Chiropractic Technique- Bergmann, Peterson  pp.84, 419


Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, STE 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407




From Dr. Natalie Meiri’s Clinical Pearl Stories:

Chiropractic Care for Foot Pain

This was a 68 year old patient with low back and bilateral (both) foot pain. To be HIPAA compliant, I will call him Earvin instead of his real name.   Earvin’s chief complaints were in his low back and both feet.  His low back pain had started following a car accident over 20 years ago.  The pain and numbness in both feet had started insidiously (slow, subtle and cumulative development) 10 years ago. Earvin was taking many prescription drugs for pain and numbness in his feet for years.  Inspite of all the meds, Earvin had  sleepless nights due to his feet. Magnesium, B vitamins and other supplements gave no results.

Earvin’s Past History

He had been to numerous doctors including other chiropractors. They all gave the same diagnoses of:  lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy (osteoarthritis or wear and tear arthritis without effecting the spinal cord) for his low back. Additionally, idiopathic (unknown cause) neuropathy (dysfunction in a nerve) and osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) for his feet.  Finally, the plantar fasciitis (painful inflammation or degeneration of fibrous tissue connecting your heel bone to your toes along the bottom of your foot ). And then recently, the right torn plantar fascia was found on a MRI.


Earvin had no history of diabetes or trauma to his feet. The right torn plantar fascia was a repetitive stress injury from walking in improper shoes. He had been to the podiatrist and had a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) on his right foot a few weeks ago. The MRI found a 0.6cm “partial thickness” torn plantar fascia. He had received one cortisone shot to his right foot at the podiatrist office, but was still in a lot of pain.


Earvin presented to my office using a cane and a special orthopedic boot.   He had the cane because he wasn’t able to weight bear on that foot. His boot was a special boot for the right torn plantar fascia. Earvin wanted to get back to walking for exercise.  Furthermore, he wanted to sleep better.

Earvin’s Examination and Imaging


Upon examination, there were positive tests for his feet, ankles, knees, hips and lumbar spine (low back). He also had some tenderness and palpatory findings (examine by touching) in the muscles/soft tissue around the feet and both lower legs. Earvin had several nerve entrapment syndromes (peripheral nerve becomes compressed by surrounding tissues) in his legs and feet. 

The x-rays taken in my office showed osteoarthritis in his lumbar spine. Moreover, a MRI report of his lumbar spine done years ago found “minimal mild disc bulges, no central canal or foraminal stenosis at most levels and minimal, mild foraminal stenosis at L4-L5 due to degenerative changes”. So the disc bulge (stiffening of cartilage and dehydration of spinal disc) and minimal foraminal stenosis at one level ( nerve in the spine becomes compressed as the openings between the vertebrae become smaller) all due to osteoarthritis, were contributing to his problems in his back and feet as well.  Nerve root irritation or compression in the lumbar spine (lower back) may cause pain into the foot. In Earvin’s case, it was stenosis in his spine contributing minimally.

Most importantly however, Earvin’s past NCV/EMG (nerve conduction velocity/ electromyography measuring the electrical activity in your muscles) done by previous doctors, also showed findings consistent with neuropathy in his feet. This neuropathy was a separate condition from his low back as seen in my exam findings and previous NCV/EMG studies. I would order another, current MRI and/or NCV/EMG for legs/feet only if he didn’t show some improvement within 12 visits.


Earvin’s Chiropractic Care for Foot Pain


Firstly, Earvin’s treatments consisted of chiropractic manipulation/ adjustments of the lumbar (lowback) spine, knees, ankles, feet and associated regions.  The knees and ankles were adjusted along with the feet to address the nerve entrapment problems.  Associated regions that were adjusted were the thoracic spine (mid back) and both his hips which were misaligned (chiropractic subluxations or intersegmental dysfunctions) due to the conditions he had.  Secondly, soft tissue therapy (myofascial release, pressure point and various therapeutic muscle stretching) was performed on all his tender/spasmed muscles and plantar fascia. Furthermore, the muscles and soft tissue indicated for the nerve entrapment sites were targeted. Thirdly, ice/heat therapy recommendations and exercises to continue his treatment at home were given. Finally, homeopathic medicines were prescribed to help reduce his pain and healing time.

Earvin was able to treat only 8 times with me during his  2 1/2 week vacation in Florida, but showed improvement.  Within the first few visits, he started sleeping through the night!  He had been waking every night due to numbness in his feet for as long as he could remember!  And the low back pain was improved and “minimum” as he stated on his last 2 treatments. 

Earvin walked without his cane on the last visit to my office. He planned to return the following year to continue his chiropractic care for foot pain in North Palm Beach, Florida.

If you are suffering from foot problems/conditions, contact Dr. Natalie Meiri for chiropractic care for foot pain. Your West Palm Beach foot chiropractor will get you pain free and on the road to recovery.


Meiri Chiropractic

5601 Corporate Way, Ste 102

West Palm Beach, FL 33407
